Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Kevan beckoned a waiter over in the lobby and asked, “On which floor can I find the housekeeping manager’s office?” The waiter was taken aback by Kevan’s assertiveness and timidly gestured. “The oflice area is on the highest floor. You should and the housekeeping manager there.” “Wait for me here. Il go up and take a lock,” Kevan instructed Larissa She quickly stopped him. “I can go up by mysell.” “Are you sure you want to bring so much up with you?” Kevan said as he glanced at her suitcases. Immediately, Larissa retracted her hand and sal hark on the sola. After that, Kevan went straight to the top floor. As he arrived, he encountered a door that served as the entrance to the office area, which required a card for access.

Kevan made a cal, and the general manager of Bartham’s Regal Dynasty Hotel came out to welcome him. “Mr. Rogers!” exclaimed the general manager with a flattening smile as he extended his hand. Only then did he remember Kevan had severe clearliness issues and promptly withdrew his hand. “To what do we owe the honor?” Kevan replied indifferently, “I’m here to find someone.” It was an unexpected answer, so the manager asked, “May I know who you’re looking lar?” “Is the housekeeping manager here?” Kevan’s expression darkened, causing the general manager to become visibly appalled and break into a sweat “Do you have any leedback regarding the room? Feel free to provide your comments directly to me. I’ll arrange a meeting with the housekeeping department to address the issues. I’l make sure they learn from their mistakes.” “I do have some comments regarding your housekeeping.” Kevan coldly stated while glaring at him. “Go and prepare a report about the matter on Twitter. I expect a detailed explanation within the next

hour.” The general manager sensed an impending faintness, desperately wishing to succumb to it and evade the ruthless meeting scheduled within the next hour. Anyone who had ever worked with Kevan knew how scary he was when he was angry. “However, it’s a private matter for me to meet the housekeeping manager. You just have to tell me where she is.” Kevan added. The general manager regained his composure and answered, “Ms. Seymour should be in her office. She’s preparing to welcome the trainer from Covenford.” Kevan sneered when he heard that causing the general manager to shudder. He didn’t understand the meaning behind his sneer. Later, the general manager escorted Kevan to the office area of the housekeeping department. Everyone was gathered together and chatting. “Ms. Seymour, hasn’t the representative from Covenlord arrived yet?” “She’s here, downstairs in the lobby,” stated the woman in the middle, leisurely painting her nails, her tone filled with pride. ‘She called me multiple times and sent me so many texts, but i don’t even bother to respond.” “Hahahaha! Ms. Seymour, you’re amazing!” “You did wel! “We should show her how powerful we are so that they won’t bully us!” The other employees agreed with her.

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