Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

Lana weren’t pregnant. Larissa would have mercilessly yanked away her hand. As Lana slood in her way. a few bodyguards appeared and sumounded her.

“Miss, please be careful” All of the bodyguards loosed visibly worried, as if they wished to hold her hand and provide support as she walked.

Tmbine. Don’t worry.” Lana waved them away in annoyance.

Then, she complained to Larissa, feigning annoyance. My husband can be so overbearing. I told him I wanted to go shopping, and he goes and sends a whole baltalion of guards to tal me. He’s constantly worried Imight stumble, calling me every ten minutes. I’m not a three–year–old, for heaven’s sake. Why does he worry so much?”

Larissa could see the pride in Lana’s gaze, and she had come here to flaunt it all

“Your husband is so good to you, Larissa said and was happy.

best to look envious. She knew that she would never get to leave unless Lana

“What’s good about that? Lana chuckled, voicing her complaint

Then, She raised her hand to show her bracelet. “Just look at this. It’s so old–fashioned. He insisted on buying it for me and spent over six

million on it.‘

Not being well–versed in such matters, Larissa coudn’t determine if it truly justified the “elty price tag. It doesn’t look old fashion to me, I

think it looks nice.”

“Realy?” Lana tock off the bracelet and forcefully placed it in Larissa’s hand as she socke

“Since you like you, you can have it as a gift. I don’t like it anyway.”

Usually, Larissa would never accept such an expensive gilt but it was different when it came to the Seymours.

“Okay, Larissa took it and wore it on her wrist. Lana was shocked by her actions.

Following that Larissa deliberately raised her hand and jingled the bracelet. “It looks nice. The more I look at it, the prettier it is,

Lana’s lace was tushed with anger, and she grilled her teeth. Nevertheless, she had to maintain an air of generosity. “As long as you don’t mind that it’s something I don’t want.”

*Not at all Why would I mind? if you have anything you wish to throw away, you can give it to me.” Larissa’s eyes twinkled, and two dimples appeared on her face when she smiled.

Stunned, Lara suddenly looked at her with pity. “Larissa, your life has been hard, huh?”

Larissa was caught off guard. Her head hung low as if Lana had touched a sensitive nerve. She responded faintly, though the smile on

face had turned bitter.

Contrary to expectations, Lana smiled and suddenly took her arms before letting out a sigh. “I’ve heard about the situation with Kevan and Ruby. I’ve always felt that Kevan isn’t a good guy. Otherwise, Mom and I wouldn’t have made such a huge commotion at the Rogers‘. It’s a shame you were banded by love and misunderstood our good intentions.”

Larissa quietly listened and didn’t comment on anything else. Then, Lana tugged her forward. “Larissa, I will let you in on a secret known only among us women; the only way to the a man down is by having his child.”

Lana placed a hand on her hely before continuing. “Ruby was accepted by the Rogers family because she’s pregnant with Kavan’s child, Isn’t she? Lose at you, Larissa. Two of your marriages fell apart because you refused to have children.”

Larissa didn’t think Lana’s words made any sense, but a sudden realization struck her. Both of her mariages had indeed ended due to the emergence of pregnant mistresses. Were they merely coincidences? Or was she destined to be entangled with such people?

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