Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Lately. Xavier had been incredibly swamped as he attended one dinner party after another. The organizers of these parties ranged from bosses of entertainment companies, agents, actors, and of course, major investors, who were eager to impress him and gain his favor.

That night, he was being entertained by a B-list female star. After wining and dining, it was a no-brainer that they booked a hotel room together. Just as they had removed their clothes and gotten cozy in the bedroom, the door was pounded on violently.

“Open up Police!”

Xavier’s buzz vanished in an instant.

The female star, who was clinging to him like an octopus just moments ago, freaked out. She pushed him away and scrambled to put on her clothes.

Xavier grabbed his underwear, shook with nerves as he got dressed, and put on his slippers before cautiously approaching the door.

He placed his hand on the doorknob and cautiously peered through the peephole-there stood several tall men in police uniforms standing outside. In a quick pivot, he retreated and put on all his clothes.

The banging persisted, and the officers were losing patience. “Open up! We know you’re in there! We’re coming in if you don’t open up!”

The hotel staff trailed alongside the officers, and Xavier could clearly hear one of the officers asking for the room key. He quickly opened the door before the officers could barge in and put on a composed lace, pretending to be calm as he asked. “What’s going on here?”

The head officer exchanged a glance with his colleague, who swiftly stepped forward and cuffed Xavier.

“Xavier, we’ve received a report from the public that you’re involved in an intentional assault case. Now, you’re coming with us for questioning.” the officer stated.

Xavier was momentarily stunned but quickly understood what the officer was referring to. He vehemently shouted, “What do you mean. intentional assault? I’m being set up He attempted to break free from the handcuffs, but they were tightly secured.

“You guys are arresting people without evidence! I have the right to sue you!” He exuded confidence. After all, only Yvette and lan knew about the incident with Yvette. Yvette was currently unconscious, and lan would never betray him.

“Oh, don’t you worry.” The officer smirked. “We have got plenty of evidence.”

As soon as Xavier stepped out of the room, the hallway lit up with countless camera flashes, forcing him to shield his eyes with his hand

“Mr. Seymour, is it true that you were the one who hit Yvette?”

“Officers, is Xavier’s arrest related to what happened with Yvette?”

“Mr. Seymour, is F anny inside the room? Why were you two together so late at night?”

The reporters bombarded Xavier with questions, making him increasingly irritable.

A few officers formed a barrier around him, pushing through the crowd of over a dozen reporters.

“Move! We’re conducting official business! Please cooperate!”

The reporters reluctantly made way upon the officers’ request, but their camera shutters kept clicking. They followed Xavier all the way until he was escorted into the police car.

“I know Chief Hanson. You’d better release me soon if you don’t want to lose your job.” Xavder threatened as soon as he got into the car.

putting on a high-handed demeanor.

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