Sword Pilgrim

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Whiiiish, clang.

Callius, holding a sword with a blade snapped in half, looked at Esther’s strangely flushed face and the upturned curve of her lips, thinking.

‘What monstrous talent.'

Today was her first time seeing Callius wield the Silver Flower Wave Sword properly.

Raging Flower Wave.

White Haze.

And even Other Shore Flower.

He’d showed everything he could.

And yet Esther had broken through his skills that she was seeing for the first time, evaded every single attack, and reached him with a single plunging stab.

The result was a draw.

Of course, the situation might’ve been different if Callius had pulled out one of the many powerful swords in his possession.

But Esther was the same.

‘On Sullivian’s death, Esther will receive a vision sword.'

It was an established fact.

A truth that could not be denied.

And a future that was sure to come to pass.

Sullivian's death would set Esther on her path, ignite her passion.

She’d ascend to the rank of a Master, climb to the heights of a legendary paladin, establish herself as a saint, and become a force powerful enough to threaten the empire.

He might’ve had an edge on her in this particular contest –

But that was only a product of timing.

Esther was also getting stronger.

A mix of envy and jealousy bubbled up inside Callius’ heart for a moment, but then it calmly subsided.

He’d already been very fortunate that his body could reach its current level.

‘Nothing is impossible.'

Callius who’d climbed up to all the way here –

There was no reason for him to stop instead of reaching for even greater heights.

Just the fact that he had chased Esther, a true-blue genius, this far, was proof that he hadn’t wasted his life in vain.

But as much as he himself had grown –

– He’d ignored the fact that Esther was also perfecting herself.

There was a high wall between them, a difference between their intrinsic talents.

‘She isn’t even a Master right now.'

Then how strong were the Masters?

The path of the sword that loomed before him was still long, steep and rugged, full of fog.

But he couldn't stay down forever because of that.

A draw with Esther was good enough for now.

It was a milestone the original Callius could never have reached.

“What an elegant fight.”

Allen knelt down on one knee as if thrilled.

When Callius looked around, he noticed that the rest of the nobles also had very different expressions on their faces.

Full of surprise and disbelief.

The way they looked at Callius had changed anew.

『Quest Complete』

<Reward>「Goblin Gold Coin」

He was able to feel Esther's swordsmanship head-on, so there was nothing wrong with completing the quest.

He’d been feeling stuffy ever since he’d arrived here, but now he was feeling rather refreshed.

“Your skills flowed naturally like water. You’ve worked hard.”

“You’ve grown a lot, too.”

“Not compared to you, Count.”

Satisfied, she came closer and was about to say something more. However –

“The Queen of Carpe, entering. Everyone, please observe the proper etiquette!”

The queen appeared.

White hair braided to one side –

A woman with pure white hair and eyes.

A scion of the royal family who had the deepest traces of God.

Clara von Agatha Bright.

It was the appearance of the Queen of Carpe.


Callius knelt down and bowed to the queen.

The rest of the aristocrats, many of whom had been wearing unsightly faces, also began to comport themselves properly.

“I haven’t seen such a lively scene in quite a while. Is this your work?”

The words that came out of her small and delicate frame seeped into the audience, laced as it was with the dignity of a monarch of a nation.

Callius lifted his head slightly to look at the queen, and then lowered his gaze again.

“I simply kept faith to the Sword Dance Society.”

Queen Clara.

Callius thought a lot as he glanced at that bearer of a wretched fate.

Her destiny. The suffering the royal family had already been through.

The pressure of the nobility around her, and her difficult position.

And above all else, the tragedy of the prince who should’ve been her greatest strength.

‘I even considered launching a coup, but…'

It wasn't a very good option.

After much deliberation, he’d finally decided that it was best to help her.

So Callius had no intention of leaving her to her fate. Just like how many other things were now different –

Her destiny too would change, by his own hands.

"I see. Count Jervain’s performance often reaches my ears these days.”

Step, step.

As the queen’s footsteps slowly came down the stairs and drew nearer, Callius' heart pounded for a moment.

The people he’d killed had all deserved to die, but he was being needled for killing them so arbitrarily.

The moment he thought about making some excuses –

The queen had already reached his front.

“I heard that the North has successfully stopped the barbarian invasion again this time. And that you stood strong at the centre of it. Great job.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

“Count, as the future Lord of the North, you wouldn’t be interested in the territories of other places. And I've heard that you don’t lack for swords either. Is that right?"


Perhaps she was trying to give him something?

Although he’d brazenly killed people, he’d also been helpful to her cause.

“I should reward you, but it’s difficult because you don’t lack for amything. Is there anything you want?”

Anything he wanted?

This was a very outrageous treatment.

‘Are you trying to drag me into the royalist faction?'

But that didn't matter.

Rather, he was hoping for something like that.

The queen’s power had to become stronger.

So that he could achieve what he wanted.

“Yes, Your Majesty. In fact, there’s something I’ve had my eye on for a long time.”

There was much to be gained from the royal family.

The relics and swords they possessed included many outstanding ones.

But one thing came to mind first.

What Callius needed right now, and for the future.

“What is it? Speak without fear.”

Callius' eyes rested upon the ring on the queen's hand.

“I want the White Jade of Bright.”


The White Jade of Bright.

The nobles, as well as the ministers, gulped in shock.

Many even wanted to laugh as if it was absurd.

“Why do you want it?”

“I really need it.”

The queen didn’t ask any further questions.

But she looked worried.

“This is a treasure of the royal family that’s been passed down for generations. You know that, right?”

Of course he knew.

Clara von Agatha Bright.

Bright was her family name, and the White Jade of Bright was the family’s treasure.

