Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393 In her memory, she had indeed been celibate for a long time. Wendy grinned her hand, her expression slowly getting serious. “Do you want this child?” asked Wendy. “No!” said Larissa without a moment’s hesitation. There was no way she could birth this child that had come into her life out of the blue. and she didn’t even know who its father was. There was no way she would allow her own tragedy to befall her child. She wasn’t Yvette and couldn’t bear to do such a cruel thing. Wendy told the doctor Larissa’s decision, and the smile on the doctor’s face faded into a regretful expression, “I will schedule your surgery as soon as possible,” she said. “But you need to undergo a comprehensive pre-surgery examination.”

After almost an hour of ha ssle, the doctor said. “You aren’t in a fit condition for surgery.” She handed Larissa a bunch of medication and said. “Go home and tune yourself back to health and come back for another checkup in a week, I also hope you can reconsider your decision seriously during this time, on whether you really don’t want this child.” On the way back, Larissa and Wendy didn’t speak. It was so silent in the car that they could hear the sound of each other’s breathing. Wendy was the first one to break the silence. “It’s the right decision to abort the child. You’ve just turned over a new leal in life. You can’t let this child ruin everything. Besides, it will hate you in the future if you choose to give birth and can’t give it a complete family.” “I know.” Larissa’s decision never swayed. She was just wondering who the child’s father could be. According to the timeframe, the child should have been conceived during the few days she had stayed at the hospital Casting her thoughts back, could someone have snuck into Kevan’s ward and done something to her, which explained why she had felt sore in the mornings during that period? But no matter what, there was no way she could be sure. “You know what? There’s a very powerful tarot reader in my town.” To lighten up the mood, Wendy changed the topic of conversation and said in a carefree tone, “Let’s go later and let her predict your future

Larissa didn’t believe in things that didn’t have scientific proof, but seeing Wendy’s enthusiasm, she agreed, thinking she could take it as a chance to experience something new. It was indeed more happening in town than on the outskirts where she lived. Wendy led Larissa to a smal corner shop, but the shop didn’t have a name or windows to display its goods. From the outside, only a mundane-looking door could be seen, it was nearly pitch-black inside the shop. A doorbell hanging above the door made an eerie “ding” and Larissa got goosebumps all over her arms. She rubbed her arms and pulled Wendy over, saying, “I think we should go home.” The moment she said that, an ethereal female voice sounded in the dark. “Welcome.” Then, a faint light from a candle it up two feet away from them. A deathly pale lace loomed in the candlelight, looking all the more ghostly. Larissa gripped Wendy’s hand, nearly letting out a scream. With a smile, Wendy greeted the messy-haired woman, who looked like a ghost. “Hi Barbara.” She sounded as it she was very familiar with the woman. Barbara smiled back, but her smile looked terrifying to Larissa, who broke out into cold sweat and retreated a small step.

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