Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324 This was the first time Christopher had cried after leaving the house today. It was also said that this was the only time he had ever waled with such sadness, apart from the time he emerged from his mothers womb. Hearing his loud cries, all the cheerfully chatting adults panicked, especially his grandmother, who frantically came over and asked, ” What’s wrong with my darling grandson? Did he poopers he hungry?” Rebecca held back her laughter and said. “Neither” She pretended to glase at the baby. “He just doesn’t want me to hold him.” “Mu!”” Mia was stunned “What happened? Rebecca smiled at Larissa Larissaheld him for some time, so I guess there’s some emotional connection there, Speaking of which, Chris has never been spattached to me! I’m kinda jealous, just thinking about it!

Larissa was a little embara ssed by her words. Seeing as the child was still wailing, she quickly took him from Rebecca’s arms. The amazing thing was the moment Chris was in her arms, he stopped crying. He gazed at her with his large eyes without blinking. “Looks like Chris really does like Lant Mia said, “Lari, dear, hurry up and have a child of your own!” Lanssa pressed her lips tightly together and pretended that she did not hear anything. She smiled at Chris and called him gently by his nickname. A grin immediately split across Chris face, and he started pipoline. An idea struck Violet, and she took out her phone, aiming the camera at the two. Meanwhile. Kevan just happened to enter the private room at this moment. Everyone was gathered around, looking at something. Thinking of the message Volet sent him, he pressed his lips tightly together and hastened his pace. “Excuse me.” He pushed past the crowd and squeezed his way in. The first thing he saw was Larissa

holding the baby with a gende smile on her face. His heart melted at once, his eyes staring fiendly at her, and his legs refused to move further “Kevan?” Someone recognized him. Hearing his name, others immediately turned to look “Kewan, when did you get here?” “Didn’t you say that you weren’t coming?” “Are you finished with won ? The crowd swarmed around him like a hive of bees, and the buzzing noise gave Kevan a bit of a headache. But as these people were his family, he could not treat them as he would strangers and ignore their greetings. Forcing a smile onto his lace, he patiently said hello to each and every one of them before going to Violet’s side “Larissa fell down, huh?” he asked through grilled teeth, using a volume mat could only be heard by him and his mother. Violet, however, was not the least bit guilty about having here exposed. On the contrary, she wored righteously and asked, “didn’t say so, would you have come? Kevan hulled coldly. “You know exactly why you made me come. Al any rate, don’t get your hopes up.” Vickethutted as he did. “Don’t be so sure of yoursell.” She jerked her chin at Larissa “Look how much Lakes children, Can you really bear to depriveer of the right to have children? Kawan naturally saw the love Lanssa had for the batry in her eyes. But uttered- “If she must have children, I can divorce her and tell her have them with another man.” He coldly words that were against his own heart. “You” Violet masuous. In the end, she could not hold hersell back and grabbed his cat cursing. “You b astard!” Their commotion was quite big not to mention that Kevan was already the locus of the crowd. Chapter 324

“What are you two doing? ‘An Violet, please let no! Kewan’s too old for this “Vitry to calm down! Even | Kevan needs to be punished, you shouldn’t get physical with him!”

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