Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

92 Chapter 9On the outside of the hall, ten knights of kingsguard were dead when they were ambushed by Lord Boross’s knights and they were fifty compared to the nine. The one hundred thousand men Aryan brought to Raven were scattered all over the city as per her order to keep the peace, but only if she knew they were needed right there in the castle to defend their king.

Now it was Lady Aryan, Gandalf and the lord commander Tyriol against twenty knights of Lord Boross and forty knights standing outside and guarding the door. They were fifty but because of the fight with Gandalf’s kingsguard, they remained forty while all the kingsguards were slaughtered and laid down dead.

“My men are waiting outside, if you kill these ones I will open the doors and we will surround you” said Lord Boross with confidence.

“We came with one hundred thousand men” Gandalf screamed.

“And where are they? I’m pretty sure whoring around the streets, they don’t care about you... a false king! A usurper”

Gandalf nearly jumped to Lord Boross with his sword as if he knew what he was doing, it was his Lord Commander Tyriol who blocked him and pushed him back. Then swords were drawn inside the dining hall, what was supposed to be a feast turned to be a “Red Feast” as so many people called it years later.

Blood was spilled and Lady Aryan took eight of Lord Boross’s men down, while Tyriol cut down the remaining twelves without even breaking a sweat. What was Lord Boross even thinking attacking a beast as strong as Tyriol, standing at six-foot eight and looking like an impregnable mountain.

With his men down, Lord Boross’s three sons picked up their swords ready to defend their father and their sister Margery. Lady Aryan’s face had blood of his fallen foes all over her face, she looked like a ghost yearning for more blood. Tyriol never took off his helmet but it was sure full of blood spattered all over it, now they were even except for the barred doors. Gandalf trembled at the back of Tyriol, holding him tight like a scared little boy.

Lady Aryan walked forward towards the three sons “Come on, take your best shot” he said to the first son of Lord Boross whose named is still unknown, but he was to be the next Lord of Raven. He was older than Aryan and probably in his early thirties, the next son was twenty-seven and the third son was the same age as Lady Aryan.


It was Margery who was seventeen years old during that time her father planned to murder the Squires. “Open the doors!” Lord Boross gave the order only to be met with silent. At that instant Aryan jumped on the first son and they started to throw swords, the other two joined in and surrounded Lady Aryan.

Lack of proper master of swords to train them, having no experience with wars and probably being raised on silver spoon and always bathing on their father’s money is what made the fight easy to Aryan. The first one to die was the third son when he attacked like a mad men and that’s when Aryan kicked him in his groin and when he was down – she slit his throat quickly.

Just like that, Lord Boross’s son died and the lord grew weary. He raced to the gates trying to open them but he found himself without a head when Tyriol rose his sword on him, the chronicles later praised Tyriol’s courage and his sword which cuts like no other. The fall of their father right before their eyes, and the confusion as to where were the other guards led the two sons of Lord Boross to yield their swords down and surrender.

However, they chose a bad day to attack the Squires. Lady Aryan killed them in one single blow from where they knelt down and beheaded them. Only Margery Boross was left alive, she was crying so loud and she only stopped when Lady Aryan reached out to her and screamed at her face to stop.

Maybe it was the blood of her brothers on Aryan’s face that traumatized Margery, she fell down and fainted right there. The doors were opened by Tommy, the spy who noticed something strange was going on inside the dining hall and hence gathered the men. All the forty of Lord Boross’s men were put to the sword.

Gandalf raced to Tommy and hugged him, with the look of blood on Aryan’s face and the heads which were on the floor. Tommy didn’t even ask what happened because he knew already. Instead of washing themselves or think it through, Gandalf decided to walk through the streets of Raven holding Boross’s head and the heads of his three sons.

With Tyriol behind him and Tommy, and almost one thousand of his men, Gandalf took to the streets of Raven on top of a carriage speaking out to his people “This is who you call a Lord!” He said hanging the head high for everyone to see “The king pays him a visit and he decides to have me killed. My good people of Raven, this is a man who wanted to murder your King” and from that day till today, Lord Boross is known as “Boross, the man who almost killed the King” josei

Gandalf placed Lord Boross’s head outside the famous brothel in Raven, and he asked the men to piss on it before they go inside. In order to set an example, he was the first one to lower his trouser and took out his cock in front of tens of thousands who came to witness the saga. Then he peed on the head of Lord Boross, the good folks of Raven erupted in cheers.

From there, the next brothel had the head of Boross’s first son, and the second and third. Four brothels in Raven had heads of the Boross House as a means of warning and to also humiliate the once rich and powerful man in Raven. And they did pee on those heads just like how their king commanded.

There has never been that sort of chaos in Raven where masses flocked into the brothels, wine skins and alehouses to celebrate their new King and the fall of House Boross. For nearly a fortnight the celebrations showed no signs of stopping, and what made them interesting was the King’s presence in such matters. Gandalf whored his way through Raven fucking two whores per night, and by fortnight he’d slept with thirty whores.

The whole garrison of Lord Boross’s castle was brought to sword and it was Lady Aryan herself who performed the executions. When she was tired, she let Tommy and his men do the work. By fortnight the castle was surrounded by Gandalf’s men only and those who served Boross first but now they swore oath to Gandalf. Aryan didn’t trust them hence he sent them over to serve the King in either Claydall or King’s City.

Hence the city had only Gandalf’s men guarding it, that was until the arrival of eight thousand company of sellswords who Aryan made arrangements to buy them from Arkala in order to strengthen the King’s security.

Now what was left to do, was to find the King a suitable wife who will make sure trade in Raven never falls and neither do they lose all the gold and money Boross left. Although it was hard for the sailors, merchants and companies to trust anyone apart from Lord Boross in terms of trade at the harbor, they somehow grew fond of Lady Aryan and her skills.

The very first thing Aryan did was spread news of what happened to the deceased Lord to his partners, very wealthy partners who were key to Raven’s success. One in particular was Cregor Lamit, a friend of Lord Boross and a prince of a faraway kingdom Lady Aryan had no idea of but she still entertained him to tea and pastries inside the castle when his fleets arrived.

Prince Cregor was wroth with the Squires “You murdered my friend and took his city, now you are begging me for my ships” he said in a very weird accent, it was clear that he didn’t even know the language so well.

“He tried to have us killed right here”

“Boross was a good man. A kind good man, you...”

“We are your allies my prince, my brother is the King of Prophis now and I know you need our gold and our waters. I can assure you we are willing to cooperate with you and your men, the trade can keep going my prince and we need your fleets if there is to be another war”

Prince Cregor remained silent for a moment, he acknowledged Lady Aryan’s diplomacy and her strength but he had one request and that is to have the head of his friend and his sons being taken down from the brothels where “unwashed cunts and stinking cocks piss on them” that’s what he said with a disgust look on his face. Aryan assured him it will be done so and quickly.

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