Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

The cold air blew in causing the temperature of the apartment to drop, but it also cleared up the greasy air in the room.

Dylan was not a clean freak, but that did not mean that he was willing to clean up after someone’s food trash. He would not mind it so much if it was a close friend, but it just had to be Ruby, who he hated greatly.

“Hell no.” He dumped himself on the sola, his expression one of extreme candidness. “Ruby can take care of it herself when she comes


Kevan glared at him, but he did not force him to coil.

Ruby said she was going to get changed, but when she emerged from the bedroom. she had washed and dried her hair as well as put on makeup. Ovlan was no longer confused then as to why she needed to spend one and a hall hours to get changed.

Having “armed‘ herself, Ruby was clearly calmer than before, and more confident too, Bul when she noticed the trash she left on the coffee table, she freaked out again, quickly going ever to throw everything into the trash can. Once she was certain there were no other issues, she sat next to Kevan with relief.

“Kevar!” ste simpered sweetly, though there was some amount of displeasure in It. “Call me before coming over next time, hmm? That way I can clean up. Otherwise, it’s so embarrassing”

Kevan answered blandly, “Sure.”

Ruby’s gaze moved over to Dylan. “How should laddress you. Mr, Lawyer? she asked smilingly.

Dylan replied, “Shields. My last name is Shields.” His altitude was mild.

Ruby let out an “Oh,” belore naturally holding Kevan’s left hand with her right. “Theard that you specialize in divorce cases. Mr. Shields. Kevan te ls me that you have never lost a case since you started?”

Dylan stared at their hands and nearly shouted out ‘What the freaking luck?”

This woman was bold as hell!


the inside. A devil would naturally

Sneaking a look at Kewan and seeing his deliberately carefree expression, Dylan was a little smug on th have a devilsh tormenter of their own. This was extremely satisfying!

“Mr. Rogers is giving me far too much credit.” Dylan waved his hand disingenuously, it’s not that I’ve never lost a case, but more like I’ve been lucky to win more cases than I lose.”

“Then I can be at ease.” Ruby seemed to sigh in relief. “To be honest, my situation — quile difficult. An average lawyer can’t deal with it


“On? Dylan displayed great interest and continued, “Please tell me in detail Ms. Cole.”

The difficult bit about Ruby and Cody’s divorce case was Cody himself. Rich, powerful and viciously ruthless, anyone who oflended him

would not have a good end.

“Sc, please be prepared to be threatened by anyore he sends, Mr. Shields. Of course. Il you’re unable to accept this, you may leave now too,” Ruby sald

“This is a minor issue for me.” Dylan was not the least bit afraid, With Kevan protecting him, Cody’s people would probably have trouble even trying to get close to him.

Ruby’s garellickered with something. She smiled after a moment of being caught all guard and said, “Wonderful, then.”

“I’ve still got something to deal with at the company.” Kevan suddenly stood up, his hand slipping out of Ruby’s. “Take your Ilme and talk things over, if you need me, call.”

“Wait–Ruby wanted to stop him, but her lingers had only touched his fingertips when he swilty avolded her. Seemingly unaware of her attempts to stop him, Kevan walked away from her without looking back as he headed toward the door.

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