Take My Breath Away

Chapter 390

Chapter 390: Back Inside The House


"Okay, I'll butt out. Have fun. Bye," James said.     


After the phone call, both father and son had something to think about.     

James clutched the phone tightly, shaking. He should have gotten rid of that child 3 years ago. 'It must have been a moment of weakness, ' he thought. 'It's a time bomb. If Debbie leaks to Carlos that the child is his, it'll ruin everything. This is one time I hope I'm wrong, and that the child he's playing with is not Debbie's.     

The woman has changed. She has far more influence than when I met her. I have to stop Carlos from knowing he has a kid.' He called his assistant in. A man walked in and bowed deeply. James didn't stop to greet him. He simply said, "Go to Z Country and find out if Debbie gave birth three years ago. If so, bring the child to me."     

"Yes, Mr. James Huo."     

After the assistant had left with his orders, James was relieved.     

Around the same time, Debbie called Carlos to ask him about their trip to Disneyland. She joked, "You paraded my daughter around in public. Just make sure she stays safe, okay?"     

"Uh huh." Debbie didn't have to tell him that. Carlos loved that child. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. She knew him. He'd protect her with his life.     

Debbie didn't mind his indifferent tone. "Where is she now?" she asked.     

Silently, Carlos swung the phone around to focus on Piggy. She was sitting on the edge of Carlos' bed, playing. "Hi, sweetie,"     

Debbie said excitedly when she saw Piggy. 'She's so cute!'     

Piggy looked up when she heard Debbie's voice. She smiled, baring her white little teeth. "Mommy, Mommy, new toy!"     

she said, raising a half-assembled set of LEGO bricks, which Debbie had never seen in her apartment before. Carlos must have bought that for Piggy. 'But isn't LEGO for older kids? Can Piggy put all that together? And what about the choking hazard?'     

"Did you do that?" Debbie asked.     

Piggy nodded and answered, "Uncle Carlos helped. Not done yet." She looked away and down at her toy, painstakingly adding the pieces part by part, ignoring her mom.     

Debbie was surprised. 'I haven't seen her in three days. But now it's like the LEGO blocks are more important than her mom, ' Debbie thought sourly.     

Carlos didn't seem like he wanted to talk much either. So it was a little embarrassing for Debbie. "Okay, bye-bye, Piggy. Go to bed early. Mommy will be back soon."     

"'kay, bye, Mommy." Piggy waved at the lens.     

Smiling, Debbie turned the video chat off.     

Carlos' mood darkened when she did that. 'Damn it! Would it kill her to talk to me for a while?     

Does she really love me? She has a funny way of showing it.'     

Debbie had planned to stay in A Country for three days. But there was an accident during shooting, and work on the show would be delayed. She had to stay another day at least to make up for it.     

On the fourth day, she couldn't wait to get back to Y City. As soon as she got off the plane, she headed straight for the manor.     

Carlos was in the study, listening to Frankie's report. His features betrayed no emotion, and he wore his signature poker face. "It was Debbie Nian, sir. She didn't bother hiding it. It took us several days to track down the woman in the video—she left the country after she was paid. When we found her, it didn't take much prodding for her to admit she had drugged your father." Frankie stopped, secretly giving Debbie a thumbs-up.         


Carlos spat out a mouthful of smoke. The acrid scent filled the tense air in the room.     

He gave Frankie a stern look and ordered, "Continue."     josei

Frankie calmed down and went on, "She said Miss Nian paid her and told her that she'd take the blame if it all went south. So, I guess we have things to discuss with Debbie Nian."     

'She's brave, taking on James Huo like that. No wonder Mr. Huo likes her, ' Frankie thought.     

Carlos shifted his gaze, looking out the window. Silence befell the study. Frankie was nervous, wondering how angry Carlos might get. After all, she set his father up.     

After what seemed like forever, Carlos put out the cigarette and said flatly, "I'll take care of it. You may go."     

"Yes, Mr. Huo."     

As Frankie left the manor, a white car pulled in. He saw a woman behind the wheel. It wasn't Stephanie's car. Who else could get through the entrance without being challenged? He looked up at a room on the second floor where Piggy was taking a nap. 'That little girl's mom is really something.'     

The car rolled to a stop in the parking lot. Debbie lowered the window and waved at Frankie. "Hi, Frankie."     

He nodded politely and said, "Nice to see you, Miss Nian."     

"Carlos in?" she asked. She texted Carlos before she came back. He replied he'd be in the manor.     

Frankie hesitated. He had always been discreet. But he felt compelled to inform her, "Piggy's been here the last few days. Mr. Huo has been with her."     

"What? Didn't he have work to do?" His words stunned her.     

"Mr. Huo moved his work to the study. Sorry, Miss Nian, I have to go. Excuse me." Frankie had the sinking feeling he'd said too much.     

"Oh, bye," Debbie said. After nodding to Debbie again, Frankie drove off. Debbie looked at the study on the second floor, and her eyes met those of the man standing by the window.     

When she saw Carlos, Debbie smiled awkwardly and dialed his number.     

When his phone rang, Carlos checked the screen. Recognizing the caller ID, he picked it up.     

Face to face, looking at each other, they talked on the phone, one in the parking lot, the other on the second floor of the house, staring out the window.     

"Um, Mr. Huo, I came to pick up Piggy. Thanks for taking care of her. Could you please have a servant take her downstairs?" Somehow, Debbie resisted going inside the manor.     

It was too depressing a place for her. She didn't want to find out who or what was waiting for her.     

Carlos wasn't in the mood to indulge her request. "Come inside," he said. He hung up and walked away from the window.     

Debbie grappled with her emotions in the car. She sat there for a few minutes, trying to muster up the courage to enter the manor.     

The place brought back too many painful memories. She didn't know how to face it all.     

Eventually, she killed the engine and stepped out of the car, shopping bag in hand.     

She rang the doorbell, and a housemaid answered. She didn't know Debbie but was smart enough to understand that whoever could pass the guards at the gate was Carlos' guest. "Hi, Miss. Mr. Huo is upstairs. Please come in."         


"Thanks." Debbie changed into slippers and walked inside.     

The paintings, plates and the paneling were exactly the same as she remembered them, but the furniture was different.     

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