Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Violet avoided her gaze and reached out for Larissa’s hand.

“Your Junt saw yesterday’s news too, Violet explained in a low voice.

Well it would’ve been odd it Yvette had not seen the news last night considering how big it had gotten.

“And?” Larissa asked mildly as if she did not care about this matter at all

“Your step-uncle and I are very angry.” Yvette nearly sloped up but was able to lumn things around before it was too late. She did everything she could to maintain an expression of displeasure as she continued. “Your uncle has too much to do at the company, so only Mana and I are here to have an explanation from you.”

Larissa did not understand. “What kind of explanation are you expecting from me?”

Her dismissive attitude confused Yvette and Lana. They thought that she would be angry and sad right now.

Yvelle asked, “Kevan’s cheating on you, and you don’t mind at all?

Lana also helped embellish the conversation. “Larissa. I thought you hated chealing men? I remember when your list husband cheated on you, you insisted on divorcing him. After that, he jumped off a building and died over this, didn’t he?”

There was so much Information in those three sentences thal Violet could not process it all in such a short amount of fire.

First husband?

What did she mean by jumping off a building and dying over divorce?

She looked at Larissa, feeling a headache beginning to form.

On the other hand, Larissa anticipated that these two were here to cause trouble for her. But they had miscalculated. What they were trying to do was to incite Kevan and her to divorce, but they did not know that this was exactly what she wanted for a long lime.

There were some things that Larissa could not say to Violet, but as they were the ones who int Violet know. Kevan could not blame her it he got angry over this.

Larissa pretended to glance at Violet out of panic while keeping an eye on the mother-daughler pair’s expressions-They were indeed secretly rejoicing like she thought they would be.

“That news isnt real” she said to Yvette and Lana. ‘Nothing happened between Kevan and that woman. He just went to help her yesterday.”

“Only you would believe such a lousy lake excuse!’ Yvelle scolded her. “Even if he wanted to help, why on earth did he go at night? Kevan is an adult now. There’s no way he would not know about this so doesn’t he know that he should avoid this sort of thing?

Woint interrupted her with a frown, “Mrs. Seymour, I have already explained to you what happened the

night before last. If you refuse to believe me. I can’t do anything about it. It’s true that Kevan was wrong in this matter. I never denied that. I have already chaslised him and made him apologize to Lari. If you’re still dissatisliec, you may name your terms.”

She had no intention to protect Kevan. Otherwise, she would not have been so angst before last. But she aso beleved that her

son did not do something so ridiculous, so she was a little annoyed and displeased with Yvelle’s over- the-top ciliicism,

“I am someone who cannot tolerate even the sightest hint of betrayal.” Yvette was sitting up straight, her lace strangely cold and dark. “I raised Lar, and her personality is as ferocious as mine.”

Larissa nearly spat out a “Bullshit!”, but was thankfully able to control hersell.

“It’s a fact that Kevan and that woman were photographed together. It doesn’t matter if we believe or do not believe that they had a relationship together. What is important is that the Internet is spreading the fact that Kevan is a homewrecker. Just in these couple days. my friends are all asking me what was going on. They feel angry on Larl’s behall and put her, Yvelle was indeed a once-famous actress. She played the role of an aunt seeking justice for her nice very well Even her voice was tailored perfectly to the role and made her sound all emotiona.

Larissa herself was close to getting affected by her emotions, and she felt the strong urge to applaud her. hope that the Rogers family may release Lari.”

Before that Violet thought that these two Seymours were here for money. After all, Cosmic Entertainment had run into the biggest

obstacle ever, and she had already witnessed the disgusting ugliness of the Seymours many years ago.

She did not expect Yvette to be so stubbor.

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