Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 360

Chapter 360

Chapter 360

Chapter 360

Dylan noticed keenly that Kewan did not seem to be in a good mood. The moment he got into the car, he retrieved his sunglasses from the glove compartment and put them on, his aura screaming “stay away from me!”

“Hey!” Dylan poked his arm and asked, “No new developments with Larissa?”

Kevan’s lips were pressed even more lightly together, and his eyes narrowed with displeasure behind the sunglasses.

“She doesn’t like me. What developments are there to be had?” His voice was cold, but Dylan could hear some bitterness in it.

“Didn’t I tell you that she had feelings for you?” Dylan’s frustration was palpable.

“Only that.” It did not mean that she liked him. Otherwise, why would she constantly mention fulfilling him and Ruby Cole?

“You need to work hard to turn ‘having feelings for your into liking your Dylan knew without even needing to think that Kevan could not lower himself to woo Larissa, but waited for her to get close to him instead. Although his face could cause many women to fall for him. with Larissa- it was more complicated.

Kevan made no comment about this.

Dylan hulled coldly. “If you continue to be so cold and distant, Larissa may just divorce your

This sentence punched straight into Kevan’s sore spot. He slammed his foot on the brake, and Dylan pliched forward without warning. If it were not for the safety belt, he would have slammed his head

against the windshield.

“Get out!” Kevan snarled, his glare obvious even through the sunglasses. Dylan naturally did not take his words seriously and remained in the car without shame. However, he wisely stopped talking about the previous subject.

When Kevan got angry, nothing he said would be of use as he would simply be ignored. With how many times this had occurred. Dylan would not bother to embarrass himself.

He fidgeted in boredom. When he opened the glove compartment, two folded pieces of cardstock paper slipped out of it and landed on his lap. Looking down, Dylan was able to see the contents vaguely through the open sides of the papers. “Marriage certificates?”

Stunned. Kevan nearly did not step on the brake and ran the red light. Once the car had stopped nicely on the line, he snatched the papers and shoved them back into the glove compartment.

“Don’t fucking touch that he snapped in a low voke.

Dylan found it odd. “I thought you guarded your marriage certificates zealously. Why did you just leave them in the car?

“Is it any of your business where I put those certificates? Kevan grew more and more imitable by his question

His cranky reaction caused Dylan’s suspicions to deepen.

“You and Larissa- can’t possibly be thinking of getting a divorce, right?”

Dylan was a lawyer specializing in divorce. It was easy for him to think in this vein when things came up. Seeing that Kevan was quiet with no retort in sight, he exclaimed loudly. “I actually guessed it


The light turned green and Kevan hit the gas pedal driving the car forward. He stared straight ahead and said quietly, “Larissa and I were going to have the divorce procedures started today, but you came.”

“Thank fuck I camer Dylan rubbed his chest and said with relief, “Relax, as long as I’m in Bartham, you will never get divorced!”

Kevan laughed coldly. “You being in Bartham has nothing to do with whether or not we’ll get divorced.”

Picking Dylan up at the airport was an urgent matter, so Larissa had agreed to delay their divorce. Now that Dylan was here, he had no other excuses

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