Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 94: Phalanx and Lead Bullet

Three days later, morning.

After finished with his breakfast, Kazura was guided by Lieze to a military facility inside Isteria City.

This military facility was surrounded by a 3 meters high stone wall, so the people outside couldn’t peek at the inside.

Inside the facility premise, there were many armored soldiers and servants.

When they saw Lieze, they straightened their postures and bowed down to greet her.

「Every soldiers except for the guards are training at this facility. At this hour, they should have been practicing in the yard, so shall we take a look?」(Lieze)

While replying the soldiers with a smile, Lieze brought Kazura further inside.

Lieze herself was wearing an armor, but for today, her hairstyle wasn’t in a chignon[1] as she let her long hair flowing down her back like her she usually did.

「Yes, please. Even so, this place is a rather big facility......」(Kazura)

Kazura previously had a rough look at the facility from the outside, but the stone wall had a considerable length as if it extended all the way. josei

He was wondering if a military facilities this huge inside the city won’t become a major obstacle from the city traffic point of view.

However, for the soldiers staying in it, this place was a good location where they always could sally forth to the city, so perhaps this arrangement also takes the soldiers living environment into the consideration.

Perhaps they were targeting the soldiers, there were many shops like small restaurant or clothing stores lined up around the facility.

「Since this facility is modeled after the Army Fortress on wartime, it has considerable size. If war actually happened, there will be many facilities about this size constructed on the front lines.」(Lieze)

「The same size like this? It’s as if you are constructing a city.」[2](Kazura)

Inside the facility’s premises, there were numerous wooden one-storied buildings lined at regular intervals.

Each building covered a wide-ranged different purpose, such as barracks, armory, hospitals, or granary.

Perhaps to protect against vermin, the granary’s floor was constructed 1 meter above the ground.

Also, there were several wooden watchtowers alongside the stone walls, which gave the facility a rather tight security impression.

「Yes, it indeed feels like that. When it’s winter, neither enemies nor allies able to move, furthermore, the fort on the front are constructed facing each other, so they will pass the winter there. Though in a real fort, they wouldn’t be stonewalled like this but will use earthen walls or wood palisades.」(Lieze)

「I see, since it’s a temporary residence limited to the winter season, is it?」(Kazura)

According to Lieze’s explanation, a fort like this place will be constructed as near as possible to the largest river.

Though obtaining water for daily necessities was one of their objectives, they also could establish a line of communication with the other cities by using ships.

Since rivers transport is far less expensive than land transport, if they could construct an encampment in a place that could be reached by ships, it would also make the transportation of goods easier.

If there are villages or towns nearby, they would build a fort close to it.

「By the way, I had heard about a fort construction near the border with Balviel, but is that fortress constructed differently from this fort?」(Kazura)

「Although not completely different, the fortress near the border is much larger than this fort. It also furnished with city services for the stationed army, so rather than a fortress, it might be more accurate to refer it as a fortified city.」(Lieze)

「Fortified city...... So it is like a smaller version of Isteria City?」(Kazura)

「Yes, I think that that impression is not wrong.」(Lieze)

While having a conversation like this as they walked, the two arrived at the training ground.

The training grounds was quite large and covered with bare earth.

On the center, there were several hundreds of Heavy Infantry soldiers standing in rows with gaps of equal interval.

The soldiers were holding a 5 meters long spear and a bronze round shield on their arms.

There was a cord attached to their round shield, and they hold up the shield by the cord on the rims.

On the Heavy Infantry’s side, there were Cavalry and Archers forming a line, each one appeared to be composed by 100 people.

In front of the soldiers, there was an elderly man wearing a fine armor and was talking towards the soldiers.

When the man noticed Lieze’s presence, he ran towards her.

「We are waiting for you, Lieze-sama. Our preparation has already been completed, you may give out your instructions at any time.」(Macgregor)

「Thank you, I’ll be in your care today. Kazura-sama, this is McGregor, the training instructor.」(Lieze)

When Lieze introduced him, McGregor turned towards Kazura and lowered his head.

McGregor was a man with grizzled blond hair, sharp eyes, and an impressive trimmed beard that grew from his temple until his chin, which really gave off an impression of a skilled old soldier.

His body was firmly muscled and his height was about 180 centimeters.

「Kazura-sama, it’s an honor to meet with you. My name is Macgregor Slan, the one in charge of supervising the military training.」(Macgregor)

「My name is Kazura. I will be counting on you today.」(Kazura)

Macgregor smiled at Kazura spontaneously reply

「I heard that Kazura-sama had helped my nephew Isaac in many ways. I hope that you will also do so in the future.」(Macgregor)

「Eh? By nephew, are the two of you related?」(Kazura)

「Oh, you are unaware of it?」(Macgregor)

Kazura made a surprised expression, so Macgregor found this to be unexpected.

Although Kazura had many opportunities to speak with Isaac until now, they always talked about work, and never had a chat or a personal conversation about Isaac himself.

