Take My Breath Away

Chapter 1196 Ask Her To Keep Changing Schools

Chapter 1196 Ask Her To Keep Changing Schools

When Julianna saw Erica slap her father, she ran over quickly, grabbed the other girl's clothes tightly and shouted, "Erica Li, don't hit my dad! You ungrateful bitch! He helped you out of kindness, and now you do this. I'm going to beat the shit out of you!"

The driver rushed to grab Julianna. She was about to hit his boss's wife. "Please let go of Mrs. Huo!"

"Are you high? She hit my father! I need to teach her a lesson!"

Tam was normally a rich, successful, handsome man. Julianna was her father's biggest fan. She admired him a lot.

If someone slapped your idol, you'd probably have much the same reaction. Besides, it was a matter of honor. Julianna had to go after Erica.

Hearing what Julianna said, Tam finally came to his senses. He held his daughter's hand and said, "Julianna, let go of her."

"Dad! She hit you! That's not cool. I need to slap her too!"

Erica glared at Julianna and answered, not to be outdone, "He deserved it. Ask your father why I smacked him, instead of blaming me! Go on—ask him!"

Julianna thought her words made sense. She let go of Erica and looked at her father. "Okay, Dad, why did she hit you?"

Tam put his arm around her shoulder and said, "Julianna, don't worry about your old dad's business. Let's get out of here, okay?"

Then Julianna was forcibly taken away by her father. Erica got into her car.

The two cars left, leaving a woman standing nearby, watching them drive away.

Tessie watched Erica's car speeding off and felt uneasy. She was afraid her lie would be exposed and everyone would hate her, instead of Erica.

'No, no! I can't let that happen. But what can I do about it?'

Determined, she took out her phone and dialed Phoebe's number. As soon as her sister picked up, Tessie sobbed, "Hey, Phoebe! You'll never guess who came to see me. Yeah, that's right. Erica. I'm scared."

Phoebe frowned and asked, "Did she try to bully you again?"

"Yes, she also warned me not to tell anyone. She said even if I did, she wasn't afraid, because we don't have any evidence for what she did..." 'I'm sorry, Erica. I'm so sorry! I really have no choice. I have to keep lying, ' she thought to herself.

Phoebe was so angry that she pounded the table and said, "She's gone

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

looked at her in disgust and said, "Go wash your hands."

'Oh... I haven't washed my hands yet...'

She went to the sink, turned on the tap and quickly washed her hands. Then she took out a few tissues to wipe her hands and ran over. "I'm all washed up now. Let me at it!" josei

Matthew put down the tools in his hands and moved over.

As soon as she got the spoon, Erica started to stir the mixture in the glass container like him. "Do I need to put anything else in it?"

"Yes. The rum. I'll go get some."

"Okay, go ahead. I'll take care of this." Erica continued to stir the mixture enthusiastically.

Matthew wanted to tell her to slow down, but then he decided against it. He went upstairs to get the rum.

When Matthew came downstairs with the rum, he heard a loud bang from the kitchen.

He was sure the sound came from there.

Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. He quickened his pace and went back into the kitchen.

There was no sign of Erica there. He took a few steps forward and saw the dumbfounded girl squatting on the ground.

The ground was a mess. The glass container had fallen to the ground and broken into several pieces. A gooey mess met his eyes, spreading over the kitchen floor.

Seeing Matthew come over, Erica apologized in a timid voice, "I... I didn't mean to." She stared at the broken glass container. Someone had to clean this up. She figured that was her job.

As soon as she reached out for the shards. Matthew immediately stopped her. "Don't move!"

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