Sweetness Drowning: Callous Boss and Awkward Wife

Chapter 18 - Monitoring

Chapter 18 - Monitoring

Chapter 18: Monitoring
Translator: Cai Mengyuan
Proofread by Peter Gong

Yu Yu leaves the house early the next morning.

Uncle Zhang stands on the second floor, seeing it clearly and reports to Ko Chen immediately.

“Master, do you need someone to follow up?”

His face is pale and the body is getting worse day by day. Although the disease was controlled in time yesterday, it is inevitable that his vitality has been weakened a lot. Today’s itinerary is all delayed and he has to stay at home to recuperate.

Unfortunately, Yu Yu does not know that at all, and she just thinks Ko Chen goes to the company before 8 o’clock as usual. If she knows that Ko Chen does stay at home, and she goes out, she would regret it.

Ko’s right hand clenches into a fist against his mouth, and his shoulders shrug with a burst of coughing. His face looks like piggy liver, as if he would faint at any time. Uncle Zhang worries a lot and hurriedly takes out his mobile phone to contact Duan Qingfeng.josei

Before the number is dialed, Ko Chen reaches out to stop it, and Uncle Zhang doesn’t know what he means.

Ko Chen’s mouth is tightly compressed into a line, and his hands are still shaking, like a dying old man.

“Ask a bodyguard to follow Yu Yu. I must know her whereabouts.” His low voice sounds so cold as if a bucket of ice water fell head-on when the sun is burning in June. .

Uncle Zhang dare not disobey him and has to follow his order.

Yu Yu notices Wang Feng who sits in the corner as soon as she steps into the cafe while the latter also focuses her eyes on Yu’s direction. Wang Feng’s eyes light up instantly, and she waves her hand twice.

It’s time for work so there are no guests in the cafe. Yu Yu walks inside, but notices that someone outside window seems to stare at her. Turning her head in doubt, there is nothing unusual.

“Did I have an illusion?” She tilts her head and mutters to herself. Until sitting down, she still looks doubtful.

Seeing her unusual face, Wang Feng thinks that there was a quarrel between her and Ko Chen. Her heart is clapping, asking hurriedly, “Why do you look so down? Did you quarrel with Ko Chen?”

Yu Yu dare not tell her the truth, and with his mother’s disposition, she must insist on getting to the bottom of the matter. What’s more, she has blown her own horn, and it is too late to change now, so it is better to make the best of a bad bargain.

“No, we are very good, Mom, don’t worry.” Yu Yu makes a fine appearance, waving hands casually and pretends to show the diamond ring on ring finger inadvertently.

Wang Feng’s attention is suddenly attracted by the brilliant diamond. She grabs the hand of Yu Yu, puts it in front of her eyes and looks at it carefully. She stares at it motionlessly as if she stuck her body up.

“It must be several carats!”

Her eyes shine with greedy light and she keeps muttering, “Ko Chen is a good guy. He’s so generous though you have just contacted with each other. I asked Yu Yu to give me some information directly or indirectly before, but the girl just didn’t release any information. She must have kept it to herself alone.”

The remarks are full of righteousness and indignation. Yu Yu dare not answer, but responds vaguely. If Wang Feng knows the ring is sneaked by her in Yu Fei’s bedroom instead of being given by Ko Chen…

She doesn’t want to tangle with the topic on Ko Chen and waves the waiter over.

Noticing an outsider, Wang Feng cannot continue the topic. She can only take a sip and coughs lightly.

After Blue Mountain Coffee is delivered, Wang Feng takes out an envelope from her bag and looks around with a guilty conscience and pushes it forward quickly, “I saw it. It is very good. If I show it to Ko Chen, Yu Fei that bitch would never have chance to enter Ko’s door again.”

Yu Yu does not say a word, silently opens the envelope, takes out the photos and looks carefully.

The photos by paparazzo is really good: Yu Fei leans in Gu Yi’s arms, and her face cannot be seen because of the angle, and what can be seen is the man’s firm jaw line, and the slight curve on the corner of his mouth.

It’s hard to believe there is no relationship between them if the photos are taken into account alone.

She can still explain the things that happened three years ago, but these photos are irrefutable evidence, and she cannot argue any more.

Yu Yu thinks maliciously, exerting his fingertips unconsciously, and several small folds are made on the photos.

Nobody knows a daughter better than her mother. Wang Feng notices the expression on Yu’s face and instantly understands her idea. Instead of stopping it, she shows a proud smile. She even comes up with more ideas, and the tone is full of complacency.

“No man doesn’t like beautiful young women, listen to me, and don’t be so rigid, you must learn to play some tricks…”

The more she says, the less reliable she is. Yu Yu cannot help recalling the scene of last night’s disgrace. She fells so ashamed that she does not want to continue the topic any more. Waving her hand and interrupting her mother with disgust, she says, “Mom, what are you talking about!”

Wang Feng doesn’t know the secret, but thinks Yu Yu is embarrassed. She picks up her eyebrows, and cares little whether anyone around her would hear that. She shouts loudly, “You’re shy now, but you even have no chance to cry after your man is seduced by other women!”

There are few guests in the cafe. Wang Feng’s voice is increased, which attracts the attention of several waiters.

Yu Yu feels ashamed and half covers her face. Suddenly, she catches a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure. But when she looks at it intently and there is nothing left.

From the beginning to now, she has always had the feeling of being monitored. She thought it was an illusion before, but after a long time, she thinks it is not as simple as an illusion.

Yu Yu becomes wary and suddenly rises from the seat.

Her movement is so sudden that Wang Feng shivers all over. She accidentally knocks over the coffee in front of her and spills it all over her in a second.


Seeing Wang Feng is about to erupt, Yu Yu quickly pulls out a piece of paper and presses it on her clothes. Seemingly, she is cleaning. In fact, she lowers her voice and whispers in Wang Feng’s ear to remind her, “Somebody is following me.”

Wang Feng’s look stiffens for a second, and then she stares. What she wanted to say before is all forgotten.

Yu Yu is not sure whether someone is really monitoring her, but she prefers to be careful. In case of emergency, they leave seperately.

As soon as Yu Yu walks to the next intersection, she runs into Yu Fei, who comes out to buy vegetables. She is stunned at first, but suddenly assumes a proud smile.

Yu Fei has no idea that she would meet her in such a situation. Those unpleasant pictures reappear in her mind when she is watching Yu Yu’s face, and suddenly there is a gush in her stomach, and she stoops down to throw up.

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