Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

110 Chapter 11That same lack of energy and somberness had continued to their warm bed. That night Olivia turned her back on Aryan without talking, out of respect for her lover’s need of silence and space, Aryan spent her night in the lion stables taking care of the lions.

Sadly, she found the male one dead after what had been a brawl to the death between the four lions. Mostly the females were the ones who collaborated against the male. Aryan hoped the reproduction will be successful because then without a male, the lions will extinct.

One of the lion keepers apologized to Aryan for not being on time, he wished he would have arrived there early so he could be on time to save the male lion from the brutal females. However, Aryan knew it wasn’t his fault nor was anyone’s. She called it “The freak of nature” where the strong ones only survive.

The night was young and she was all alone in the stables when the lion keepers left. Aryan decided to sneak out from the palace and disappear into the streets of Raven. She wore a hooded cloak made of wool and leather, her hairs and face was completely covered in order to give her the privacy she needed and not to be easily recognized.

She had a sword around her waist and she held on to that tightly as she passed through a crowd of people who enjoyed the night life. Raven may be quiet and calm during the day, but it comes to life during the night. The markets were surrounded with food, wine sinks, naked whores who exposed themselves outside of the pleasure houses to attract customers, although the brothels were always full.

At first Aryan thought Prophisians were good people who paid more attention to their gods and faith. Perhaps the good folks of King’s City may have been religious even though they liked their night parties and had brothels too. But in Raven, the good folks never attended the Sept nor did they pray or fast to their gods. All they knew was to sin and drink themselves to an early grave.

The air of the manses smelled of cinnamon, sweet lemon and some spices Aryan never smelt before. There was only one person Aryan wanted to see that night, and that was her secret spy who brought her news of Katarina and her sons in exile.

She usually finds the spy inside brothels because he was known to be a good customer and loved the ladies of the night. Aryan however, was not in the mood for sex nor was she looking for a courtesan that night.

But that didn’t stop the ladies from touching her, caressing her back and some even kissed her lips before she shoved them aside and kept walking. The brothel was filled with naked men and women engaging on each other. Women fucking women, men fucking men and men fucking women – it was a place which quenched desires of everyone.


Aryan went on to seek the owner, her name was Rush, she came from Arkala. Rush’s skin was red-brown, she was tall and slender, some say she is a runaway slave from the mines in Maldonia who escaped the harsh treatments there and made her fortunes in Raven. Her eyes were as green as a wildfire, fierce and always listening to something or paying attention to gossips and whispers.

Others say Rush is an offspring resulted from a slave mother and a lord father, and many people thought she was Lord Boross’s bastard. At just twenty years old, Rush was perhaps the richest courtesan in Raven. Her brothel charged three times more than other brothels and it was always full. Mummers and musicians never lacked in her brothels, wine sinks were filled fit to overflow and they were always empty the next day.

Maybe it’s true Rush was Lord Boross’s bastard, but that wouldn’t explain why she had put her father’s head on her doorstep for unwashed cunts and cocks to piss on when he was murdered by Gandalf. Aryan decided to believe the former and not the latter, for which she highly respected Rush for her courage to free herself and finding her purpose.

These two weren’t friend, but they were acquainted more than once when Aryan came to fetch her brother after he blacked out from too much drinks and fucking. Aryan believed Rush to keep Gandalf safe, which she did for a pay of course.

This night when Aryan walked inside her brothel, Rush was rather surprised. She was talking to two of her girls, but she suddenly stopped to attend to Aryan.

“He’s not here” said Rush in a hurry.

“I know, I’m not here for him” replied Aryan and proceeded to a rather private room where Gandalf always booked it for his private pleasures. Rush signaled her girls to close the doors as she followed Aryan behind. josei

The guy who Aryan came for was inside the brothel as usual, and he followed Aryan too to the private room. They conversed for a little bit then Aryan patted his shoulder and let him go back to his ladies. Then, it was just Aryan and Rush inside the private room.

“Are you finally here for me today?” asked Rush, she was actually flirting and being seductive towards Aryan. “After months of me begging?”

A smile escaped Aryan’s face, “I belong to another, my apologies”

“Then why seek me out in this hour?”

“I need your help” Aryan’s face was straight and serious. She sat down on the only couch present in that room and poured herself some wine. Rush sat beside her and they looked at each other.

“Will I get in trouble?” asked Rush.

Aryan sighed softly, her eyes were fixed at Rush’s breasts which were firmly tightened with the black corset she was wearing inside her slippery and lose short silk dress. “Maybe... maybe not” she replied and went back to looking at the breasts, if she were a man perhaps her cock would have hardened by then.

Rush knew it straight away that Aryan was taken by her breasts and she couldn’t control herself. “I hate trouble; I’m not made of steel like you...” she again replied seductively. Only this time she completely removed the corset and let her nipples out.

“I want you to visit someone, she is a courtesan like you and she owns a brothel. I fear there is something Olivia isn’t telling me, maybe you may find it out for me”

“Hmm, two courtesans working for the Hand of the King. I dare say we have risen up to glory” Rush chuckled softly. Then she suddenly reached out for Aryan’s left hand and placed it on her right breast. Aryan’s hand was full of the fleshy and juicy breast, it felt like she was grasping a piece of orange or a swollen berry.

“She is in Blackmount; her name is Isabella” said Aryan trying to prevent herself from sucking Rush’s breast till she has her fill. In an attempt to accomplish that, she quickly got up from the couch like she just gained her senses and exhaled softly. “I shall send thirty knights to accompany you to Blackmount, five servants and two carriages”

Rush stood up to meet Aryan’s face and she seemed not to easily pleased with the offer of thirty knights and servants, rather she was disappointed. “Sleep with me tonight, I shall take that as my reward for this task. I need no more gold; I already have many. Nor do I need silvers, I literally bath in them. Just one night Aryan, she will never know”

This time Rush came close to Aryan’s lips, she had both of her hands around her waist and it felt like she was squeezing Aryan towards her. She managed to kiss Aryan who lost it and kissed her back, hence they shared the taste of their lips for rather a short time before Aryan broke it and stormed outside the brothel breathing heavily.

The night was never spoken and Aryan went back to Olivia who was fast asleep she didn’t even notice her getting in. The next day thirty knights and five servants went to escort Rush to Blackmount discreetly, that’s the power of the Hand of the King because she spoke in King’s voice, drafted the King’s laws and she also acted on his behalf.

Lord Cregan Lawsend visited the palace early in the morning accompanied with his wife Laisa who desperately wanted to see her daughter Elizabeth. This visit wasn’t just to see his daughter but also to see if there was any news of his secret visit to Blackmount where he pledged his loyalty to Artemis and promised to act for him and defend him.

So it turns out no one knew, not even the clever Aryan had a clue that he wasn’t in his castle for nearly a week. Gandalf was so happy to see Cregan, his father in law and he introduced Cregan to Haniwa who was Haniwa Squire now and two months pregnant already even though Elizabeth was the first wife. Cregan was so happy to see that Gandalf’s attention was to Haniwa and not his daughter, and that Elizabeth had ten servants looking out for her which pleased Laisa so much to see.

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