Take My Breath Away

Chapter 1355 You Are EM

Chapter 1355 You Are EM

"No, I can cook. I am the one who usually cooks for the boys," said Tessie. She couldn't help smiling as she thought of how the four kids would gobble up her food every time she'd cook for them.

Although they were only three years old, they were so sensitive and understanding as if they were teenagers.

"That's good to hear!" Owen nodded his head with a smile that indicated his sense of relief.

Even he could understand that it wasn't easy for the two women to take care of four children.

As he mulled over their situation bitterly, Owen wondered if Matthew would be able to carry on with his original plan. Although Owen was just an outsider, he couldn't help sympathizing with the wife and children of his boss because the living conditions in this place were deplorable. And yet Matthew was planning on leaving his wife here so that he could teach her a lesson. josei

'I don't think Mr. Huo has the heart to go through with it, ' he thought to himself.

At night, Matthew wanted to wash his feet, so Erica got Adkins' plastic basin and filled it with warm water.

When Matthew said he wanted to brush his teeth and wash his face, Erica knocked at the door of a nearby shop in the middle of the night and bought him a set of toothbrush.

Matthew had a lot of demands, and Erica did everything for him without any hesitation, just as how he had willingly taken care of her a long time ago.

After Erica made sure that Matthew's needs were met with, she took Owen to the village head's house and woke him up so he could help arrange a place for Matthew's men to stay for the night.

By the time Erica came back, it was almost midnight and Matthew was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed.

Erica stretched her slightly cramped muscles, but she wasn't ready for sleep just yet. "Why don't you go ahead and sleep? I'll come to bed later."

She had an important thing to do today.

The man's confused eyes watched Erica as she quickly locked the door and took out her treasure box from the hole on the ground. She unlocked it and flipped it open, revealing a camera and a few developed photos.

There was a look of melancholy on her face after she turned the camera on and looked through all the photos she had taken that day.

Erica had failed to gather evidence on the crimes of Kirk and Pike because of the dog. It seemed as though she needed to work harder.

All the while, the man who had been sitting on the bed without uttering a word, finally got up and walked towards her to see what

orce procedures together. So how did they get a divorce while she was away?

'Sorry, Mrs. Huo. It's your husband who forced me to say this, ' Owen sighed in his heart. "It's true. Mr. Huo has already divorced you," he said flatly.

Erica's heart sank. They hadn't seen each other in over three years and now she just found out that they were already divorced. "But how did you...?"

"Well, thanks to my connections, it was easy for me to divorce you without you being around," Matthew explained calmly, paying attention to her every reaction.

The look of shock and sadness on her face gave Matthew satisfaction.

Erica held back her tears and asked, "Then... why did you sleep with me yesterday?" Matthew had slept with her the moment they met!

Owen took a few steps back as soon as he heard that. After all, their private matters were something that did not concern him.

Matthew looked into Erica's eyes and said indifferently, "It's normal for a man to sleep with a woman."

'So what he did yesterday was just what a man would do to a woman without any emotions involved?' she wondered.

"Come on, it's been over three years. You can't tell me you didn't want to have sex with me as much as I did with you?" he continued to ask.

Even if Erica had wanted to, she was too embarrassed to admit the truth. "No, no..."

A hint of playfulness flashed through the man's eyes. "I think you were also very enthusiastic last night." Matthew gave her a sly smirk.

'Jerk!' she cursed inwardly.

Before Matthew was about to leave, Erica stopped him and said, "I know what you mean. Take good care of our sons from now on. I will go to see them when I'm free."

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