Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Janine Levange, who Larissa had not seen in a very long time, was wearing the uniform of the hotel’s Janitor. She was holding a mop. There was a part of the floor that was still wet in front of Larissa’s room door.

Janine’s back was more hunched than ever. She was also skinnier.


Janine forced out a flattering smile that Larissa had rever even seen from her before.

Janine’s winkles deepened with that act. She threw down the mon and rushed toward Larissa.

The speed at which she walked did not match her aged appearance.

Larissa gasped as she backed away, her right hand gripping Lewis‘ arm on instinct.

Lewis had only seen pictures of Larissa’s former mother–in–law on the informational documents.

Although the woman in the picture had not taken great care of herself, she was still so much younger than Janine was now.

That was why he did not recognize her at first.

Larissa’s tear mace Lewis more alert. He stepard in front of her to separate her from that weird “Janitor.”

Lewis‘ act made Janine stop. She observed his affectionate position with Larissa and pursed her los, a hint of disgust flashing through

her eyes. But she cuickly concealed it.

“Lari Janine stared at Larissa pitifully, her thin hands wringing together.

Janine lacked somewhat sad and hurt.

waiting for you

“Mom’s been waiting

you for the whole day here. I haven’t even eaten!”

However, the sympathy card did not work for Larissa now.

“If you don’t leave now, I’ll call security up.” Larissa threatened her coldly.

Janine acted like she did not expect Larissa to be so heartless. She made her Ips tremble as tears began to well up in her eyes.

“Lar, I know I was wrong before-

She had not even finished speaking when she already collapsed onto the floor on her knees.

“Mom’s begging you! Please forgive me!”

Her tears began to fall down her wrinkled cheeks.

Larissa watched coldly. Her emotions remained uncharged. She was sure that there was a purpose to Janine’s act today. It would not

have anything to do with making amends with her.

Larissa fell for her phone. Although she was no longer the general manager here, her connections with the people of Winston Hotel were

still there.

She called the assistant manager.

“There’s somecre sticking around my room door. Please have security come up here.”

Hearing that, Janine panicked. Her lake mask crumbled at once to reveal a hideous snarl

“You’re a heartless bitch, Larissa! Where’s your conscience?!”

She got up from the floor and stabbed a finger at Larissa as she screamed at her.

“Ive already begged for forgiveness. What else do you fucking want? I didn’t even hold you responsible when you killed Travis! You ungrateful wretch! You know nothing about gratitude at all!”

Well, Janine had not seemed to change much aller so many years. She still Iked to slander others and distort the Irulh


“Firstly, Travis Hardy’s death has nothing to do with me. Secondly, there were terms atta: hed to the one million that Yvette gave you guys

Larissa paused briefly.

“If you appear in front of me again, you must return that one million.”

It was because of this extra term from Yvette that Larissa was able to have so many peaceful years away from the Hardys. Now that Larissa thought about it, Yvette had done something nice for her after all

“What terms?”

Janine pretended to be dumb.

“I don’t remember any terms. What Yvette gave us was compensation money! It was meant to buy our silence so that we wouldn’t sue you!

Her denial of the matter was probably because of Yvette’s death, which meant that ro one could confront her anymore.

Larissa was so angry that she had a little trouble breathing. Her chest hurt as well.

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