Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552 Dylan hadn’t contacted Larissa ever since the kidnapping incident. She found it strange and decided to check the guest room, only to find out that he had already checked out. Without his proactive contact, she had lost the opportunity to inquire about the progress of the case. She had been diligently following the news for a few days but hadn’t come across any relevant information. Perhaps this was the best outcome she could hope for, looking at it from a different perspective. She was supposed to go to the airport to pick someone up at noon, but her meeting had been delayed, causing her to be nearly hall an hour late. She humiedly sent a message to the person, explaining her situation, and rushed off. As she reached the lobby, she nearly bumped into Gary, who had just returned from outside. He was dressed in a formal dark suit. She apologized and asked, “Were you out for business?”

He nodded in response. “I had a meeting with Mr. Leon from Soaring Corporation this morning, but we haven’t reached an agreement yet.” He noticed Larissa was in a hurry and became somewhat curious. “Why are you in such a rush?” I’m heading to the airport to meet a client.” She glanced at her watch. “The meeting ran late, and I’m afraid I won’t make it in time.” “Lewis will give you a ride. He happens to be heading to the airport too.” Gary signaled Lewis with his eyes, and Lewis immediately responded, “Ms. Seymour, my car is parked at the entrance.” During this period, Larissa had been relying on public transportation and hadn’t been driving herself. Contacting a driver now would only mean more waiting time, and it wasn’t easy to hall a taxi at this hour. So, she accepted Gary’s offer. “Thank you. Lewis.” She smiled at him. She and Lewis weren’t that close. Once they settled into the car, they hardly exchanged words except for the initial pleasantries

Midway through the journey, her client had already landed in Bartham, She then arranged to meet her client at a specific location and repeatedly apologized for the delay. Lewis arrived at the airport in the shortest possible time. And she was finally able to meet up with the client. Just as they were about to hail a taxi, her phone rang. It was Lewis, with whom she had just parted ways moments ago. “Ms. Seymour, did you manage to pick up your client? I’m still waiting for you at the spot where you got oll.” She was a bit surprised. “Did you already finish what you needed to do?” Lewis responded with a simple “Yes” and continued. “I can give you both a ride back to the hotel since it’s on my way.” Well, Larissa gladly accepted the offer, since it was convenient. They retraced the steps back to where she got off, and sure enough, Lewis “car was still there. During the journey back, Lewis was no longer as taciturn as before. He took the initiative to ask Larissa, “This is –?” He glanced at the young woman sitting beside Larissa through the rearview mirror, and his scrutinizing gaze made her slightly uncomfortable. *This is Rena, the founder and CEO of Fairy Culture. The company specializes in social media operations, such as managing Twitter’s marketing accounts, public accounts, elc. You can reach out to her if your company has any needs in the area.” Larissa took the opportunity to introduce Rena and her company to Lewis. Lewis displayed a peculiar expression the moment he heard the name “Fairy Culture, causing Rena to lower her head and blush in embarrassment.

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