Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 623 - No Longer Disabled

Chapter 623 - No Longer Disabled

Chapter 623: No Longer Disabled

“Okay,” he said as he caressed her face. He helped her put on a hat which covered half of her face. “Time to go to the hospital.”

Lu Yi stood up and pushed the wheelchair. Actually, Yan Huan did not need a wheelchair anymore, but he could not help but worry about her. She would have to remain on the wheelchair until the day the plaster cast was removed and the doctor declared that she was fine.

However, sometimes Yan Huan felt like she wanted to emphasize a point.

Dear Mr. Prosecutor, I injured my arm, not my leg.

When they arrived at the hospital, Lu Yi immediately asked for He Yibin.

When He Yibin appeared, he led Yan Huan away to get an x-ray. He needed to check if the bone had healed properly.

After getting the x-ray results, he heaved a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, your bones had healed properly. However, it is better for you to continue your hiatus for a bit longer to avoid injuring your arm again. You can get back to work after another six months of rehabilitation.”

Finally, Yan Huan was allowed to remove the plaster cast on her arm.

She swung her arms around to loosen her tense muscles. It felt so good to finally remove the plaster cast.

“Why did you make her use a wheelchair? Her legs are fine,” He Yibin asked while pointing to the wheelchair on the other side of the room. It seemed ridiculous for someone with an injured arm but perfectly functioning legs to sit on a wheelchair.

“She’s too active. The only way to make her stop moving around restlessly was to confine her to a wheelchair,” Lu Yi explained. He knew Yan Huan very well. For the past few months, this wheelchair was the only thing that kept her from overexerting herself. If she was still as restless as before, the bone might take even longer to heal, or perhaps it could even lead to another serious fracture.

She had a bad temper, but she would listen to him. However, that was only when he said something so reasonable that she could not refute at all. Otherwise, she would still ignore everything he said.

“How are you doing recently?” Lu Yi asked He Yibin.

He Yibin shrank, he knew exactly what Lu Yi wanted to ask.

“Why? Are you looking down on those who are single?”

“No,” Lu Yi didn’t mean it. He clapped He Yibin on his back and said, “All of us are married and Qingyi even has a kid now, so when is your turn?”

“I have no idea either,” He Yibin shrugged.

Although marriage and starting a family was one of his main goals for the future, He Yibin did not plan to do it yet. He enjoyed being single now, but if he did get to know a girl that he liked, he would not hesitate to marry her. However, no girl could win his heart right now.

He would never agree to have intercourse or father children with some random girl, regardless of how she looked like and what she did as long as she was a girl. No way, he had higher standards than that.

“What are you guys talking about?” Yan Huan walked toward them and hugged Lu Yi from behind. “Are you gossiping about me behind my back?”

“Is there really anything bad about you that we can talk about?” He Yibin quipped smilingly. He felt relieved because he managed to escape the previous conversation with Lu Yi. These two people had no moral principles at all. The three of them – Lei Qingyi, Lu Yi and himself – had agreed that all of them would only get married when they turned 30 years old. Despite that, they had both betrayed him and gotten married so early, leaving him as the only one who was still single. josei

“That’s true. Since I am such a perfect person, of course there would be nothing about me for you to gossip about,” Yan Huan said proudly. She was self-disciplined, and she did not have any gossip or affairs with others. Lu Yi held her fingers tightly in the palm of his hand.

“I was asking when will Yibin get married.”

Dude, can we just forget about this?

He Yibin really wanted to wail at Lu Yi.

“Ah, I see,” Yan Huan stood on her tiptoes and leaned on Lu Yi’s shoulder.

“I know plenty of girls, and some of them are really pretty. I can introduce them to you!”

“Nah, it’s fine,” He Yibin laughed. He did not intend to get together with someone from the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry was like a gigantic melting pot of all sorts of people and cultures, so there were times where it would get chaotic and messy. The girls involved in it were unlikely to be pure and innocent, except for Yan Huan whom he knew was an exception.

Oh. Yan Huan seemed to get it.

“So... since you don’t want a girl, then would you prefer a guy?”

“What type of guy do you want? Pure and innocent, macho men or pretty boys?”

“Or?” she glanced over him from head to toe and asked, “Are you a top or a bottom?”

Lu Yi was ready to drag Yan Huan away before she could anger Yibin even more. If someday they caught a cold or fever, he was the only one he trusted enough for them to go to. You could piss off anyone in the world, but never a doctor.

Inside the car, Yan Huan kept flexing her right hand. She was glad that she could finally move it freely. She no longer had to use her left hand to brush her teeth or wipe her butt.

I can use both my hands, hehe...

“What are you thinking about?” Lu Yi asked from the driver’s seat. He was wondering why Yan Huan was smiling to herself in the backseat. She seemed happy, but he was curious what made her so happy.

“Nothing,” Yan Huan reached her hand through the space between the front seats and pinched Lu Yi’s waist. She could clearly feel his toned muscles.

“I’m thinking that I can finally use both of my hands freely, and of course you know...”

She slid her hands into Lu Yi’s shirt. She loved the warmth of his body.

“I can finally... hmm... do naughty things with my husband...”

They only did it a few times in the past few months.

Lu Yi did not want to aggravate her injury, so they did not do it much since she got hurt. They would get it on everyday before she was injured, but now they did not even do it once a week.

Intercourse was a good way for couples to strengthen their bonds while making their bodies healthier. If they could not enjoy their sex life, how on earth would they maintain a good relationship together? Both of them were just normal people, right?

Lu Yi pulled her hand out from his shirt, and placed it on his lap. “Don’t do that, I’m driving.”

Yan Huan obeyed Lu Yi and did not try to touch him again. At the same time, she had no clue about the devious smirk on Lu Yi’s face. Oh, tonight would be a very fun night indeed.

The next day, Yan Huan regretted teasing him because they ended up having a really wild night yesterday that completely wore her out. Hence, she was sprawled lazily on the bed now, unwilling to move.

“To think that I once said he had erectile dysfunction.”

“Who has erectile dysfunction?”

Lu Yi walked toward her and sat down. His sense of hearing was sharp, so he had clearly heard what she said.

“Nobody,” Yan Huan pretended to be ignorant.

Lu Yi put his fingers to her temples, and began to massage them softly.

Yan Huan started to feel drowsy, so she pulled the blanket over herself. Listening to the breathing of the man behind her, her heart started to race. She began to feel hot and kicked the blanket off of her, leaving both of her legs outside the blanket.

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