Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

“Uncle Kevan, do you have Superman figurines?” His gaze was practically sparkling even as he looked at Kevin.

Having made a mistake earlier, Kevan was much more careful now. “Sorry.” He smiled helplessly. “Uncle Kevan forgot what Superman looks like.”

Larissa’s heart sank some, and she felt inexplicably sad,

After that, Dylan answered all of Aster’s questions for Kevan, “Superman figurines? Of course, he has them

“Batman? Yup!”

“Spiderman? He has several!”

Aster’s smile grew wider and wider, and his eyes were sparkling like diamonds now.

Finally, he asked, “Uncle Kevan, can I go play at your house?”

Kevan could answer this question with no problem, “Of course, whenever you like.”

The prearranged dishes began to arrive at the table hall an hour later. They were light and many of them had a sweeter laste, which was more suitable for a child’s culte.

Larissa could smell a “scheme” in all this. She remembered that Dylan and Kevan, who were Northerners, preferred highly seasoned food. She did not know why Dylan wanted to treat Aster so well-she had clearly expressed her hope that he could leave her and her son alone, but he kept sticking on like a dam ned lizard and stayed attached to Aster as if he were glued to her boy

Theoretically speaking, he should be more affect crate toward Bethany. After all, Bethany was Kevan’s biological daughter, and Kevan was closer to him than he was to her. But after Aster complained to him, he seemed coder to Bethany-it could be said that he was not

longer as nice as he used to be to her.

These confused the hell out of Larissa.

Watching as their connection grew deeper, the more uneasy she

After lunch was over, Dylan went downstairs to pay the bill, and Larissa found an excuse to follow him. Taking the moment when there was no one else around, she pulled on him and asked coldly. “Tell me the truth. Six years ago, in Kevan’s ward, did you do something lo


Kevan’s ward was strictly guarded. The only people who could get in and out freely were her and Dylan. And during that lime, Dylan would always give her a glass of milk every night.

Back then, she had not noticed, but now that she thought about it It seemed that whenever she drank the milk he gave her, she would feel tired-he definitely put something into the milk. Not to mention how much her body ached inexplicably when she woke up the next day

Gritting her teeth. Larissa kept her gaze fixed on him

Truth be told, she actually did not believe that he would do such a thing, but his actions six years ago, and his actions now forced her thoughts to go in that direction.

If it was really him if it was really him–

Larissa was shocked to find that she did not know what to do Il it was true.

Dylan was confused by her question. But when he finally reacted, he waved his hands frantically, his lace red as a tomato. “H-Hey, Larissa you can’t lakk nonsense like that! I’ve always considered you a friend, and I delinitely rever had any inappropriate thoughts about you, So.

I would never ever do such a temble thing to you!*

Well only one person could do such a terrible thing.


Thank goodness.

“But why are you suddenly asking me this?” Dylan suddenly threw a question at her. His sharp gaze remained on her face, almost as if he were going to see through her.

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