Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

130 Chapter 13The reluctant to let Artemis fly all by himself ate Aurora alive. She blamed herself for letting him go when he was in that situation. Leoric was practically teasing him, or worse what if he sets Artemis into a trap. Could he be expecting that Artemis will fly on his dragon to the Mines?

Well the answer was no, neither Leoric nor Aeryn expected to see Artemis on a dragon. The Mines went on chaos as Artodo roamed the skies in clear daylight, it took Artemis only two hours to fly from Blackmount to the Mines. Along the way farmers and fishermen grew weary of what they saw on their skies yet no one knew who was riding the dragon.

But the people of the Mines and the slaves alike were aware of who was riding the dragon when Artodo landed in front of Lord Leoric’s castle and Artemis climbed down from him looking like a powerful conqueror. His spot had already arrived earlier that day, his Lord Commander brought the King’s crown with him.

The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was stunned seeing Artemis on a dragon, he had spent much time with Artemis and never had he seen dragons in the palace let alone even suspected if they existed. Artemis took the crown from him and placed it on his head, he didn’t seem to want to explain himself to anyone.

Aeryn was standing beside Lord Leoric dapped in pale white silk dress, she had jewelries all over her body including necklaces, bracelets, anklets and earrings. Those gifts were from her newly husband Lord of the Mines. Lord Leoric wasn’t feeling as grand and as powerful today, he always looks down on people but this day he looked down because of fear.

Artemis walked to them slowly as if he was measuring his steps, Artodo remained seated waiting for his rider to come back but he did sure make few glances with slaves and some of the guests Lord Leoric invited to his castle just to cause fear and he succeeded. Most of the guests fled the castle and the Mines at that very moment, Artemis didn’t care if they fled because of fear or because they wanted to spread information to others.

Suddenly Lord Leoric bent a knee before Artemis, Princess Aeryn didn’t have to kneel because she was a Princess. The laws and traditions of Maldonia forbade her from kneeling before her brother, but rather she should curtsy and stand beside him. But that day, Aeryn didn’t even curtsy before Artemis. She had a frown look on her face, possibly she knew Artemis was there to cause trouble.

“You will not curtsy before your King?” asked Artemis who completely ignored Lord Leoric and focused on his sister.

“Has my King travelled all the way here on his dragon in order to insert fear inside my heart or to take me home?”


“Neither” replied Artemis calmly. His eyes were still fixed on his sister, he remembered what Aurora told him before he left and that is if Aeryn remains persistent then he must leave her be. “You have been conspiring against me for him, spreading information about our dragons so I decided to show them out because they are not supposed to be hidden. Dragons are not hateful creatures, they are loyal and kind... your husband is neither loyal nor kind”

Leoric intervened and spoke softly “Your Grace...” but Artemis warned him “Speak one more word and I’ll have your tongue” and that kept him silence for the rest of the conversation, and neither was he allowed to rise.

Artemis was wroth but not with his sister, he loved her with all his heart and he was ready to protect her against everything and everyone. It was Leoric he didn’t trust, yet Aeryn seemed so blinded by him. With bitter look on his face, Artemis said his final goodbye to Aeryn “He is known to have fucked half of Maldonia. He will disappoint you and break your heart, if I were you I would come home before it’s too late”

Princess Aeryn refused to go with Artemis and she stood there firmly willing to stay behind with Lord Leoric. Only one word from Artemis and his post would tear apart Aeryn from Leoric and bring her home, but he didn’t give any order. He looked at his sister and thought how stupid and blind could she be, but when he knew she wouldn’t go with him, Artemis turned back and walked to his dragon.

The Lord Commander was instructed to lead the host back to the capital, all five hundred knights who escorted the King and he was given the crown too to take it back home, Artemis claimed it will fall off of him when he rides his dragon.

Artodo was ready to carry Artemis back to the capital, the way he bowed down and readied himself to allow Artemis to climb on top of him was fascinating – Leoric’s eyes widened with amazement as he looked on. He must have thought what a power! If a dragon bows like that to you then the whole world will soon bow too.

The skies of the Mines were again blessed with Artodo’s sight for that day alone. Artemis flew him high above the sky leaving many wondering how he even does that. The slaves stopped working in order to have a look, the farmers paused their seeding just to catch the glimpse of the dragon and the knights fell of their horses and collided as they tried to see the dragon. It was indeed a historical day for Maldonia, and millions of songs were sung later on detailing the very first night King Artemis took his dragon to the skies and shocked the world.

The shock was even felt in Raven and the whole of Prophis, from King’s City to Bellward to Raven there was only one major breakout news and that was Artemis and his huge dragon. Many of the folks called him a witch because how could he manage to beat out winds and fly on a dragon’s back. Some said he brought the dragons from Andreia, the city known for vile creatures and mysteries, however those who once stepped foot in Andreia denied the accusations.

Only Aryan and Gandalf were aware of the dragons’ existence and their original, Gandalf hated himself for not believing in Aryan’s washerwoman spy from the first day she wrote to them detailing on the dragons. Now the first one was huge and already taking the sky. “The experts are saying in another six moons; the dragon will grow twice it’s current size” Gandalf expressed his concerns to his sister. josei

Aryan as usual she didn’t seem intimated nor concerned “And?” she asked.

“Are we not going to do anything? Our enemy is getting stronger by each day; our lions have yet given birth to cubs, we are weak...”

“We were weak yesterday and we are weak today, but have we died? If you hadn’t send uncle to Old City with two thousands of our men then mayhaps we would still have our huge army by now” This was unnecessary, yet Aryan spoke of it and she didn’t look away.

“How many times must I apologize for my mistakes, that was a month ago. Besides you sent assassins to kill our uncle before he could try to do anything, I think we are equal sister”

Aryan refused “Not even close brother” she said in a husky and deep voice. “I sent assassins to slow him down, yet we lost our men in the process. I saved the day while you were out here acting like a King”

Instead of continuing to argue with his sister, Gandalf knew that wasn’t a fight he was destined to win. He had way too much flaws and mistakes compared to his sister. “Alright, what do we do about the dragons?” he went back to his first topic.


“That’s your solution, to do nothing?”

“Do you want to attack Blackmount and put your men to flames?” Aryan responded with a question too. “Artemis assured me that we weren’t enemies, we were the ones who broke the law and left Maldonia. As a King he is ought to choose another warden for our city, all I see here is us being disrespectful to the King and yet we feel like the ones targeted. If Artemis wanted to burn us then he would have rode straight to Raven and do it already, yet he we are...”

Aryan was making sense as always in advising the King, Gandalf respected her for that. In the midst of their conversation a servant walked inside the council chamber and announced that Haniwa was going to her labors. “Good gods, let’s go” Gandalf gasped. He was the first one to leave and then Aryan followed, a good day for the kingdom of Prophis.

Gandalf wanted a son because he needed an heir before his claim was challenged, or if forgotten Taelins somehow rise from ashes and attack him. A son would secure his claim and that’s what Haniwa gave him – a healthy bouncing baby boy and Gandalf’s joy was over the roof that day.

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