Take My Breath Away

Chapter 386

Chapter 386: As Handsome As A Giraffe


"Aunt Lucinda keeps saying that I'm silly. I think you are even sillier than me. Do you value your career over Jared and your baby?" Debbie asked.     

"Of course not! Jared and our baby take the priority over everything else," Sasha answered without hesitation.     

"That's it. You already know what to do. Just follow your heart, Sasha. If Jared ever says that he doesn't like the baby, just tell me and I swear I'll beat him to a pulp!"     

"Deb, you're as rude as ever. You're a mother now, remember? You should set a good example for Piggy," Sasha said with a warm smile. She was so grateful to Debbie for her timely advice.     

Debbie rolled her eyes at Sasha's remark. "All right. Remember to keep me updated."     


After hanging up, Debbie played with Piggy for a while. Piggy had been living apart from her father, so Debbie tried her best to make up for the loss by showering Piggy with all the love she had.     

When the thought of Carlos crossed her mind, she remembered something and immediately sent him a text message. "Old man, thank you for what you did for the Mu Group. I love you. Muah."     

Just as she had expected, there was no response from him. She didn't mind and rode the merry-go-round with Piggy.     

The next day, Debbie paid a visit to the Mu family's residence. While Lucinda was playing with Piggy, Debbie and Sebastian talked in the study. After about two hours, Debbie walked out and saw Jared standing in the hallway, pacing about restlessly. When he saw her, Jared rushed to Debbie. "Tomboy, I need your help!"     

"What's wrong?" Debbie asked as Jared dragged her to Sasha, who was now playing with Piggy.     

Pointing towards Debbie, Jared told Sasha, "Please! Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and register our marriage. I swear I'll be loyal to you and care for you for the rest of my life. If I break my promise, you can ask Tomboy to beat me up."     

Debbie was rendered speechless. She almost laughed out loud.     

Piggy raised her head to look at Sasha. "Aunt Sasha, men are all liars," she said with absolutely no expression on her cute little face.     

Debbie, Sasha and Jared were dumbfounded.     

Trying to suppress her laughter, Sasha said, "See, Jared! Even a two-year-old knows that you men are liars."     

Jared's eyes almost popped out from their sockets. "Piggy, do you not like Uncle Jared anymore?" Ever since he knew Debbie had a daughter, he had doted on Piggy and sent her many toys and snacks from time to time. He didn't think that the little girl would change sides at such a critical moment.     

Debbie walked over to her daughter, scooped her up in her arms and asked with a no-nonsense look, "Piggy, who taught you that?"     

"Colleen was telling Curtis..." Piggy stared at Debbie with her innocent doe eyes. Debbie was at a loss.     

She told Piggy patiently, "Piggy, only adults could talk about such things. You are a kid, so you should not say that again. Okay?"     

Although Piggy had no clue why her mom was so serious all of a sudden, she nodded obediently. "Okay, Mommy." She then turned to Jared and blinked her round eyes. "Sorry, Uncle Jared." It was impossible for Jared to be mad at the little girl. He took     

her from Debbie's arms and said lovingly, "No worries. Piggy, could you put in a good word for me with your aunt Sasha? She doesn't want to marry me." Jared pouted and gave Piggy his best puppy-face.     

After pondering for a while, Piggy turned to Sasha. "Marry him, Aunt Sasha. Uncle Jared is as handsome as a giraffe."     

"Ha-ha!" Debbie and Sasha burst into laughter.     

Jared's jaw dropped. 'Seriously? A giraffe? Do I really look that bad?' "Do I look like a giraffe?" he asked Piggy, with a defeated smile on his face.         



Piggy nodded fervently and said with a flattering smile, "Giraffes are tall. Uncle Jared is the tallest, most handsome uncle."     

Jared flashed a huge grin when he heard her answer. "And you are the most honest kid in the world!"     

At that moment, Lucinda walked into the living room with drinks and snacks. "Come and have some snacks. Piggy, I made your favorite macaroons and doughnuts."     

Piggy wiggled out of Jared's arms hastily and ran towards Lucinda. She picked up a pink macaroon and smiled at Lucinda. "Thank you!"     

"You're welcome, Piggy. I hope you like it." Piggy was so adorable Lucinda loved her to bits. They all did.     

In order to prove his sincerity towards Sasha, Jared took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau that afternoon and got their marriage license.     

Debbie took a week off to keep Piggy company. After that, she had to get back to work.     

She needed to fly to A Country for business the next day. But instead of sending Piggy back to Curtis' house, she thought of a better idea. She sent a text message to Carlos asking, "Old man, will you please do me a favor?"     

"No!" Carlos' reply came in an instant.     

Debbie took a deep breath to calm herself down and replied, "I need to go to A Country for three days. Will you take care of Piggy for me? You know, she loves you very much."     

"Sure!" Again, his answer was instant; there wasn't a moment of hesitation from his side.     

All of her unhappiness vanished into thin air. "Thanks."     

She then added, "Don't let your dad know."     

"Know what?"     

"That you're taking care of Piggy for me."     


Debbie typed, "If he finds out that Piggy is my daughter, he'll kidnap her and threaten me." But she deleted all of it and sent, "Your dad hates me. He will probably hate Piggy as well. I don't want her to feel hurt."     

Carlos didn't respond this time.     

'Why won't he reply? Is he angry because of what I said?' she thought.     

That evening, Debbie put a small suitcase into the trunk of her car, put Piggy in the child safety seat and drove to the East District.     

She stopped at the entrance of the East District Manor and rolled down the window to look at the magnificent European style gate. It had been three years since she had last come here. It was still the same.     

The security guards at the gate were all strangers.     

But upon seeing her, they were excited. After all, she was one of the most popular singers in the world now. Many of them were her fans. They opened the gate for her quickly.     

As she drove into the manor, she glanced around. The scenery was the same too.     

The music and yoga studios had been demolished, and the area had been converted into a garden with various types of plants.         


She guessed that it must have been James who had demolished the building.     

Carlos stood at the entrance of the villa in his pajamas, waiting for them both. Frankie was standing right behind him.     

Debbie stopped the car in front of the villa. Frankie walked over to open the door for her. Then he unfastened Piggy's seat belt and scooped her up in his arms.     

When Piggy saw Carlos, her eyes brightened and she struggled out of Frankie's arms. She ran towards Carlos with a wide smile.     

"Uncle Carlos!"     

Carlos' cold expression was replaced by the warmest smile. He squatted down and opened his arms to pick her up. "Evelyn," he called out softly.     

They both hugged each other tightly in a warm embrace.     

Debbie opened the trunk to take the suitcase out. When she saw Carlos and Piggy hugging, her eyes brimmed with tears.     

Frankie took the suitcase from Debbie and walked towards the villa.     

Debbie stood still; she was not planning on going inside. The smile on Carlos' face disappeared. "Debbie," he called out coldly.     

Debbie said, "Thank you for taking care of Piggy for me."     

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