System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 89 A Strange Request

Chapter 89 A Strange Request

As the night descended, David's determination to find the mysterious girl grew stronger. Without wasting any time, he made his way to the garden where he had last encountered her, hoping to meet her again.

It was around nine in the evening, and the park was slowly filling up with people going for their post-dinner walks or jogs. David settled on the same bench where they had crossed paths before, anxiously waiting for her to appear.

With a deep breath, David activated his God's Eyes skill, his heightened senses scanning every person in the park. He was searching for that unique presence, the one he couldn't see through the status window. However, as the minutes passed, there was no sign of her.

Ten o'clock arrived, and David contemplated giving up for the night. Perhaps she was too shaken from the previous encounter to return to the park. He reluctantly started to get up from the bench, ready to head back to his apartment.

But then, he hesitated and sat back down. A flicker of her presence returned, faint but unmistakable. It gradually grew stronger, like a beacon guiding him towards her. A wide grin appeared on David's face as he realized he couldn't let this chance slip away. He was determined to uncover her identity and learn more about her.

As her presence became more distinct, David stood up and started jogging in the direction where he sensed her. He decided it was time to make the first move and seek her out. With every step, excitement and curiosity filled his heart.

"Tonight, I'll find out who she is," he whispered to himself.

He followed the trail of her presence, weaving through the park with a sense of purpose. Every now and then, he would catch glimpses of her unique aura, drawing him closer and closer. His heart raced, wondering what secrets she held.

As he reached a secluded spot in the garden, David saw her silhouette, dimly illuminated by the moonlight. She seemed lost in thought, unaware of his presence.

As the mysterious woman came into view, David's curiosity got the better of him. He decided to try once more to check her status, hoping that maybe this time it would appear. He deactivated his skill and softly muttered, "Activate God's Eyes skill."

However, even with the skill active, the status window remained absent above her head, confirming that he couldn't see her status.

As she jogged, her ears were adorned with earbuds, and the faint sound of music reached David's ears. Her black sports clothes clung to her figure, and her hair was neatly tied back. As she approached, she suddenly halted her jog, seemingly noticing David approaching.

"Hello, excuse me," she spoke, her voice melodic and soft. "I'm sorry for yesterday."

Puzzled, David replied, "What? Why are you apologizing to me?"

She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Don't you remember me? I'm the girl you saved from those harassers yesterday. I didn't properly thank you then because I was too scared and rushed home."

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "But you did thank me," David said, a little taken aback. He couldn't understand why she was apologizing again when she had already expressed her gratitude.

Her smile was both shy and grateful as she revealed, "My name is Lillian."

Confused, David asked, "Lillian?"josei

"Yes," she replied, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "That's my name."

"I'm David," he introduced himself, extending his hand for a shake. However, Lillian didn't reciprocate. Instead, she spoke hurriedly, "Sorry, I need to leave." And just like that, she began running past him, seemingly overwhelmed by the conversation.

David watched her go, surprised by her sudden departure. He wondered what could have made her so anxious. As he stood there, he realized that he wanted to know more about Lillian and her mysterious aura. 

David watched as Lillian quickly disappeared from his sight, her scared expression lingering in his mind. He could have caught up to her, demanded an explanation, but he decided against it.

Clearly, she was still shaken from the events of yesterday. Despite the lack of answers, he felt somewhat content knowing her name. It might not be much, but it was a start.

As he walked back towards his apartment, his phone pinged with a WhatsApp message. It was from Asahi, the Japanese guy he had met at the Goddess Pavilion. Curious, he opened the message to find a link to Asahi's Instagram page. The post showed that he had arrived in the USA and was heading to Las Vegas next.

An idea sparked in David's mind. He dialed Asahi's number and called him. After a brief chat, David asked about Asahi's flight to Las Vegas. Asahi mentioned it was in two days, and he planned to explore New York City in the meantime. This was the perfect opportunity for David's plan.

Excitedly, David proposed, "Bro, come meet me. I have a favor to ask."I think you should take a look at

Asahi agreed to meet with him for a day before his departure to Las Vegas. The plan was set - they would explore New York together, and once everyone from the WhatsApp group they had met at the Goddess Pavilion arrived on the agreed day, Asahi would join them as well.

The Favour David asked Asahi was to accompany him at night to the park for once," David explained to Asahi as they settled in at his apartment. "I just want you to use your God's Eyes skill from your perspective to check if you can view the status of a girl named Lillian. I've been curious to find out more about her".

The night wore on, and soon the day dawned. David eagerly headed to the airport to pick up Asahi. As they reunited, a friendly conversation ensued.

"Hey bro, how have you been?" David greeted with a warm smile.

Asahi's eyes lit up with excitement, "I've been great! By the way, I saw your modeling advertisement on the flight. You're killing it!"

David chuckled modestly, "Thanks, man. It's been going well lately."

They hopped into the car, embarking on their journey back to David's apartment. During the ride, they chatted about their adventures and experiences in different countries.

Finally, they arrived at the apartment. Asahi made himself comfortable on the sofa, while David retrieved two beers from the refrigerator. As they sat down, Asahi's curiosity got the better of him.

"So, why did you call me here?" Asahi asked, taking a sip of his beer.

David leaned back, looking pensive, "Well, it's about something that's been bugging me for a while now. I need your help with something."

Asahi raised an eyebrow, intrigued, "Sure, what's going on?"

David began to recount the peculiar incident at the college where he couldn't access the status of one particular girl. He shared the various instances when he tried, but to no avail.

"It's like her status is somehow shielded from my God's Eyes skill," David explained.

Asahi nodded, absorbing the information. "And you want me to use my God's Eyes to check her status?"

"Yeah, exactly," David confirmed. "I just want to know if she's somehow special or if it's just a weird glitch."

Asahi agreed to help, "Sure, I'll use my skill tonight when we go to the park. Let's see what happens."

As David explained to Asahi what he wanted him to do that night, they realized they still had a whole day before the night came. David suggested they make the most of it by going out and having some fun in New York City. Asahi eagerly agreed, and they set out to explore the bustling streets.

As they wandered around, the conversation took an interesting turn. Since both of them shared the unique system of Harem, they began talking about their experiences and sex life.

Asahi opened up about his past life, revealing that he used to be lonely and ugly looking guy, until one day he received a blessings from the Goddess of Sex,  From that point on, his life changed drastically as he built his harem of over a hundred partners, taking over the hearts of women all across Japan.

David, on the other hand, recounted his journey, which had been a bit different. He had a smaller harem with less than six members, and he couldn't help but sigh as they both laughed about their contrasting numbers. But David was content with the connections he had formed, cherishing each relationship he had built.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they patiently waited for nightfall. David's anticipation grew, wondering what the night would reveal about the mysterious girl.

As the night approached, David and Asahi changed into their sportswear and made their way to the park. They sat down, waiting for the Lillian to show up. While they chatted, David suddenly felt her presence nearby.

He got up from the seat and told Asahi, "I think she's here. I'll go and talk to her, and you can stay behind me, pretending to be a random jogger. Check her status while I speak to her."

Asahi nodded in agreement and followed David from a distance of about 50 to 70 meters. He wanted to use his God's Eyes skill to check the girl's status, but he didn't have David's unique ability to feel the presence of others, which was a special blessing he had received.

As David jogged towards the direction where he sensed her presence, Asahi kept a watchful eye on them from behind. He tried to discreetly use his skill to access the girl's status, hoping to find out more about her and why she was different from others.

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