Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 402 - Who Saved Her?

Chapter 402 - Who Saved Her?

Chapter 402 Who Saved Her?
Generally, in this situation, people would stop searching, but Jian did not want to give up, and he thought he could not give up, either. Wu Xiaomin, a college student in the city, gave up such a good condition to come to such a remote place. If she encountered an accident here, how sad her relatives would be!

Besides, Shen Yan and Xia Yu had still not returned yet. They belonged to Shen Group. Especially Shen Yan, he was the second Mister of Shen Family. If there was really an accident which happened to him, even the county leader would end up biting off more than he could chew, so everyone continued to look for her.josei

Of course, Jian understood in his mind that they were mainly looking for Xia Yu and Shen Yan. It was not that the leader did not care about Wu Xiaomin, but that she had been missing for several hours. It was usually impossible to rescue her in such a case.

Jian, with even a hint of hope, kept looking for her and did not give up. At that time, what he thought in his mind was that he must find Wu Xiaomin first.

When he saw the light over there and heard the voice of Xia Yu, he was appalled in his mind. He thought things would get worse since if they found Shen Yan and Xia Yu, they would not try to find Wu Xiaomin.

After they were finally found, everyone was very excited, but his heart sank, and he felt his heart cold. He knew that it was wrong to think so, but at that moment, he really thought in that way because he did not want to give up Wu Xiaomin.

Until Xia Yu and others said that they had found Wu Xiaomin, and she was still breathing, he cried again with joy.

“Who saved me last night?” Wu Xiaomin opened her mouth and asked.

“I saw that you hadn’t come back yet when it was dark, so I proposed to look for you, but at that time, the snow was very heavy, so only Shen and Xia were willing to go with me to look for you…”

“Thank you!”

It turned out that it was he who saved her. Wu Xiaomin stood at the door and opened the door. The sun on the plateau was blazing during the day. Her eyes were suddenly blackened. After all, her body had not recovered. She was so weak that she had to be helped to stand up to recover.

Wu Xiaomin rested for a while at the door, and not until the sense of dizziness passed did she pick up the curtain. Her front was the boundless plateau, and there was a man standing under a dead tree tied with prayer flags not far away, wearing a silver-gray windproof suit and standing on the snowy ground. He was talking on the phone.

Wu Xiaomin felt that he dressed, unlike a local person. When she was still guessing who he was, he had already turned around with a cigarette in one hand and the phone in the other hand. Seeing Wu Xiaomin at the door, he could not help smiling with one corner of his mouth upward.

“Last night, it was he who carried you back.” Jian looked in the same direction as Wu Xiaomin’s eyes and saw her watching Shen Yan.

Before, Jian was a man who looked down on these playboys like Shen Yan. In his opinion, these people were just born in a good family, and he could not compliment on them in terms of other aspects.

But Shen Yan’s behavior really changed his opinion yesterday. Everyone gave up in such harsh and cold weather. Only Shen Yan along with Xia Yu and himself still seized a glimmer of hope.

He did not want to give up because Wu Xiaomin was a colleague as well as a friend of him, but Shen Yan did not know her and even had never met her before. But when he heard about the incident, he still rushed to save her without hesitation.

Jian asked himself whether he would also rush out without even considering his own safety as Shen Yan did if something happened to Shen Yan or someone unfamiliar to him.

He didn’t find the answer. Maybe, it was because he hadn’t encountered such a situation, or maybe it was because he was really not so noble.

“He carried me back? He is Director Shen, isn’t he?” Wu Xiaomin asked mechanically. The second Mister of Shen Family brought some people here to make fashion to fish for fame.

She felt very disgusted and thought that they were simply utilizing her to hype themselves. In particular, a few days before they came over, her school asked the children to start rehearsing how to welcome the kind-hearted people from the city and how to say some words which were equal to a slogan.

