Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Chapter 241 The only thing Larissa could do was move her head haphazardly to avoid Dorian’s disgusting, stinky mouth. The assistant frantically pounded on the door outsice, shouting. “Mr. Cole, please open the door! Or else I’ll call the police! But Donlan tumed a deal ear to it. Gripping Larissa’s suit jacket, he ripped it causing the bullons to pop off and scaller onto the floor. He then did the same thing to her shirt, causing irreparable damage to the two garments. The suite’s thermostat was on, but Larissa only lett cold, especially when her chest was exposed to the air with Dorlan’s lewd gaze upon it. “Mr. Cole, sexual assault is against the law.” She struggled to keep herself calm, but her voice could not help but tremble. “Il you stop now, I can pretend nothing has happened and will not hold you accountable.” “What assault? Dorian was dismissive. He even retorted unapologetically. “You’re my future wile. How is this considered sexual assault?” “I am married, Mr. Cole! Larissa deeply regretted not wearing that diamond ring at that moment. “I have no ties to you whatsoever, much less your future wher Dorian did not take her words for the truth, snickering gleefully. “What marriage did you have without me?” He lowered his head, pressing his thick lips to her- Something in Larissa’s mind snapped. Fear, panic all sorts of negative emotions surged within Larissa. Kevan’s face suddenly appeared in her mind’s eye, which made her scared, I he found out about what happened today Grilling her teeth, she used up every liber of energy in her body to fight back. But this sort of struggle against Dorian was akin to a tiny insect trying to shake a bree. It was ineffective.

She could only put all her hopes on her assistant, who was still pounding on the door. Larissa vaguely heard her say the words room card, *which Dorian heard as well. Cursing in a low voice. he leaned over and fastered the door chain. Seizing this chance, Larissa bit his shoulder. Dorian only wore thin pajamas, so it basically meant that there was nothing in the way. Larissa bit down hard and very harshly, Even if her teeth ached. she did not let go. Dorian howled in pain, and he unconsciously let go of her. Taking this opportunity, Larissa punched him in the stomach hard, But nothing happened, and it caused him no true harm at all However, this act truly angered Dorian, Roaring, he grabbed Larissa and slung her over his shoulder, entering the bedroom and locking the door. Due to the increased blood flow to Larissa’s head, she was a bit disorientated. Before she could react, she was thrown onto the bed. Seeing that what happened in the Seymour larily home would happen again, a sudden idea struck Larissa, and sheroled to the side of the bed. Dorian’s body was too heavy, so he was unable to do what Reuben did and leap at her on time. He could only watch as she escaped him. Furious, he grilled his teeth before his eyes sparked with an idea, and he retreated to the bedroom door, guarding the room’s only exit “You can’Lescape! If you know what’s good for you, offer yourself to me! I may even convince my dad to give you a bigger dowry!” He threatened and tempted her at the same time. Larissa knew all too well that she could not directly stand up to him now. She positioned herself to a comer of the room, coincidentally. forming a diagonal line with Dorian and maintaining the maximum distance between them. This way, even he wanted in come over and calch her, she could run away quickly. Dorian seemed to have made up his mind to drag things out with her. He had one hand gripping the

door handle, looking as if he was going to go down with the door. Larissa was not afraid of him dragging things out. In fact, I was exactly what she nerced. 1/1 Chapter 241 The only thing Larissa could do was move her head haphazardly to avoid Derian’s disgusting, stinky mouth. The assistant frantically pounded on the door outside shouling. “Mr. Cole, please open the door! Or else I’ll call the police!” But Dorian tumed a deal ear to it. Gripping Larissa’s suit jacket, he ripped it causing the buttons to pop off and s catter onto the foor He then did the same thing to her shirt, causing imparable damage to the two garments. The suite’s thermostat was on, but Larissa only fell told, especially when her chest was exposed to the air with Corian’s lewd gaze upon it. “Mr. Cole, sexual assault is against the law.” She strapped to keep herself cam, but her voice could not help but tremble. If you stop now. I can pretere nothing has happened and will not hold you accountable.” “What assault? Dorian was dismissive. He even retorted unapologetically. ally. “You’re my future wile. How is this considered sexual assault?” “Tam married. Mr. Cole!” Larissa deeply regretted not wearing that diamond ring at that moment. “I have no lies to you whatsoever, much less your future wit Dorian did not take her words for the truth, snickering gloruly. “What marriage did you have without me?” He lowered his head, pressing his thick lips to her- Something in Larissa’s mind snapped, Fear panic all sorts of negative emotions surged within Larissa Kevan’s face suddenly appeared in her mind’s eye, which made her scared. If he found out about what happened today

Gritting her teeth, she used up every tiber of energy in her body to fight back. But this sort of struggle against Dorian was akin to any insect trying to shake a tree. It was ineffective. She could only put all her hopes on her assistant, who was stil pounding on the door, Larissa vaguely heard her say the words “room card. “which Dorian heard as well. Cursing in a low voice, he leaned over and fastened the door chain. Seizing this chance, Larissa bit his shoulder. Dorian only wore thin pajamas, so it basically meant that there was nothing in the way. Larissa bit down hard and very harshly. Even ther teeth ached, she did not let go. Der an howled in pain, and he unconsciously let go of her. Taking this opportunity, Larissa punched him in the stomach hard. But nothing happened, and it caused him no true harm at all, However, this act truly angered Dorian. Roaring, he grabbed Larissa and slung her over his shoulder, entering the bedroom and lacking the door. Due to the increased blood flow to Lanssa’s head, she was a bit disorientated. Delore she could react, she was thrown onto the bed. Seeing that what happened in the Seymour family home would happen again, a sudden idea struck Larissa, and she rolled to the side of the bed. Dorian’s body was too heavy, so he was unable to do what Reuben did and leap at her on time. He could only watch as she escaped him. Furious, he gritted his teeth before his eyes sparked with an idea, and he retreated to the bedroom door, guarding the room’s only exit. “You can’t escape! If you know what’s good for you, offer yourself to me! I may ever convince my dad to give you a bigger dowry threatened and tempted her at the same time, Lanssa knew all too well that she could not directly stand up to him now. She positioned herself to a comer of the room, coincidentally forming a diagonal line with Dorian and maintaining the maximum distance between them. This way, even if he wanted to come over and catch her, she could run away quickly. Donian seemed to have made up his mind to drag things out with her. He had one hand gripping the

door handle, looking as if he was going to go down with the door, Larissa was not afraid of him dragging things out. In fact, it was exactly what she needed.

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