Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

“Why are you still as stubbom as you were in the past? Wendy chuckled, finding Larissa’s determination amusing.

“Why do you still enjoy exposing me like you always did in the past? Larissa pouted and glared at her.)

Their eyes met and both of them couldn’t help but laugh.

“This is great. It feels just like old times.” Wendy sighed contentedly,

“Yes, does,” Larissa agreed with a nod

Although time had passed and they both had changed, their friendship remained unchanged.

In the end. Wendy drove them home. She lived on the outskirts, so there weren’t many tall buildings. Every house in this area was a villa with a huge courtyard. It was the same for Wendy’s house.

Wendy had bought the house in full payment with her savings. This place cost me about as much as a restroom cubicle in Bartham.”

Larissa was envious and even more so when she entered Wendy’s house and saw her garage, game room, and gym. She could also afford these things but lacked such a big house.

“The only benefit of this place is the housing prices. The outskirt is really deserted. The hospital supermarkets, and other facilities are miles away. After eight in the evening, there are no cars or people on the street. It can realy be unnerving, Wendy sighed.

“You have no idea how scared I feel living alone here. Every night, I worry that someone might break in, rob me or even murder me. Now that you’re here- Wendy suddenly hugged Larissa and gave her a

kiss before continuing. “I don’t have to be scared anymore

Larissa couldn’t help but suspect that Wendy had asked her over for precisely this reason. The room that Wendy had arranged for Lanssa was just next to hers

“This was originally a guest room. Sometimes my friends or classmates would stay over, but it’s been quite rare. That’s why I didn’t decorate it. I’ve changed the new bedding and blanket for you. You can do anything you like in this room. It’s yours anyway.” 1

However, Larissa didn’t have the energy to do anything. After taking a shower, she crawled into bed and succumbed to sleep. She didn’t have time to unpack her suitcases.

Later, she was roused from her slumber by Wendy. Despite having rested, Larissa still felt tired and couldn’t open her eyes

“How can you be such a good sleeper? It’s already eight in the evening.” Wendy remarked, her tone laced with helplessness. They had arved before noon, so she already had a long nap

“Get up and eat. You haven’t had anything to eat all day. I’m afraid you might starve to death.” Wendy tugged her blanket away and dragged her off the bed. Larissa, who hadn’t felt hungry before falling asleep, now realized the pangs of hunger intensifying with Wendy’s reminder.

“There’s nothing delicious in this small town, so just eat what we have. Don’t you dare complain.” Wendy had already prepared dinner. consisting of a simple steak accompanied by a bowl of vegetable and fruit salad.

Larissa was famished so she devoured the steak in just a few bites, and most of the salad had also been eaten by her. is there something else to eat? I don’t feel full at all” Larissa asked Wendy while wiping her mouth with a tissue.

Wendy was taken aback by Larissa’s request but willingly offered her the remaining steak and salad. “Take it. You can finish it I’m on a det anyway, so I don’t mind eating less.” to accept the additional food but si found the Turisasted.

“Lan, are you sir? Wendy couldn’t help but ask.

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