Those words were written by the Publicity Department of Shen Group in advance, and then the children were asked to memorize them. Seeing that these innocent children were earnestly memorizing those words, Wu Xiaomin felt really disgusted in her mind at that time.

She really couldn’t manage to welcome those fake gentlemen from Shen Group on the spot, so she hid outside. Unexpectedly, her life was saved by Shen Yan.

Could someone understand Wu Xiaomin’s feelings at that time?

This was a plateau at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. There was the blue sky and clouds above the head. Under the feet, there was some snow that was about to melt. Behind her was the yurt of the herdsmen. The man who she once despised in front of her turned out to be her savior.

Wu Xiaomin felt that she was still dreaming. She rubbed her forehead with her hand for a while. But then Shen Yan was already in front of her. He put away his phone and looked at her up and down.

“Miss Wu, are you awake?” Shen Yan smiled very brightly, just like the sunshine on the plateau.

Wu Xiaomin felt that she was unable to remove her eyes from his face at this moment. It was not that she was a nymphomaniac, but that the man was really too charming.

She kept silent, and Shen Yan in front of her just gazed at her like this. Jian felt that the atmosphere here was a little strange, so he gently pulled her clothes and gave a dry cough twice deliberately.

Wu Xiaomin then came to her senses. She quickly turned her eyes away and said with her red face, “Thank you for yesterday!”

“You’re welcome! Thank god! You are fine.” Shen Yan smiled and said, “The county magistrate said just now that he would send you to the county for a check.”

After chatting with Wu Xiaomin for a while, Shen Yan went to the side to make a phone call. Yesterday, the signal dropped out before Liu Sijie could finish his words. What did Liu Sijie intend to say?

In general, Liu Sijie would certainly handle it by himself. It must be a big event that made him so hurried. Unfortunately, there was still no signal now. He was really very anxious.

“Let’s get inside. The wind is too strong outside.” Jian reminded her kindly on the side.

“I want to stand here for a while.” Wu Xiaomin looked at Shen Yan not far away, as if thinking of something.

“The clothes suit you really well.” Jian had to accompany her to stand here. He looked at Wu Xiaomin up and down, ignoring the sluggish expression on her face, and continued to say, “You can try these colorful clothes more at ordinary times. After all, you are a woman!”

“What?” She was stunned and lowered her head in embarrassment. She carefully looked at the clothes of Zang people on her body. Long-sleeved robes, purple base shirt, white trousers, a colored belt around her waist, and a shawl of red pattern on her upper body… All of these together could simply be termed as a cluster of flowers.

“For girls, it is your nature to dress prettily. Isn’t it good?” Jian commented on her with great interest and took a draw from the cigarette. Then Wu Xiaoming noticed what he was talking about.

Wu Xiaomin was a bit annoyed by his worlds. Could he just speak in a kind way? The man seemed to be in a particularly good mood, biting the cigarette, even though he was forced by the wind to squint his eyes and looked off-color with a blue mark under his eyes, and his jaw was dotted by some stubbles. But the man, standing in front of her, was permeated with a sense of complacency and freshness.

Wu Xiaomin could only press her forehead which was still painful. “Sorry! I think I must be…”

“What?” Jian asked.

“I don’t know.” Wu Xiaomin took another glance at Shen Yan who was still talking on the phone not far away and shifted the topic. “Are you sure it is he who saved me?”

“100%!” Jian nodded very seriously.

Really? Wu Xiaomin felt dizzy again. Plus, she was on the frozen and cold plateau, and she just came out of a life-or-death trial. Now, she was standing here and talking to this man. She felt very confused about the time and the space.

Her brain hurt so badly.

“I’m having a rest.” Wu Xiaomin did not bother to talk nonsense with him, so she just turned around and left.

Jian laughed and then threw the cigarette butt away.

“What’s wrong? Are you out of sorts?”

“Last night…” Wu Xiaomin was about to speak but stopped.

