Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 His mistress already had a child? Could it be… that he was the homewrecker instead? If so, that would explain why Kevan did not marry that person but came to her instead. Larissa’s previous marriage had been ruined by a mistress, even if Travis had played a significant role in it. As a result, she harbored a deep disdain for homewreckers At this moment, how she looked at Kevan had changed greatly. All the good feelings from living together for so long were slowly being destroyed. Kevan naturally sensed the changes in her mood, and the changes were heading in a direction that he did not anticipate at all The disdain in her eyes was a little too obvious. It was as if she never thought of hiding it in the first place Kevan suddenly panicked a little. He only wanted to make her jealous for a teeny bit, but he probably overdid it so much that she now suspected his character “What are you thinking of?” He asked while pretending to be calm, deliberately smiling mischievously. “You can’t possibly have thought-He moved his face closer to hers, his lips almost touching hers

“That I’m involved with a married woman, hmm? His low voice was filled with amusement, and Larissa realized that he was making fun of her, causing her to blush while feeling at a loss. At the same time, though, she internally breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness,” she thought to herself. She could accept him having feelings for other women, but she could not accept him tearing other people’s families apart. “Well… Who was it you were with every day then? Larissa’s voice was a little wavery, her guilt causing her to avoid his gaze. “The vice-president of our company. Kevan straightened up.

The oppressive atmosphere he caused vanished the moment he moved away from Larissa, and it became easier for her to breathe. “Microworks is expanding into a new industry, so he had meetings with me for two consecutive nights in a row. It’s not completely finalized, though. His son had a bit of a fever, and his wife could not handle it, so I let him go home to help,” Kevan explained. “Oh.” Larissa nodded. He must be telling the truth but was withholding some information. If he was only with the company’s vice-president for the past two nights, where did the kiss mark on his neck and the perfume come from? However, she would not ask about those though. She just pretended she had not seen anything. “I saw Elliot Webb today.” She changed the topic. “He seems to have it pretty bad in the detention center because he was wounded all over.” “Is 11?” Kevan’s reaction was mild, and he did not seem interested Larissa shoved a mouthful of pasta into her mouth and stopped speaking After Lana returned from Bartham, she tried to meet with Larissa several times, saying that she wanted to invite her and Kevan out for a meal as a form of apology as well as congratulating them on their marriage, but Larissa refused every time. At first, she would still use the excuse of being busy at work. But unable to stand her harassment any longer, she simply stopped being cordial and said, “Let’s not keep in touch anymore After that, she blacklisted all of Lana’s contacts. She heard that Lana cried to Kevan about it through a phone call. But who did she take Kevan for?

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