Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 140 - 140 Chapter 140

Chapter 140 - 140 Chapter 140

140 Chapter 14No news could be as mysterious and glorious as the first Queen of Prophis coming to power and wearing a golden crown with blue sapphires ─ it spread like fire from the villages towards the Silent Sea and onto the Liberty Cities. Crossed the plains, moors, and woods to land on Blackmount the same day Aurora returned back to the capital.

Artemis and Aurora were having a real and deep conversation about what needed to change between themselves in order to make their marriage work. But somehow they were interrupted by Lord Balrus whose hands were on the front and he didn’t have his signature smile as always. Something was wrong and both of them knew it.

Aurora was the first one to ask “What happened?” while scared to hear the bad news.

“Lady Aryan has been crowned the Queen of Prophis”

Artemis’s eyes widened with amazement “What? Can she really do that?” he asked walking towards Lord Balrus, Aurora followed behind him.

“I’m afraid she just did Your Grace. The letter has reached Princess Thelma in Loni, my rider assures me so”

“What did the princess say?” Aurora asked.

“She told my rider that she’s travelling to the capital as we speak, with her brother Prince Ambrose ─ the true heir to the Silver throne”

“True heir?” This made Artemis chuckle “It seems now everyone has claim to the Silver throne, Prophisians have really lost their ways. I wouldn’t be so shocked if the small folks come out and claim they have claim to the Silver throne too”


It was a joke but Aurora wasn’t so easily charmed by it “I sent an envoy a letter to Aryan detailing what I saw. It was Lord Cregan Lawsend who poisoned Gandalf, the baker who did it is across the Silent Sea. If Lady Aryan…” Aurora paused and then she repeated again “If Queen Aryan finds him then she may settle the dispute once and for all” josei

“I still cannot believe that Lord Lawsend did it, he seemed so diplomatic the last time he and I conversed” Artemis sighed.

“You and his Lordship never discussed about the possibility of murdering Gandalf?” Lord Balrus asked looking straight at Artemis. Artemis turned to Aurora as if asking why no one seemed to believe him that he had nothing to do with Gandalf’s murder.

Aurora raised her eyebrow “Did you?” she asked as if adding fuel to the flames.

“No, we didn’t. You could have seen that in your visions why are you asking me?”

“Because we agreed I will never read your mind my King. Now onto more important things, the princess cannot be allowed to come to the capital Lord Balrus. We are not going to put our dragons in danger by sending them to a war which doesn’t concern us, make sure her visit is discreet and no one gets to see her”

Lord Balrus bowed slowly “It will be done Your Grace” he said and left the room.

The awkward energy was still there between Artemis and Aurora especially after their last fight. Artemis was eager to know where Aurora had been to for the past five days, yet he seemed scared to even ask because of the mistakes he made.

He just settled with “I make mistakes and somehow you always fix them” with a guilty smile on his lips, he was betrayed by his posture which clearly showed he was nervous.

Aurora didn’t turn to look at Artemis, she kept on looking at the books on top of the table. These were the same books she’s been reading for months about House Morrow and the fall of dragons. “That’s what Queen do, right?”

“I promise I’ll be a better man once more, when all this is over”

“I’m afraid it’s just the beginning my love. I didn’t tell you everything… what I saw when I was away” This time Aurora locked eyes with Artemis “The war is coming”

“It’s been coming for the last two years, at first I thought it was Battle of Stonedance but the kingdoms weren’t set on fire during this battle. It could only mean that wasn’t it”

“No it wasn’t, this time Lady Aryan will lead Prophis against Maldonia” Aurora said and she suddenly felt like a knot tightened inside her stomach, she needed a sit to suck it all in and exhale. “I don’t know what really causes the war, but it will be deadly… we must stop it Artemis” Aurora expressed her concerns.

“Stop the war?”

“Yes, we can do it. I know we can”

Artemis may not be a warlock or a Dark Crawler but he had pure instincts and common sense to understand that it’s almost impossible to stop the future. He believed in destinies and written stars, what was already written cannot be changed. “You once told me no one can change destiny, isn’t this war a destiny?”

“No it isn’t, it’s just a future we can control only if we manage to stay out of Prophisians business and away from the Taelins because if the dragons meet the lions, we may not make it”

“Who wins this war?”

Now this not even her, the promised one and seer for all had no answer to it. “All I see is flames, but not who burns” she said.

“We have the dragons at our command, maybe the one who are burning are our foes. Maybe we survive and emerge victorious” Artemis seemed so confident in this and he was once again excited, that was until Aurora made sure to refresh his memory “I saw her sword cutting through your flesh in the flames” Aurora insisted.

“Then I shall stay clear of her during the war, if it ever comes to that. In the meantime, let’s put our heads down and pretend we know nothing about this, and I shall withdraw my support to the Taelins. No one needs to know of my mistakes, my lips are sealed and I hope the princess’s lips will be sealed too” Artemis sighed just when he thought about Princess Thelma and the biggest mistake of his life.

Although it was a time of regret and reaping what Artemis saw, Aurora decided to stand behind her husband and not criticize him so much for something that she could have done it. Ever since she was young Aurora believed in second chances and allowing people to outgrow their self-righteous behaviors and vanity. Before the dragons Artemis was always a proud man, resistant and not easily persuaded ─ one of the many things which made Aurora fall in love with him.

Now when you give this man a dragon, all feelings are heightened and the vanity grows bigger than his head. Aurora swore to stand by Artemis’s side and help him correct his mistakes.

In the Mines it seemed things were going so slow for Lord Leoric, yet so fast. One moment Artemis was at his gates on top of his dragon and the next thing he knows Gandalf is poisoned and Lady Aryan is crowned Queen of Prophis. Yet amongst all these things, none of them clearly specified how exactly will the dragons be stopped.

It was like an obsession and not the healthy one for Lord Leoric. He spent most of his times talking to his slaves, fellow Lords, sailors who just visited his city and outsiders. All he ever asked was “How do I kill a dragon?” and for some time he never really got the best answer. Then Aeryn suddenly told him that she was with child.

The whole city rejoiced that day and made a toast to the princess’s health and many prayed for her to have safe delivery unlike her previous unlucky still birth. Aeryn was sure this time she won’t have a still birth “The beasts have already had their fill of blood; this time our son will thrive” she said to Lord Leoric.

“A son?” There was a smile on Lord Leoric’s face. “I’ve always wanted a son… I mean a legitimate one not bastards, just to see how he’ll look and feel”

Aeryn chuckled softly, she didn’t seem to mind the rich tapestry past of her husband’s history “How many bastards do you have?”

“I’ve lost count, I’m a grown man my princess with fruitful seeds inside my balls and a hard phallus” The way Lord Leoric expressed himself and reached out to touch his manhood made Aeryn chuckle, they were all alone inside their chambers. These two always spent most of their time inside making love and connecting, it was princess Aeryn’s most comfortable thing to do.

Suddenly the door was knocked. Lord Leoric raised his voice “Who is it?” he asked and climbed out of the bed. He was completely naked, hence he reached out for his robe nearby and put it on.

“It’s your loyal servant my lord. There is a guest here to see you, he says you may want to see him. He brings news on how to kill a beast” Lord Leoric turned to Aeryn and they were both alarmed. Aeryn climbed out of the bed too and followed Lord Leoric to this mysterious guest who may somehow know how to kill a dragon.

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