Looking back, she was shocked to find it was unknown when Jian was already in front of her. Right at the door of the yurt, these two people got so close to each other that Wu Xiaomin even clearly see clearly his blood-red eyes and the stubbles on his chin.

“What is wrong with last night?” His voice, with a sense of the cold wind, the bright sun of the plateau, and the smell of smoking which still existed, spread in Wu Xiaomin’s ear little by little.

Then the pictures in her “dream” were climbing up like some vines.

“Are you still conscious?”

“Don’t fall asleep!”

“You can’t sleep no matter how chilly you feel!”

There was a man’s hoarse but hurried voice in her ear, and a pair of warm hands rubbed on her chest back and forth until her heart became hot.

Someone fed her water, and the hot liquid was sent to the mouth, with tips of tongues intertwined, forcing her to swallow.

An arm kept wrapping around her waist, holding her body tightly to warm up her. Someone made her lie in the arms, and her side face was leaning against a hot chest where there was a strong heartbeat, which was fast and powerful.

What happened afterwards? Did he kiss her? It seemed that he did kiss her, but it seemed not, because those kisses were sparse and soft, like some feathers floating on the water. However, she vaguely remembered that someone took her clothes off.

“Put her on the bed! Close the curtain! Go to boil some water outside! Get more as soon as possible!”

At that time, she seemed to have been carried away from frozen and cold plateau, and she was taken to a relatively warm place. Wu Xiaomin seemed to have recovered a little consciousness in her impression, but it was still not clear, and her eyelids could not open. She only had a little sense of hearing and touch.

There were noisy voices and sounds of footsteps in her ear, and then she seemed to be placed somewhere soft. Someone came to untie the things wrapped around her body, such as the sleeping bag and her clothes, including the most intimate underwear. What happened later? Was she naked or covered by something?”

Wu Xiaomin couldn’t remember it. At that time, she was like the meat on the cutting board at the mercy of others. But she did remember that someone used a warm towel to help wipe her body over and over again, including her chest, armpits, neck, limbs and her face…

God! All the pictures reunited in an instant and quickly expanded. Bang! Everything got boomed into pieces.

That was not a dream!

That was real!

Just last night!

Wu Xiaomin looked up in amazement. Jian’s smiling eyes were in front of her with his eyes fixed secretly and corners of his mouth upward.

Wu Xiaomin could only tolerate and close her eyes. Then she took a deep breath. “Is it really he who got me down from the mountain?”

“Yeah! What’s wrong?” Jian asked wonderingly.

When he asked her in turn, Wu Xiaomin did not know how to react. She couldn’t help stepping back, with her back weakly leaning against the door of the yurt.

Jian just kept staring at her like this. His exploratory eyes were straightforward and brutal, just like the wind on the vast and empty plateau, which was totally bare.

Wu Xiaomin really could not bear it, so she turned her head and whispered, “Go out! I want to have a rest!”

“You’d better not lie down for too long. Just now, Mr. Shen said that he would take you to the county for a check.”

“Got it.”

“And please remember to say thank you to them. If it had not been for them last night, I am afraid that you would have already…”

“I know! Don’t be long-winded. Should I marry him as a reward?”

Wu Xiaomin was annoyed for a while and irritated suddenly. Why did he speak so much today for no reason?

Jian was stunned and looked at Wu Xiaomin bewilderedly. He really didn’t know why he offended her. He carefully reviewed the words which he had just said, and he didn’t find anything improper.

Then why?

Wu Xiaomin was also very annoyed in her mind. She clearly knew the emergency last night. Shen Yan did it to save her, but she still felt strange anyway when thinking of it.

The most terrible thing was that she did not know how to explain her current feeling to him at all. These two people were in such a stalemate. One was confused while the other one was regretful.

It was just at this time!

“Miss Wu!” Someone ahead shouted. Wu Xiaomin immediately avoided Jian’s eyes and turned her face away. She saw that Qu Ma was dragging a small cart not far away, on which her little brother was seated.

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