Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

It was not that Larissa thought that Mrs. Polls was abusing Aster by not letting him eat. Although she was not entirely clear about Mrs. Potts character, she knew a thing or two after having spent lime together for a while. Besides, Mrs. Polls was recommended by Dylan, s0 there should not be any problems with her character-

But precisely because she was recommended by Dylan, Larissa could not help but wonder and suspect if she was in cahoots with Dylan behind her back.

Larissa did not directly ask Mrs. Potts about this, but she waited until she was gone before calling Aster to her. She maintained an affable nature when she was with Aster,

“Have you eaten?” she asked.

Aster nodded and said brightly. “Yup! I have.”

Larissa continued to ask, “What did you eat?”

Aster replied without hesitation, “Scrambled eggs, chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and mushroom soup.” These were all his favorites. However, the kitchen did not have a single trace of these loods. The first three could be explained away as them having finished it all, but mushroom soup was usually cooked in a big pot. They could not have possibly left nothing for her, could they?

Larissa continued sequentially, “Who did you eat with?”

Aster’s eyes sparkled “Granny Potts!

“That’s a lot of food. Did you both finish it all?”

Aster bit his lip once before looking down and said softly, “Yeah,”

At this point, Larissa was certain that he was lying. Putting on a stem face, she forced Aster to look at her.

“Alastair Simmons, tell me the truth.”

Alastair Simmons was Aster’s full name, Larissa would only address him like that when she was angry. Aster knew this too, so he panicked.

“Mommy” He hugged Larissa’s neck, wanting to fudge this over by being affectionate, but Larissa knew what he was up to and pulled him away from her.

“Stand properly” she said sharply.

Although Aster was unwilling, he still straightened up at once,

“I will ask you again. Who were you with, and where did you eat your dinner? Larissa crouched before him, refusing to let him avoid her gaze as she enunciated her question carefully and clearly.

Aster hesitated.

Lanssa could see the struggle in his eyes-someone had clearly advised him on this matter beforehand.

She could only use her trump card and said. ” you don’t tell me the truth, I will have you sent back to Aldovia tomorrow.”

Aster could not care about anything else more and he shouted, “I was eating at Uncle Dylan’s with Granny Potts! Mommy. I’m telling the truth, don’t send me back! I want to be with you!” He pouted and started crying immediately.

Larissa could not bear to see him cry. Whenever he did, her heart would go solt for him. But now was not the time to soothe him yet. Forcing herself to be cold she continued her questioning with a flat expression on her face, “How long have you been eating at Uncle Dylan’s house?”

Aster did not dare le anymore and gave it all up. “Every time Granny Potts picks me up from school, she lakes me to the supermarket to buy some groceries before going over to Uncle Dylan’s to make dinner. Uncle Dylan is busy, so he gets home late every day. Sometimes it he’s back early, we eat together. Sometimes, Uncle Kevan comes loo.”

The truth was not far from what Larissa had guessed, so she was not surprised by what he said. The only thing she could not understand was that same issue-why was Dylan so good to Aster?

things he did.

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