Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 728

Chapter 728

Chapter 728

Chapter 728

Larissa logged out of Facebook and logged into her old account on Whatsapp.

She had added many random people on this account. As soon as she logged in, hundreds of message notifications appeared on the screen. It almost caused her phone to freeze.

The main group chat for the Winston Hotel’s stall was pinned to the top of the chat groups. Every second, there were new messages coming in.

Larissa clicked into the group chat. All she saw were continuous text messages of despair.

Regardless of cepartment or position, everyone was asking. “The hotel’s been closed down, what should we do?”

No one had an answer. A sense of hopelessness and grief was spreading like wildfire amongst the chat group members.

Larissa didn’t know who started it, but everyone started lagging Bryan’s contact at the end of their messages.

Still Bryan burned a blind eye to everything and didn’t say a word in the group.

Larissa found her former assistant and inquired about the situation. “I heard that the Winston Hotel has been forced to close down?”

“Ms. Seymour? You’ve finally appeared? When Larissa’s former assistant received her message, she sounded very emotional typing a series of exclamation marks into the chat.

At that moment, Larissa felt a sense of guilt for resigning from her position.

She sent an awkward emoil and asked. “Are you okay?”

Her assistant replied. I’m not okay! Not at all! Yesterday, the hotel was investigated and forced to close down suddenly! People from the fire department came over and insisted that there were lire safety issues with the building, Without listening to our explanation, they kicked everycre out of the hotel and posted a rotice of closure on the front doors. Even now, I’m still in a dare!

“When we left the hotel, Mr. Harrison told us to go home and wait for further instructions. He said any updates would be sent through email it has been a whole day, but no emall has come in.

*I tried calling Mr. Hamison, but no one picked up the cal. He didn’t reply to any emails ether. Now everyone in the hotel is in a panic, not knowing what to do.”

At this point, the assistant sent a row of sad emojis to convey her desperation.

From her messages. Larissa gained a lot of new information. She learned that the hotel was suddenly investigated and sealed shut today. Besides, the people from the fire department seemed firmly determined to close down the hotel. Moreover, the hotel was not notified about the process of Investigation. So, there was no time to prepare for subsequent arrangements of the hotel employees.

Everything about this reeked of suspicion.

A thought formed in Larissa’s mind. She sent a message to Kevan. “Was it you who forcefully closed down the Winston Hotel in Bartham C

Although Winston wasn’t a local company of Caldor. Its headquarters had strong influence and power. Even the Bartham Municipal Government had to pay them some respect.

Granted that it there were legitimate fire safety Issues, they should have been given prior notice for corrective actions in the first place, before forceful closure of the premises.

The only person with both motivation and capability to target the Winston Halel In Bartham City was Kevan. He was the only person Larissa could think of.

Kevan was on the plane, so he didn’t reply to her for some time.

Meanwhite, messages from her assistant came in again. “Ms. Seymour, will you be coming back to work? Did you know? We’ve been walling for you to return all this time!”

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