Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Chapter 261 Everyone stared in disbeliel, unable to move as they wondered if they had misheard. “What did you just say?” Lotus asked. She also fixed her gaze on the general manager standing behind Kevan as she tried to seek confirmation of what had just been announced. However, the general manager merely shot her a resentful glance and remained silent. *All of you, the entire housekeeping department staff, are fired.” Kevan reiterated, using different words. “Do you understand now?” “Why?” Lotus questioned with dissatisfaction, “I admit that there are areas for improvement, but that doesn’t mean that the department doesn’t even deserve a chance to make amends. Are you really dismissing us all without giving us an opportunity?” “Opportunities are for those who genuinely seek change, and you all are not worthy,” he sneered.

In that instant, she found Kevan’s words utterly absurd. “Mr. Chance!” She turned to address the general manager again. “Didn’t you just say the housekeeping department would receive comprehensive training? We are all prepared for it. So, what’s the issue now?” As soon as she mentioned “training,” the general manager could no longer contain his anger. How could he expect these people to sincerely accept training when they had caused such a commotion? It had even cost him his job! So, he retorted. “Oh, now you remember that you need training? Weren’t you just boasting earlier that you were going to show her that you are not one to be messed with?” Lotus, along with the staff, turned pale. They had indeed been engaged in their heated discussion without realizing that the general manager had been present. Normally, what they had said among themselves to vent their frustrations would not be a problem. But now, everything sounded like pure slander in the general manager’s ears. “Well, we were just…” Lotus tried racking her brain to come up with a less obvious excuse. “We’ve been receiving online criticism for days. and we were feeling frustrated. Moreover, our hotel has always overshadowed Covenlord’s Regal Dynasty Hotel but now they seem to be surpassing us. We were just venting. We didn’t actually have any intention to take any action.”

“Just venting?” Kevan’s gaze grew colder. “Ms. Lotus, you were supposed to meet Ms. Seymour from Covenford in the lobby downstairs at 1 pm, right? Take a look at the time now.” Lotus listened to his words and brought her phone in front of her, only to see the call interface with Larissa. Panicked, she immediately ended the call. “It’s almost 2 pm,” she sheepishly answered. “What about Ms. Seymour? he pressed on. “She Lotus couldn’t come up with a response and had to make something up. “I was dealing with a guest complaint, which took some time, so I couldn’t make it to meet her. But I had called her to explain the situation, and she said she understood.” “What about the complaint record?” He opened his palm and demanded, “Show it to me.” Regal Dynasty Hotel had a clear policy that every guest complaint must be documented, and the handling results should be reported promptly. Lotus hesitated for a moment before coming up with another excuse. “I just came up here and planned to write the complaint record after meeting Ms. Seymour.” “Okay, then, tell me the room number of that guest, and I’ll personally go and verity IL Kevan pressed on, showing no intention of letting her off the h ook. Her guilt intensified, and her eyes kept darting back, trying to seek help from her colleagues in the department. But at this moment. everyone was only concerned about self-preservation, as they were all afraid that they might become the target of Kevan’s attack instead. So, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and seethe, “I don’t remember the room number.”

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