Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

This was the best excuse Kevan could think of. I gave him a justifiable reason to be concerned about them as well as removing the risk of the people watching over them orting exposed It only took Larissa a few seconds to figure out the reason why they came. “You’ve balled her out? Her heart felt like it was being choked from lear. She knew that she had no right to demand him to do anything, and she also knew his relationship with Ruby, Baling her out was totally a normal thing, but she could not help but blame him for that. If Ruby could come out of this unscathed without needing to bear any legal responsibility, Larissa would definitely request headquarters to transler her back to Westonia at once- no part of her career or future was worth her son’s life. “No.” Kevan’s answer gave Larissa reason to feel relieved, “I will not interfere in this matter, he promised her. “The police will have full

power over this matter.” If he left it alone, the chances of Ruby getting convicted would increase exponentially, “Thank you,” Larissa said with sincerity, but Kevan was sad. He should be going through this hardship with her, but he could only observe her unease, fear, and exhaustion as an outsider. “I’m sorry,” he said again, and Larissa thought he was apologizing on Ruby’s behalf. “It’s not your problem.” She forced a smile onto her face. The truth was, he had done enough. Dylan cut in and asked. “Where’s Aster?” peeking into the house to see. Even though they already knew that Aster only suffered flesh wounds from the doctor, they could not rest assured until they had seen it for themselves. “He’s sleeping right now.” Larissa glanced back at Aster’s bedroom. “Come on in, I wake him up.” “Wait-“Kevan pulled on her wrist.

In the air-conditioned living room, his cold lingers upon her skin surprisingly did not cause her to shiver. “Let him sleep.” Kevan’s gaze on her had a hint of relief in “It’s fine.” Larissa discreetly removed her hand from his before taking one step back. “I was going to wake him up for dinner anyway.” Kevan then had no other reason to stop her. Having both men wait in the living room, Larissa went to Aster’s bedroom. The sky was already dark, and his bedroom light was not turned on, so his room was so dark that one could not see a thing at all. The sounds of laint sniffing were amplified in this spa cious and tranquil room, and they reached Larissa’s ears clearly. “Aster?” She turned on the lights in a panic before rushing over to the bed. Aster was curled up into a tiny ball under the sheets, and he was trembling incessantly as if he was in a state of extreme fear. Ripping the sheets off, Larissa wrapped him into her embrace. Aster’s face had lear tracks all over, and he was frowning right now, snitting hard. It created quite a pitiful picture, and Larissa’s heart was almost in pieces all over again. Her nose aching, Larissa was close to spilling tears herself, but she forced hersell to keep it together due to the ban visitors outside. “Aster, Aster!” She shook her son’s shoulder to wake him up. Aster opened his wet eyes, but they were unfocused, it took him a while to recognize the person before him. “Mommy!” He clambered into Larissa’s embrace, his arms wrapped tightly around her neck. “Mommy Mommy” he kept calling out to her as if he were speaking of his grievances while seeking comfort at the same time. “I’m here. Don’t be scared.” Larissa patted his back gently. “Uncle Kevan and Uncle Dylan are here. Let’s go play with them for a while. Even if a five-year-old boy was not chubby, he was not Ught either,

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