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Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Jiang Xiaoxuan's plan to hunt the male god

After chatting with Ye Han for a while, Guan Bao left the classroom with a contented expression.

With him, there is also the manager Jin.

It's just that, unlike Guan Bao's triumphant and "sexy" dance, School Manager Jin has a bitter expression and dejected his head.

This School Manager Jin is also a wise man. He knows that Qianlong like Ye Han has very strong "sexuality".

School managers like them were no longer treated by Ye Han because of the 100-meter race showdown.

Except for Guan Bao, an innocent "fuck" guy, who successfully changed his relationship with Ye Han through shameless infatuation, the other school directors did not make any progress at all.

Now that Ye Han had condensed his literary spirit, it was too late for them to think about holding their thighs in the past.

Therefore, Mr. Jin was very self-aware and didn't bother Ye Han.

He also gave up, forming Ye Han's idea, and just begged Ye Han not to hate them anymore.

In just one morning, so many things were tossed, and Ye Han's position in the minds of all the students continued to deepen, but invisibly, it opened the distance between each other.

Because Ye Han is no longer destined to be an ordinary person, and those ordinary classmates can only spend a lifetime, working for the sake of vegetables, rice, oil and salt.

Jingle Bell!

When the bell rang at the end of the morning class, as soon as the bell sounded after the end of get out of class, it was like a group of classmates scattered, but none of them moved at this time.

Everyone's eyes all fell on Ye Han.

When they saw Ye Han, Shi Shiran stood up and walked out of the classroom without rush. These students, with a bang, turned into birds and beasts.

This shows that Ye Han's status in Class 3 of Senior One is now.

Ye Han didn't move, no one dared to move, Ye Han didn't leave, no one dared to leave!

This prestige was not obtained by Ye Han by oppressing his classmates, but by winning the championship by running the 100-meter race, and crushing Si Liangcai in a duel. The class made Li Jing and the exterminator too disfigured, as well as the bald school manager. Bao, the innocent "fuck" kneeling "licking" and so on, in exchange for the proud record.

"Ye Han should be going to have breakfast? Wait, he got so much loving breakfast in the morning, he probably won't go to the cafeteria, so where will he go?"

Jiang Xiaoxuan, who had put all his energy on Ye Han, started to think secretly as he walked.

As a well-known socialite in the aristocratic circle of Jinlin City, Jiang Xiaoxuan has used the time of the morning class to formulate a big plan to capture Ye Han.

She believed that as long as she used all means, Ye Han, a slightly indifferent young man, could not escape her palm, and finally fell under her pomegranate skirt!josei

After leaving the teaching building, Jiang Xiaoxuan didn't crash around like a headless fly, but went to the cafeteria first.

After all, those thoughts just now were just her speculations, and she was not 100% sure of the facts.

Therefore, in order not to miss any opportunity to capture Ye Han, she came to the cafeteria for the first time in her life.

Jiang Xiaoxuan was shocked as soon as he walked into the canteen.

I saw the crowds in the canteen, full of students, at a glance, it was dense and countless.

Of course, if this were the case, Jiang Xiaoxuan would not be almost frightened, it was because there was not a single boy in this canteen, all female creatures!

Wait, I can't say that there are no boys, it should be said that there is only one boy!

And that boy is the best male **** in the history of Jinlin No. 1 Middle School-Ye Han!

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