「This is the first time I heard about it. Which reminds me, I have never had a talk with Isaac-san about something like this......」(Kazura)

「I see. Well, that boy is not someone who likes to talk much about his relatives after all...... Because he dislikes getting a preferential treatment just because his relatives are holding a high position. It’s better not to touch this matter too much.」(Macgregor)

「I see, that’s so like him.」(Kazura)

「That boy is not really clever, but he is an honest man. Please let him be of use to you even in the future.」(Macgregor)

Macgregor once again lowered his head to Kazura and then he turned towards Lieze.

「Lieze-sama, for the first demonstration, how about the basic movement of the heavy Infantry?」(Macgregor)

「Yes, that won’t be a problem. Are the Cavalry and the Archer’s had finished with their preparation?」(Lieze)

「Of course. They are ready to perform anytime.」(Macgregor)

「Thank you. The details are like what we talked the other day, please.」(Lieze)

「I understand.」(Macgregor)

After Macgregor gave a bow to Lieze, he ran to the lined up soldiers.

「Umm, is by some chance this military training has been deliberately arranged for my sake?」(Kazura)

「Yes, if you want to see to do an observation, then I would like you to see it in its proper form. Please tell me if you have a request. I will prepare for it immediately.」(Lieze)

「I understand. I am sorry since I seem to have been increasing Lieze-san’s share of work......」(Kazura)

Kazura said this while feeling grateful to Lieze who just smiles like she usually does.

「No I’m fine. If it can be useful Kazura-sama, I feel no hardship at all. Please don’t hesitate to request something from me anytime.」(Lieze)

「Infantry Company!」(Macgregor)

While those two were talking, the soldiers seemed to be finished with their preparation, and so Macgregor’s order resounded throughout the training ground.

His voice was really loud that it could even be heard clearly at the edge of the training ground.

The Heavy Infantries reply with a simultaneous loud yell and prop their round shield in front of their body.

The blunt metallic sounds when the round shield hitting their armor reverberated in the surroundings.

「Close Formation!」(Macgregor)

The Heavily Infantry quickly closed their distance to each other and form a regularly aligned close formation.

There was a space about 1 meter in front of and behind each soldier, but on their left and right side, the gaps were only wide enough to prop a spear.

「Prepare Spear!」(Macgregor)

The soldiers in the front row raised the spear they held in the left hand and pointed the spear horizontally forward.

Those in the rear row held their spear forward between the gaps, while those behind them held their spear obliquely upward.

In addition, the soldiers in lines behind them also held their spear obliquely upward, but with an even steeper angle.

「Oh, a Phalanx formation. This is the first time I see it live......」(Kazura)

At the impressive sight of hundreds of soldiers form battle formation all at once, Kazura spoke out his admiration.

The formation that the soldiers take is a Phalanx formation...... the term for a Heavy Infantry close formation[3], a battle formation that concentrates the offensive to the front.

With a mass of spears protruding forward, it boasts overwhelming strength against anything in front of them.

Accordingly, it is extremely fragile to an attack from its left or right, and so in this formation, it is indispensable for its flank to be protected by any means.

「Compared to other provinces or countries, the spear that the Isterian Heavy Infantry carry is really long, so this might be a novel one. Is this quite different from the spear in Kazura-sama’s country?」(Lieze)

「Umm...... well, I guess it’s..... different......」(Kazura)

While Kazura’s faltering at Lieze’s question, Macgregor’s order 「Forward!」 could be heard.

While still holding their spear in position, the soldiers started to walk forward without any lines become disordered.

And after they had advanced to some extent, another command was given, and the soldiers stopped their advance.

「Raise Spear! Right Turn!」(Macgregor)

The soldiers instantly hold their spears upward and turned right about face around on the spot.

Once more, 「Prepare Spear!」 order was given, and a Phalanx formation towards the right side of their previous attacking direction was completed.

「They are well-trained...... Their movement is flawless.」(Kazura)

「It’s because the regular Heavy Infantry is the army’s main force. So that they could maintain their high-level of skill, they never fail to conduct a constant training.」(Lieze)

「How will these units operate in an actual battle?」(Kazura)

「Normally, the Light Infantry and Cavalry will be positioned beside the Heavy Infantry, to prepare against the attacks from the flanks. The army then will advance in this formation, the infantries will try to nail enemy’s movement, while during this time, the cavalry will ride around to the enemy’s rear and perform a pincer attack from the rear.」(Lieze)

「What in the case the cavalry couldn’t break through the enemy?」(Kazura)

「The Heavy Infantry will crush the enemy’s center and once the enemy starts to rout, the remaining Light Infantry and Cavalry will move to pursuit.」(Lieze)

「Then, what if it was the enemy’s cavalry that attacks from the rear?」(Kazura)

「In that case, then the Reserve Unit including the Noble Guards stationed behind the Heavy Infantry will counter attack the,. Since the Reserve Unit is the army’s most elite units, as long as the rear attack was that overwhelming, the attacks won’t be able to break through.」(Lieze)

While keeping her attention on the Heavy Infantry who was advancing in an orderly manner, Lieze smoothly answered Kazura’s question.

After that, the two of them were discussing how the military units operate, until the Heavy Infantry went around the training ground and returned to their original position.