A royal treasure and a kind of token that had been passed down their family line since the beginning of time.

It was natural that she’d be shocked and react like that if he asked for such a reward.

However –

‘It’s necessary.'

To walk on the thorny road ahead –

The White Jade of Bright was an indispensable item.

In fact, it was a sort of gamble.

As well as a test of its own.

‘If you want me, you have to pay a lot.'

He wasn’t the one in a hurry, anyway.

Wasn’t the queen in an infinitely precarious position?

The choice was up to her.

What did a powerless monarch need? A ring that was just a symbol?

Or a noble knight of high potential with both personal strength and territorial power?

Callius waited silently.

At that time, when everyone in the audience was waiting for the queen's answer, even breathing quietly –

She spoke.

“So be it.”

While Callius was rejoicing inside –

"Your Majesty!!"

“You cannot!”

“The White Jade of Bright is the symbol of kingship! If you hand it over to a servant!!”


“This is nonsense!!”

Seeing the ministers about to spew blood, the queen responded with a smile, even though she seemed angry.

“Can’t I even do what I want with my own possession? It’s just a ring, so don’t worry too much.”

“It’s not just a ring!”

“I know that better than you. Count Jervain?”


“It’s something my ancestors cherished, and I, too, cherish. I do think the request’s a bit excessive. But since I need you, I’ll give it to you. However, it’ll still belong to the royal family, since it’s part of the family heritage. So this is a loan, not a gift. When I step down, you will pass the Ring of Bright to the next king.”

So that was how she wanted to play it?

‘Not a bad way.'

A way to bind the Lord of the North to the monarch without completely handing over the treasure.

“Instead, you have to grant me one favour without reservation. Is that alright?"

"Of course."

As the trade was finalized, the ministers who were not convinced were about to shout.

"But, Your Majesty!"

“I’ve already made my decision. There are many other concerns, so if you have any complaints, please file an appeal.”


The queen took the white jade ring from her finger and placed it in Callius’ palm before the ministers could say anything more.

“Count, you smell very good, somehow. I almost put it on your finger without noticing.”

The queen’s soft smile as she whispered was truly pure.

But it was a smile that looked kind of sad.

Then another sentence escaped Callius' mouth.

“Your smile, Your Majesty. I will protect it.”


The queen was surprised, but so was Callius himself.

This damn characteristic was again behaving outrageously.

"Then I’ll await with expectation. Count."

After the queen returned to her place with a smile, the commotion calmed down and the rest of the event began to unfold.

Those who’d distinguished themselves were given titles and received territories.

Among them was Genos, and several other nobles.

After the trade of honours was over, the queen disappeared since she was always busy with her work, and many people continued discussing the sword.

Naturally, there were many who wanted to get close to Callius, but now he was completely in the queen’s camp.

So they couldn't venture close.

It was rather good, so Callius headed to his assigned dormitory.

「White Jade of Bright」

Grade – Rare

? A ring handed down from the Bright royal family.

A very ramshackle explanation.

But then why did Callius ask for such a thing?

There was a good reason.

Callius imparted divine power to the white jade embedded within the ring.

He poured, and poured, and poured again, for a long time.

Due to the lack of divine power, he even had to release the seal of his bracelet and smashed all the enormous divine power he’d accumulated over the years.

The surface of the white jade, which had absorbed that gigantic mass of divine power without the littlest change, finally began to crack, and then shattered.

「Hetaia's Ruby」

Grade – Legendary

? The ring symbolizing the Hetaia family, who ruled this land before the Bright royal family was established; the family that drove away the demons.

「Noble Spirit」

? Increases the wearer's mental strength. Deflects most psychic attacks.

The queen might’ve cherished it, but she couldn't have known that it hid such a secret.

Callius immediately put on the ruby ring.

He couldn’t be fully certain, but there was indeed a sense of protection.

He took out the Sword of Sorrow from subspace.

This was the most straightforward way to test the ruby.


As soon as he swung the Sword of Sorrow and let out its pure white chill, he heard a whistling sound.

But only for a fleeting moment.

“It’s quiet.”

The hallucinations and nightmares that should’ve beset him couldn’t be heard at all due to the strengthened mental power.

Now he could use this sword freely.

Even if he hadn’t gotten his hands on Dirge, Hetaia's Ruby was an essential item.

Unique abilities of carcasses could be very diverse.

Including psychic abilities such as hypnosis and sleep.

No matter how strong one was –

In this dangerous world, if you weren’t always vigilant, you could die from poison, die from falling asleep, or lose your comrades while in the throes of delirium.

Items that bestowed immunity from mental attacks were rare, yet essential.

‘Even if the demons appear in the future, I’ll be able to endure to some extent.'

Just getting it was a huge benefit. The queen's demand was a little harsh, but it couldn't be helped.

That was how important the ruby was.

“What’re you staring at like that?”



An old man's voice suddenly intruded.

Callius, startled, hid the ring quickly and stepped back.

Looking towards the window, he could see an elderly man standing inside, with his hands behind his back.

“No, how…”

“The window was open, so I came in.”


This room was on the third floor!

Even when he looked closely, he couldn’t tell who the man was.

But one thing was certain –

‘He’s not somebody to be taken lightly.' josei

The pure spiritual power that tingled Callius’ senses was in no way inferior compared to the saint’s divine power he’d felt from the divine stone.

The man was dressed in pure white clothes and he held his sword touching the ground like a walking stick.

And once he considered the absurd behaviour that overturned common sense –

Someone came to mind.

“There’s something I need your help with. It’s something only you can do.”

The apex of the Order of Valtherus.

Felice du Evadre Valus.

Pope of the Church of the Sword.

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