Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 496 - 496 Baby they are bullying me !!

Chapter 496 - 496 Baby they are bullying me !!

496 Baby they are bullying me !!

From the moment Sia appeared and was introduced as Ms. Rao, the few young lady’s who had previously cursed Sia were thunderstruck. They could belive how grave of a mistake they had committed.

The only reason they bullied Sia even though she never offended them was because they thought she was poor and just a commoner. But when they saw her standing right in front, they realised that she could never be a commoner.

At the moment, the few young ladies regreted listening to that minion and cursing Sia viciously. They could not be take back those words they had already sent. They could only wish that the others had used more vicious words than them so that they could be excused.

Remebering that person who insited them, all the young girls turned to look at the minion hatefully.

But right at the moment the one who was regretful the most was the minion itself. Inorder to hug this papaya tree, she had offended the cocunut tree unknowingly.

Initially when Meena had asked her slander and badmouth Sia in front of these young ladies, she was very happy thinking that she could please Meena without needing to offend anyone. Anyway, the one she was badmouthing was just a country bumkin. But never had she imagined that this supposed country bumpkin was rich enough to own a country.

Feeling all the hateful gazes from these women, the minion shivered in fright and immediately gave away Meena “Don’t look at me like that. The one behind this is Meena. She wanted to use you all as a knife to hurt Ms. Sia. I only did just as she told”

Afraid that they wouldn’t believe her, the minion countinued to explain “Meena hates Sia because the later is Young master Mu’s girlfriend. It was her who gave me the number and instructed me do so, if not how will I have Ms. Sia’s number? We are not from the same school infact I have never even met her until now. Blame Meena if you want” The minion explained hurriedly. But too bad none of these young women were resonable enough. Knowing that it was all because of Meena and her minion, they glared at her hatefully and walked away.

Afraid that Meena might vent her anger on her, the minion also hurriedly escaped from there.


But none of the words these people spoke was registered in Meena’s mind because the later had frozen since the moment Sia appeared in the banquet hall. Recalling all the sarcastic comment she had made and how she tried to make fun of Sia, Meena felt like she was a clown.

Yi Yuming was also feeling the same and she felt extremely uncomfortable. She had initially thought that once Mu Jun breaks up with Ms. Rao, she could slowly get rid of Sia who was nothing but a commoner.

But at the moment she realised how foolish was she. Not only was Sia rich, she was also Mu Jun’s fiance. Her initial big plan was all ruined before they could even begin, How hateful.

Just as Yi Yuming and Meena were fuming inwardly, they saw Mu Jun and Sia walking past them hand in hand. Looking at the way they held hands and look at each other dearly, Yi Yuming and Meena felt extremely stiffled. How they wished they could strangle or just kill Sia right in front of Mu Jun.

On the other hand, after their passionate makeout session, Sia and Mu Jun took their time to straighten their cloth’s and fix their makeup before appearing in the banquet hand in hand.

Since the moment they entered, people could not take their eyes of her and Mu Jun. The two young good looking couple looked like they were made for each other.

Initially, they had thought that Young master mu was already in love with a lady and he had wanted to break up with Ms. Rao but now that they saw how the two young ones got along, they were no longer sure what was going on.

Since the old people weren’t aware of Sia’s identity as Mu Jun’s lover, they just thought that Mu Jun fell for Ms. Rao on first sight and decided not to break up engagement. While a few thought that Mu Jun was just pretending to get along since offending the Rao family would do him no good.

While people had their own assumptions, this never bothered the loving couple. All they could see was just each other and for some reason, Mu Jun and Sia felt that they were overflowing with love for each other.

With their hands interwined, the couple returned back to join their friends. The moment the few animals saw the couple, they could not stop themself from teasing them.

“Hoho, look at them covered with pink bubbles” Lu Jin teased

“Third brother, where did you guys dissapear to? I have been looking for you from past half an hour”

“Haha, where else could they have been. They must have been rolling behind some bushes” Su Yan smirked

Hearing that Sia could not help but flush. Pinching Su Yan’s arms, she glared at her silently. But her glare posed Su Yan no threat instead she looked extremely adorable

“Look at you, blushing so furiously? Tell me, what were you guys doing?” Su Yan asked eagerly

Just as Sia was thinking how to shut up Su Yan, Xiao Li spoke

“What else would they be doing? Looking at her flushed cheeks, swollen lips and teary eyes, she must have been bullied nicely by Mu Jun” hearing that Sia felt dumbfounded. She could not belive Xiao Li actually teased her and more than that she felt extremely flustered.

“You-You-” while Sia was struggling to retort, Xiao Li shook her head and sighed with a regretful smile “Too bad they could not go all the way”

Raising his eyebrow, Shen Yi looked down at his little rabbit and asked “How are you so sure? are you that confident on my third brother”

Rolling her eyes at Shen Yi, Xiao Li replied “Not on your third brother I’m confident about Sia’s dress. It would take half an hour just to remove her dress you know”

“Tut, too bad. Sister Sia’s dress is quite complicated for men to handle. If not, I’m sure the two of them wouldn’t have returned soon” Yang Jie teased

“Hey!” Sia called out, wanting to intimidate them so that they would stop teasing her but for some reason, the few animals were extremely courageous today.

“Hey you two, take it slow” An Ran said meaningfully

John who was just watching the show from the side suddenly walked towards Mu Jun and patted his shoulder as he advised him kindly “I know you guys are very eager now that my sister is an adult. But don’t forget to use protection because we don’t want to see my sister carrying a little Mu or Little Sia on her next birthday”

Feeling extremely embarrssed, Sia punched John on his stomach and hugged Mu Jun. Looking up at him pitifully, Sia pouted her lips and whined “Baby, they are bullying me”

Mu Jun felt his heartbeat quicken when he saw Sia look so adorable. it was not only Sia but even Mu Jun felt bashful for being teased by his friends. Planting a kiss on her forehead, Mu Jun coaxed her gently “Let’s just ignore these bad guys, okay?”

“Hoho, how cheesy” John grinned and pretended to rub his arms to relive his goosebumps

“You two, get a room” Yang Jie teased

Puffing her cheeks, Sia glared at Yang Jie and John as she said “You guys are soo bad. I even prepared a gift specially for you two but I don’t want to give it to you anymore, hmph”

“Gift?” Yang Jie and John asked

but unlike Yang Jie, John did not look that indifferent because he knew the gifts Sia prepared were never something one could understand.

Jumping infront of Sia, John held both of his ears and asked for forgiveness in remorse “Baby, I’m soo sorry. It was all my fault for teasing you...will you please forgive me? Pleaseee!”

Seeing John acting so low, Yang Jie wrinkled his brows and muttered to himself “It’s just a gift, why are you acting like a dog?”

pulling Yang Jie closer, John whispered “Brother, never look down on Sia’s gifts because they are never ordinary. Listen to me and just beg for forgiveness okay” josei

though Yang Jie did not believe in John’s words, he still begged for forgiveness.

“Hmph, I’ll forgive you this once then” Noticing something behind them, Sia exclaimed “Oh! your gifts are here”

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