Take My Breath Away

Chapter 308

Chapter 308: Sign This


Hearing Emmett's name, Kasie suddenly pushed Debbie away and ran over to Emmett's body. She grabbed his cold hand and said hoarsely, "Emmett, wake up! Why did you lie to me? You don't want to marry me anymore, do you? Answer me! Answer me!" With the last phrase, she pounded her fist on the table he lay on.     

Debbie walked over to her and put her hand around her shoulder. "Kasie, pull yourself together."     

'Pull myself together? How?' Kasie gazed at the white sheet, under which lay the body of her one true love. Now cold, lifeless, an empty shell. "Emmett, you said you loved me. Then wake up. I'll marry someone else... Emmett... you lying sack of..." Her voice trailed off, a muffled sob obscuring the curse word that doubtless ended the phrase.     

Her wails echoed through the morgue.     

It broke Mia's heart to see Kasie crushed like this. She decided to take the initiative and lead Kasie out of there.     

Before she left, Kasie hugged Debbie and cried for what seemed like forever.     

When Debbie returned to the ICU, the Huos were already gathered there, including Frasier's son.     

It was a sad day for everyone.     

Wherever Debbie went, she could hear someone crying.     josei

Valerie sobbed in Connie's arms. Tabitha was wiping her eyes. Miranda stood with her back to the rest, staring off into space with worried and melancholy eyes.     

When he saw Debbie, James snorted loudly and cursed as he pointed at her. "What happened? Why is my son injured and Emmett dead, while you're safe and sound?"     

Lucinda was shocked by James' attitude toward Debbie. 'What a dick! The way he treats Debbie is just awful, ' she thought. She pulled Debbie behind her to protect her. Then she struggled to keep an even tone as she said to James, "Debbie is pregnant. Yelling at her like this isn't good for the baby. It was an accident, and hardly her fault..."     

"Zip it!" James interrupted her roughly. He pointed at Debbie and announced, "Ever since you married Carlos, our family has been in chaos. I heard my son tried to rescue you. If Carlos dies, so do you! I'll make sure of it!"     

Debbie pulled Lucinda aside and looked at James nonchalantly. Thankfully, she was unrattled. She was used to this man's unhinged rants. "Carlos will be fine!" she said firmly.     

"Are you King of Hell or the doctor? How would you know?" James sneered.     

"Neither, but I know he'll be okay," she said to him, but actually she needed to hear it more than anybody else.     

"Get the fuck out! Nobody needs you here!" James cursed.     

Lucinda stared at him in disbelief, astonished at his rude tone.     

Since Carlos was right there, Debbie didn't want to argue with James. She was ready to leave with her aunt. "Fine, I'll go. Please inform me if Carlos wakes up," she told the Huos.     

But only Connie responded with a cautious nod.     

When she returned to her own ward, Debbie was exhausted. She lay down in the hospital bed, pressed some buttons to adjust it some, and closed her eyes.     

Lucinda had some chicken soup delivered to the ward. She spooned a bowl of soup and handed it to Debbie. But Debbie wouldn't eat it. Finally, she had a bite or two since Lucinda wouldn't stop pestering her about it.     

Before falling asleep, Debbie told Lucinda, "Thanks Auntie. I'm fine now. It's been a long day. You should get some rest."     

Lucinda hesitated, but eventually she nodded. She was tired, and there was little use hanging around here. Before leaving, she reminded Debbie, "Be strong for Mr. Huo and the baby. Call me if you need anything."     

"I will. Thank you."         


After Lucinda had left, Debbie looked around the silent ward. It still didn't feel real.     

She pinched her arm—hard. It hurt.     

So, all this was real. It wasn't a nightmare.     

The car accident, Emmett dead, Carlos severely injured, and she almost miscarried.     

Debbie had a long nap. When she woke up, she felt stronger. The first thing she thought of was Carlos.     

She got out of bed without a second thought and walked right out of the ward.     

Only Tabitha and James were there at the ICU. When he saw Debbie again, James thundered, "What the hell are you doing here? You killed my son! Carlos died to save your worthless life!"     

'Died?' Debbie felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Her mind went blank. She looked at Tabitha, who seemed to have aged a lot overnight. "Wh-what did he say?"     

James spoke before Tabitha could respond. "The doctors said he's in critical condition. No one can save him now. You happy? Get lost! Don't make me hit you again!" he shouted. He sounded less mad than... sad?     

Tabitha ran at Debbie tearfully. She grabbed her arms and shook her violently. "Carlos died trying to save you. You bring my son back! Bring him back! My poor son..."     

"No... that's not... I..." Debbie shook Tabitha's arms off. She now had rage in her eyes. She had kept her cool, but she wasn't going to hold back anymore. "Fucking liars! All of you! You want me to leave Carlos so you made this up, didn't you? Leave me alone!"     

James closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he said in a sad tone, "It's true. My son...he's dying..." Unexpectedly, James started to weep. They'd never seen the proud man do anything but express contempt or rage. But now     


'No, no! No way! He's lying!'     

Debbie dashed toward the ICU. She had to see for herself. But before she could get close to the door, two stout bodyguards stepped in her way.     

James' voice sounded from behind her, but this time his tone had changed. Hoarse from yelling, his voice sounded grim and creepy as if it were from hell. "Want to see my son?"     

Debbie nodded.     

"Then sign this. You can see him one last time,"     

he said, handing a document to her.     

Her heart tightened at the sight of its title—Divorce Agreement.     

"No. I won't," she refused firmly. They just never stopped.     

She didn't believe Carlos was dying. It had to be a trick James was pulling to break them up.     

And that was when James pulled out another piece of paper. "Look carefully. A DNR notice. The doctor told me they'd done everything they could. They turned off Carlos' oxygen. You can see it for yourself."     

One of the bodyguards moved aside so that Debbie could see. Carlos lay in bed, motionless. The oxygen mask he had been wearing the day before had been removed, just as James claimed.     

"No! This can't be true! I don't believe you! Let me see him!" Debbie shouted. Then she dropped into a fighting stance, and prepared to leg sweep one of the bodyguards.         


James spoke indifferently. "I'd be more careful, if I were you. The baby? You might miscarry."     

Debbie hesitated when she heard that. Just then, the bodyguards grabbed her. She couldn't move at all. She struggled, but in vain. The men were too strong.     

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