Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

124 Chapter 12The secret was out now and Lord Leoric knew better than to deny any of it. Perhaps Princess Aeryn was right and he should have avoided the meeting with the Master of Spies, yet there he was embarrassed to even talk.

Lord Balrus continued “Why do you want to see the dragons?”

“Because it’s not every day one gets to see a dragon, can you blame me for being excited?” replied Leoric.

“I don’t trust you. I don’t like your presence in the capital, you are to leave at once or else I shall convey your plans to enter the Queen’s palace without her knowledge. Believe me, the King will not take it lightly”

Lord Balrus stood up and called in his servants. Then he directed them to show Lord Leoric outside, and even though he still wanted to talk and maybe convince Lord Balrus to give him more time, Leoric found himself leaving Lord Balrus’s manse a defeated man.

Things weren’t going so good for neither Leoric nor Aeryn, Petrus threatened the princess to tell of her plans to Aurora or Artemis and he meant it. But unfortunately for him, Artemis went hunting with his host and Lord Commander.

Aurora was nowhere to be seen and Petrus thought she must be in Aurora’s Hill. He wanted to tell her everything before he leaves because he believed if the princess did him dirty, he must repay her with vengeance before he departs for Storm Town.

He went after his black horse and left the main palace. This horse was like his only close relative left in the capital and he was so attached to it. Without guards nor escorts, Petrus made his way towards the narrow streets of Blackmount as Princess Aeryn watched. She could have stopped him right then and there, but that would have been too suspicious.

She let him roam around passing through inns, taverns, brothels, wine sinks and public toilets which were used to drained chamber pots. Petrus was riding his horse slowly as he enjoyed his last sunset in the capital, it would be dark soon and he wanted to arrive at the castle before dark.


Suddenly he was stopped midway by three knights wearing red cloaks, the colors of the King and they were all on horses. He instantly knew these men were from the palace, or if not then they were in the King’s army hence he felt safe. And also because he was in a crowded street full of good folks and if these knights somehow wanted to harm him, they wouldn’t do it there.

One of them asked him “Where are you going at this time of the day my Lord?”

“Just wandering around” he replied “Is there a problem?”

“None my Lord, I just thought maybe you were with the King in King’s forest, he went hunting this afternoon”

“Oh yes... I missed it. I was consoling my grieving wife”

The knights looked at each other and Petrus didn’t miss that passing glance which took place for a second. Then he quickly raced his horse and turned left, the knights followed him behind screaming for him to stop.

Petrus didn’t stop, he kept on going riding as hard as he can using the narrow alleys of Blackmount as his protection and blocking the knights while the people screamed and shoved each other along the road.

Suddenly everything became chaotic, Leoric noticed the distress and he saw Petrus running away aimlessly and three knights with red cloaks chasing him. He ordered his slaves to lower the palanquin, then he climbed out of it and mounted a horse. “Take the palanquin back to the house and don’t wait for me” Leoric said to his slaves and took off.

He joined in on the race taking the other way which he was sure he will meet Petrus at the front. The alleys in front of Petrus got narrower for his horse to pass through, hence ditched the horse and carried on foot. As he went on, Petrus drew his sword and raced while he looked back.

It turned out the narrow alleys helped and he lost the three knights but he had no clue where he was. This part of the city was nicknamed Smoke street because it was always full of smokes coming from the great number of blacksmiths who occupied the whole street.

This part was more chaotic than the last, and in every house there was a blacksmith shop on the front. The noise of sharpened steel or iron made Petrus feel like he would lose his mind sooner than later. The smoke obscured his views and that’s because he wasn’t used to it, the locals seemed to be moving comfortably and not affected by the smoke.

Lord Leoric may not be a permanent resident of Smoke street, but he was used to the capital streets more than Petrus was. He once stayed in the capital for over a year and he frequently visits without the King’s knowledge. Most of the times he visits in servants’ attires and pretends to be poor, this happens when he doesn’t want to cause attention.

The same trick he once used a long time ago, he repeated it again. Along the way he exchanged his expensive tunic which he wore to Lord Balrus’s invitation for wool rugs and a black hoodie also made of wool, the cheapest material one could ever wear. This proved to be a lucky day for the washerwoman who gained the tunic, she will obviously sell it for a couple of silvers or gold.

Leoric kept on pressing as he raced on foot amongst the smoke, at first it nearly blinded him but he finally got used to it. He was looking for anyone who was in silk or satin because he knew that will be Petrus, the good folks of Smoke street can barely afford such expensive lifestyle. josei

Finally Leoric found Petrus wandering around like a lost puppy, he pitied him even though he didn’t know what was going on. Then he waited for him to come his way which he did, Leoric hid himself inside a blacksmith shop and waited for Petrus to pass through.

That’s when Leoric shoved him hard and Petrus fell down. Before Petrus could reach for his sword, Leoric’s sword was already on his throat. “Why are you running?” asked Leoric.

“Leoric?” Petrus was stunned, he wasn’t used to seeing him in cheap wool and looking like a slave.

“Quit fooling around, you know it’s me. Why are you running from the three knights?”

Petrus pushed the sword and tried to stand up, but he was met with Leoric’s hold and the sword again which forced him down. Petrus screamed “You want to kill me, go ahead and do it. Isn’t that why you sent the knights for?”

“I didn’t send knights after you”

“Then why are you here, to finish the job?” he asked.

Lord Leoric was confused. He spent a significant amount of the evening with Lord Balrus while they challenged each other in terms of who was well informed and who wasn’t. He had no clue of what Petrus said to Princess Aeryn, nor did he know that Petrus was aware of their plans and discreet meetings.

“What did you do Petrus?” asked Leoric still pointing the sword on Petrus’s throat.

“Why don’t you ask your paramour, who happens to be my wife. You stole her from me...” Petrus wept softly, he tried not to but somehow he couldn’t control himself.

“Oh poor Petrus, she came to me. She was tired of how boring you are, she said she felt like it was her first time” Leoric made a joke and laughed.

The joke pissed off Petrus and he struggled to get up, he finally freed himself and kept on running. It was already dark and most of the houses in Smoke Street had no lights, they depended on the moon and torches to see. Hence almost better part of the street was dark, it helped neither Leoric nor Petrus to be chasing each other in darkness.

Petrus kept on running but he was running towards the part of the city which was very far from Aurora’s Hill, he completely lost his way.

Leoric caught up to him and they started fighting. Both of them had swords, they were all good with their swords but Leoric had fought in wars and rebellions, his master at arms was a decorated war hero in Penrith – Petrus stood no chance against him and he knew.

“If you didn’t send the knights after me, then she did” said Petrus in the midst of fighting, it was like a duel and whoever wins lives, and who loses dies.

“Aeryn?” asked Leoric, he was stunned. “Why would she send knights after you?”

“Because I overhead you two and your plans to murder the Queen, and her dragons. Dragons don’t exist... they haven’t for centuries”

“You are as ignorant as you are stupid Petrus. That’s why you don’t deserve her” Leoric shoved his sword with greater force against Petrus, this was meant to kill him but Petrus blocked it with his own sword and took a step back.

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