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Chapter 897

Chapter 897: rush to the rescue

"Quickly, notify the city lord!"josei

"Let the city lord be ready to retreat!"

Shou General Long Yin quickly got a spirit, and when he recovered, he turned around and shouted at the lieutenant!

Hearing this, the lieutenant dared not neglect, and hurriedly walked down the tower!

Longyin City can't be defended!

However, taking advantage of Chi Erguang, the dog thief hasn't made any move yet!

As many people can be saved!

It's better than doing nothing!

Therefore, the lieutenant did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the city lord's mansion!


Long Yincheng Official Road!

"Brother Zhang, how far is it from Longyin City?"

On the official road, two silhouettes passed by quickly, and one of them couldn't help but ask!

These two figures are naturally not others, but Fei Wu and Zhang Bin from Beijing!

Needless to say Fei Wu!

Zhang Bin successfully advanced to the state of life and death after taking the Nine Turns Yin Yang Pill!

Become a new titled king!

Although, Zhang Bin was forcibly promoted to life and death!

Among the titled kings, I am afraid that it is not so good!

But in any case, he is now the titled king!

Even if you can't beat Chi Erguang this veteran king!

However, there is no problem in dragging them for a while!

Therefore, after Zhang Bin successfully advanced!

Fei Wu immediately changed his strategy!

Since Kunwu can't compare with Jiang Yang in terms of national strength!

So, let's rely on high-end combat power!

Pull out the titled king to make gestures!

In this way, the war can be prevented from spreading to ordinary people, so why not do it!

After changing the enemy's strategy, Fei Wu immediately took Zhang Bin and rushed to help Longyin City!

He knew that Longyin City might not last long!

Therefore, Fei Wu didn't have much fanfare!

Instead, they and Zhang Bin chose to rush to help!

Now, they have appeared outside Longyin City!

It's only a few dozen miles away from Longyin City!

At the speed of the titled king, it won't take much time to reach Longyin City!

South Gate of Longyin City!

Chi Erguang Shishiran past the army and appeared outside the south gate!

On the tower, Shou General Long Yin looked alert!

The dragon hermit soldiers around, all fell into a panic!

The titled king is about to take action himself!

No one will doubt that Longyin City can still be defended!

After all, for the titled king, it is a small border town!

That is the difference between one move or two!

"Kung Pao, this king is here, don't you wait to beg for surrender?"

Chi Erguang's voice came out!

With full confidence in the tone!

In the entire Longyin City, no one is his enemy!

In such a situation, he personally shot, can't break a small city?

No, in fact for Chi Erguang!

Long Yincheng didn't care about it at all!

He felt that he didn't even need King Jiang Yang's reinforcements!

He can destroy Kunwu country!

Since the fall of King Kunwu, is there still a titled king in Kunwu?


not a single one!

His Chi Erguang can completely destroy Kunwu country all the way!

He couldn't think of anyone else who could resist his soldiers!

On the tower, the guardian Gongbao's expression was ugly!

Kaesong surrendered?

He can't do it!

As a lieutenant general who is highly regarded by King Kunwu, he can't make a betrayal to the enemy!

But if you don't surrender!

I am afraid that once Chi Erguang makes a move, the entire Longyin City will be wiped out immediately!

At that time, the hundreds of thousands of people in Longyin City will become funerals!

This is a scene that Gong Bao didn't want to see!


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