Take My Breath Away

Chapter 1081 An Unforgettable Night

Chapter 1081 An Unforgettable Night

Sheffield replied quickly, "Yes, honey! I'm coming!" He jumped up from the keyboard. Without picking it up from the floor, he dashed to the bed.

He snatched her phone and tossed it aside before pressing his body onto hers and kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

He had gracefully accepted his punishment, even though he was innocent. Now, it was his turn to punish her. He was about to present her an unforgettable wedding night. josei

"Sheffield!" His fierce hunger at night was the complete opposite of his gentle demeanor during the daytime. He was a beast in bed, uncontrollable and unforgiving. Evelyn moaned.

"Yes, honey, I'm right here."

"Be gentle..."

"I'll be gentler…if you do as I say."

She gasped as he slowly nipped on her neck.

There was no way she could win over this horny man in bed. She decided that she would get back at him in the morning.

The night steadily grew deeper. The couple in the bedroom next to the newlywed's looked at each other. Finally, Kaylee angrily closed the windows. Kneeling on the bed, she complained to Sterling, "Damn that Sheffield! He is doing this on purpose!" He was deliberately making loud noises to keep everyone in the house awake.

Sterling, who was texting on his phone, squinted at her. The strap of her nightgown had slipped off her shoulder because of her posture. "When you have sex with other men, I'm sure you moan louder than Evelyn."

Kaylee smiled flirtatiously and stretched out her foot to rub seductively against his leg. She replied calmly, "What about you and Dollie? Who satisfies you more—me or her?"

Sterling grabbed her foot in his hand. They were still married, so his answer was obvious. "She is no match for you. That's why you are my wife and she is just a mistress." Their relationship was not always this twisted. Everything changed when Sterling began to have affairs with other women. Kaylee found out that he was sleeping around, but she couldn't stop him. So, she did the one thing that she could. She messed around with other men too.

When Sterling found out, the two had a huge fight and he felt disgusted by her.

But they didn't get a divorce, and since they still slept in the same bed and because Kaylee was a very seductive woman, it w

Kaylee's hand in the corridor. An idea struck her. She quickly walked towards Sheffield's room and yelled at the door, "Sheffield, why are you holding Kaylee's hand?"

When Sheffield saw where Sandra was standing, he gave her a murderous glare. "Sandra Tang, if you dare wake up my wife, I will have the servants throw all your stuff out right this minute!"

But Evelyn had no idea what was going on outside her room. She was so sleepy that she didn't hear Kaylee's scream or Sandra's loud voice.

Sandra's face darkened. "You wouldn't!"

"If you don't believe me, go ahead and try your dirty trick again." Sheffield was still holding Kaylee's hand inside the hot bowl. In spite of her struggle, she couldn't get out of his grip.

"Let me go, Sheffield... You bastard! It hurts..." Tears ran down her cheeks as her hand burned.

This wasn't the Sheffield she knew. She had always thought that he loved flirting with women and fooling around. She never pegged him for a guy who would do such a vicious thing to a woman.

"Feel the pain. Not everyone is so easy to seduce like your husband. If you ever touch me again, I can't guarantee that you will walk away with your hands intact." The aura around him was so cold that Kaylee shivered in fear. She felt afraid of Sheffield for the first time.

"Help! Help!" she yelled, her face pale.

Lea, Willis, Felton and Sandra's husband—Finley Zhao, all came out from their rooms one by one.

Seeing the scene, they all reacted differently.

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