The cavalry that had been in standby up until that point, then deployed themselves on the Heavy Infantry sides, while the Archers line up in front of the Heavy Infantry.

Then with an order, the archers held their bow and began shooting at the straw targets standing in the front of them

Perhaps because he had finished giving orders to the troops, Macgregor once again walked towards Kazura and Lieze.

「In the beginning, it will be a shooting battle using bows and then the infantry will advance afterward, correct?」(Kazura)

「Yes, actually, the slingers will also launch an attack together, after that the Light Infantry equipped with javelins will move forward, but those soldiers are only composed of conscript...... If only we could have a demonstration of it, but...」(Lieze)

Perhaps she judged that Kazura doesn’t have any military knowledge, Lieze carefully explained how the military units operate.

Actually, Kazura’s knowledge about the army that he was looking right now was only to the extent of what he read or saw from the books or television, so he was really grateful for Lieze’s explanation.

「Slingers? I want to see what they can do...... Even so, Lieze-san is really well-informed about the military. Is it because you had been studying every day?」(Kazura)

「Yes, in the future, I will be in a position to lead the army, so I have been learning how to use weapons and tactics since I was still a child.」(Lieze)

「Ah, that’s why you are always training in the courtyard every morning.」(Kazura)

When Kazura talked with Lieze in the courtyard the other day, Lieze had said that 『As a member of the Istelle House, I must know how to use a weapon』.

In order to lead the army, she must be familiar with the use of every weapon used on the battlefield.

「Lieze-sama is naturally talented, so in the future, she will have great achievements on the battlefield as an excellent commander.」(Macgregor)

When Macgregor arrived at their side and stood next to Lieze while observing the soldiers who continued their training.

The archers had finished shooting, so the cavalry equipped with short spears was advancing forward.

The heavy infantry also began to move forward in Phalanx formation.

「I am not a that talented at all...... Rather than that, I would like to show a sling to Kazura-sama, where we could try it?」(Lieze)

「There is a sling and a staff-sling for training. I will have them prepared right now, so please wait for a moment.」(Macgregor)

Macgregor lowered his head to Lieze and then went into nearby barracks.

「Is this place studying every weapon used on the battlefield?」(Kazura)

「Since it’s the Isteria Province. There are documents that summarized the past combat results in the reference room, would you like to take a look at it later?」(Lieze)

「I see, then I will accept that offer.」(Kazura)

Both of them were conversing like this when Macgregor returned from the barracks.

In his hand, there were a weapon with semicircular leather cup joined by two cords ―― a sling ―― and a weapon with a sling attached to a 1-meter long pole ―― a staff-sling ――, while carrying big wooden board affixed with targets.

「Thank you for waiting. Would you to have a try, Lieze-sama?」(Macgregor)


To that unexpected proposal, Lieze was confused.

However, when she took a quick look at Kazura who was observing the slings with great interest, she accepted a sling from Macgregor.

「Would you like to have stone bullets or lead bullets?」(Macgregor)

「I will have lead bullets. Could you prepare the targets?」(Lieze)

「Certainly. How much distance should I place it?」(Macgregor)

「At close range, please. I will have a straight shot.」(Lieze)

After McGregor handed over a cloth bag containing lead bullets to Lieze, he ran for 30 meters before stopping and placing the targets on the ground.

「You can use a sling, too?」(Kazura)

「Yes, I have trained with it for a while. However, it’s been a long time, so I don’t know if it will hit...... Since it could be dangerous, please stand slightly away.」(Lieze)

Lieze put a lead bullet on the sling’s cup and started to rotate the sling over her head with one hand.

The cup loaded with lead bullet begins to rotate with intense force and it produced sound as it cut through the air.

When the rotation speed reached the limit, Lieze released one of the cord from her grasp and the lead bullet was launched at a great speed.

The lead bullet hit the center of the target and created a harsh sound as if the wood burst.

「Well done!」(Macgregor)

With a satisfied expression, Macgregor clapped his hand and gave his praise.

Then the hundreds of soldiers who should have been training in the ground, clapped their hand and cheered for Lieze.

It seemed that before Kazura’s group realized, the soldiers had stopped training and was watching her.

「Oh, you hit it right in the center! Even though it’s that far, you have a clean hit......」(Kazura)

「Ah, I see. Lieze-sama is a hard worker, after all. Lieze-sama should be constantly training secretly on a place other people couldn’t see.」(Macgregor)


「Please excuse my slip of tongue.」(Macgregor)

The relieved Lieze gave Macgregor a scowl, Macgregor made a fake apology while laughing.

「(......What with that “I see”?)」(Kazura)

Even though he was confused by that incomprehensible exchange, Kazura also applauded Lieze.

Dense Kazura is Dense.

That’s all for Takarakuji this week.

Tomorrow will be Mira’s LN.

FUN FACT I inserted a funny poem about chicken and egg in the hidden text. Try to find it if you can.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chignon_(hairstyle)

[2] Many cities in Europe are basically established first as Roman Army Encampment, so Kazura isn’t wrong.

[3] In the RAWファランクス隊形and重装歩兵密集方陣 ...... basically a comparison between the Greek term and the Japanese native term for it.

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