Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 124 - You Four, Get A Room!!

Chapter 124 - You Four, Get A Room!!

After every two steps, An Ran received a stalk of rose from a stern bodyguard until she had collected eleven Roses. The more closer she walked, the more anxious she felt. By now An Ran almost felt that her heart would burst at any moment due to nervousness and excitement. Just as An Ran walked forward after receiving the final stalk of rose from the bodyguard, she was shocked to see John standing in front with a wide grin.

Wearing his navy blue school uniform and a blue bow instead of a tie, he was standing there with his hands behind. On his blazer, a white paper on stuck and on the white paper the words "I fell for you at first sight" was written boldly in black

Shocked after reading those words, Just as An Ran wanted to ask him something, the later winked at her and took out five stalks of roses and presented it to her. Surprised, An Ran received the roses from John and recalled the words she read before receiving the flower, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

Bowing at An Ran without speaking any words, John moved his right.

Just behind John, Yang Jie was standing with his hands behind. Just like John, he was in his school uniform and a white sheet was stuck on his blazer on which it was written "I'm deeply in love with you"

With a wide grin, Yang Jie took out five roses from his behind and presented it to An Ran before stepping to his left to make way for An Ran.

just behind Yang Jie was Shen Yi with a gentle smile on his face.

Like the previous two boys, Shen Yi was also in his school uniform and a white paper was stuck to his coat on which it was written "nothing will come between us"

bowing like a gentleman, Shen Yi presented another five flowers before moving to his right making away for An Ran.

Taking a step forward, An Ran looked at Mu Jun who had a faint smile on his face. The words "I want to be yours" was written boldly on the white paper. Wasting no time, Mu Jun nodded lightly and took out another five flowers and presented it to An Ran before moving to his left.

As soon as Mu Jun stepped aside, An Ran was greeted by Si Ming who had a mischievous smile on his face. Unlike others, Si Ming did not give the roses immediately but instead looked at An Ran teasingly making the later blush.

Feeling certain someone's murderous eyes from behind, Si Ming coughed lightly and presented five roses to An Ran.

While receiving the flowers, An Ran looked at the sheet of his paper on which it was written "Will you Be mine forever?"

Without waiting for Si Ming to step aside, An Ran grabbed the flowers and walked past him hurriedly.

The eight animals who saw An Ran's impatience could not help but laugh lightly.

Ignoring their laughter, An Ran walked forward and stood a the end of the path and looked down at the big heart made of roses before raising her head to look at the young man who was waiting for her at the other end.

Looking across at An Ran with a smile, Lu Jin stepped forward and kneeled on one knee and took out a ring box from his pocket.

Opening the box, he looked up at An Ran nervously but still forced himself to calm down and spoke with a smile "My mother used to tell me that there would be a person in everyone's life who would enter into their life out of nowhere but would become their world, I guess that has finally come true in my life too. So Ms. An Ran, would you like to be my girlfriend and become my world?" Lu Jin said and stretched the ring box forward with both the hands while looking at An Ran expectantly.

Not able to hold onto happy tears, An Ran burst out but she still nodded at Lu Jin and answered in a choked voice "yes...I do"

Though Lu Jin had already expected the answer he still could not help but jump in joy when An Ran agreed, Without further delay, he stood up and took out the ring and slid it on her finger. At the same time, those bodyguards who were standing at the side reached for the confetti that they were hiding behind and burst it towards Lu Jin and An Ran from all the sides making the scene more dreamy.

Kissing An Ran's hand, Lu Jin pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly with a wide grin.

Standing at the side, Si Ming and Su Yan were hugging each other while looking at the sweet couple while Yang Jie on the other hand pretended to wipe his tears like an old mother happy for her son to which Shen Yi and Xiao Li rolled their eyes in annoyance.

The only people who had a normal reaction were Sia, Mu Jun, and John. Even though they were happy for their friends, they did not exaggerate it like Yang Jie.

Recalling something, Sia kicked John's leg and asked "When did you become so good? you are even willing to help others? and why didn't you tell me?"

"Ouch" rubbing his legs with his hands, he looked at Sia pitifully and grieved "It was not like I did not want to but I couldn't and I did not join them willingly. I was just about to sleep happily in my new room the previous day but these bastards just barged into my room and dragged me out of there...and-and...because of them I couldn't even sleep...wuwu"

Seeing that John was about to cry, Sia could not bear it and hurriedly raised her hand to pet his head and coaxed him gently "there-there, now don't cry...you must have worked hard"

Seemingly enjoying Sia's petting, like a cat, John bowed his head a little to make it easier for Sia to coax him while at the same time he opened one of his eyes and looked past Sia.

Sure enough, Mu Jun was looking at them with a dark face. Stifling his laughter, John continued to be pretentious, asking for more petting to which Sia naturally obliged not noticing certain someone's dark face.

On the other side, after hugging for long, An Ran and Lu Jin finally parted.

Recalling something, An Ran looked at Lu Jin with a frown and said unhappily "You haven't said I love You"

"Oh, that-" just as Lu Jin was about to say something they heard a chopper sound just above. With a smile on his face, Lu Jin moved and hugged An Ran from behind and said "right on time"

Following Lu Jin's gaze, When An Ran looked up she was shocked to find a black chopper flying past them at slow phase and the end of the chopper a banner was tight on which 'I Love You An Ran' was written in block letters.

Just as An Ran was looking at the banner in shock, Lu Jin leaned next to her ears and whispered in low voice "I Love You...An Ran"

Startled, just as An Ran turned her head, Lu Jin bowed his head and captured her lips. Though surprised, An Ran still closed her eyes and responded to his kiss gently.

As if stimulated, Si Ming and Su Yan also hugged and kissed each other without paying attention to their single friends. josei

Looking at the two couple who were throwing their dog food, Sia groaned "You four, get a room"

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