Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Chapter 668 Larissa did not know how to describe what she felt right now. She should have felt happy in some way- Yvette losing her life because of her darling youngest daughter could only be described as “what went round comes round,” and “karma was a b itch. There could be no better-fitting phrases than those. But the truth was, Larissa was not happy. In fact, her chest felt a little suffocated-she could not tell if it was because of Yvette or if it was a side effect of the fever. Larissa could not help but wonder if Yvette thought of her when she was at her life’s end. Did she regret any of the things she did to Larissa before? Those tears that she cried, were any of it-even for a little bit-meant for Larissa? In the end it was hard for Larissa to be at peace about Yvette’s death. However, she would never get the right answers to her questions forever. Larissa lost her energy, and she fell asleep before the first IV bottle could be finished.

Kevan entered from the living room, and the nurse was startled. She leaped to her feet and timidly greeted him. “Mr. Rogers.” Kevan nodded at her and said in a surprisingly nicer tone of voice. “Thank you for your hard work.” The nurse was flattered, and she suddenly felt that being called back to work during her off day was not too bad. “N-Not at all? The nurse was so happy and nervous from speaking to Kevan in person for the first time. The blush on her face was still obvious despite the thin layer of foundation she had on. “Serving the guests of the hotel is my duty.” Kevan did not comment. He looked past the nurse at Larissa’s flushed face. “Please wait outside. I’ll call you when the IV bottle needs to be changed.” He instructed the nurse softly for fear of waking Larissa. The nurse did not know what was the relationship between Kevan and Larissa. Ever since the supposed scandal of “stepping into his cousin’s wedding,” she had never heard of

Kevan being involved with any other women. And Larissa was a completely different person from Kevan’s cousin’s wife, a person the nurse had once seen on the Internet. But even if the nurse had many questions, she did not dare to poke around and ask. Il she offended Kevan of her life goodbye then. Well she could kiss the rest Kevan changed the chair that the nurse had sat in. He put it in the same spot as the nurse’s chair before. The room was very quiet, and he could practically hear the IV fluid dripping into the tube. It was rather rhythmic. One beat came after the other. Kevan stared right at Larissa. He did not blink. As Larissa’s nose was clogged, she could only breathe through her mouth. However, the lost lluids in her body meant that her throat was extremely dry. Combined with her throat being exposed to the dry air, the Itchy feeling made her wake up by way of coughing. Larissa’s series of coughs were terrible. Her face was all crumpled up, and there was a deep ush on her cheeks. “Feeling bad?” Kevan’s heart felt like it was being squashed. His hurried speech betrayed the anxiety that he felt. “Water?” Larissa gripped her own throat and nodded with difficulty. Kevan’s arm slipped behind her back, and he pulled her up. The glass of hot water he had filled beforehand was now cooled down. Larissa drank at least hall the water in the glass, and the stinging pain in her throat was finally soothed a little. Her dry lips were also hydrated too.

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