Take My Breath Away

Chapter 393

Chapter 393: Karma Is A Bitch


Seeing her smile, Kinsley made the next move. He asked in a serious tone, "Miss Li, may I call you Stephanie?"     

Stephanie looked him straight in the eye. She saw a look of love reflected in his gaze. "Yes," she conceded.     

Kinsley put one hand behind his back and extended the other to Stephanie. "Stephanie, my beautiful muse, would you do me the honor of having lunch with me?"     

Carlos never talked to her like this. She was touched. 'It's just a meal, ' she thought. "Okay," she agreed.     

Kinsley's eyes narrowed with joy as he smiled. It was working so well. "Great. Let's go. It's only a five-minute walk, and there's no parking lot. Got your walking shoes on? If not, I can give you a piggyback ride."     

'Piggyback?' Stephanie's heart was filled with warmth, and she swore it fluttered, but she shook her head. "I'm about to get engaged. Boundaries," she reminded him.     

Kinsley acted disappointed. The smile on his face faded. "Okay. Shall we?"     

Stephanie sensed his disappointment. She thought of Carlos. He didn't love her, she knew. Carlos was always cold to her, never betraying even a hint of affection. 'So why should I hurt this guy's feelings? He's better to me than Carlos.'     

That afternoon, when Stephanie got back from lunch, she was in a much better mood than usual. There was a spring in her step as she walked the halls of the hotel. When she passed by Carlos' room, she knocked. A strange man opened the door. "Miss Li," the man said.     

"Where's Carlos?" she asked.     

The man moved aside to make way for her. "Mr. Huo is working inside."     

Stephanie made to walk inside, but on second thought, she decided not to. "Oh, I'll come back later."     

"All right, Miss Li."     

She went to her own room. No sooner had she put her purse on the table than her phone buzzed. Kinsley had sent her a text. "You back in the hotel?"     

She replied immediately, "Yeah, I just got back."     

"Today was the happiest day of my life, spending it with you. I can't wait to see you again."     

Stephanie read the message but didn't reply to it.     

She went back to Carlos' room. He was super-busy. The members of the board were very unhappy about James' affair. It was a stain on the company. They demanded he step down. Some of them even told Carlos if he didn't take over as CEO, they would resign.     

Debbie had caused a sensation on the Internet; the Huo family was falling apart. Thanks to her, even a multi-national corporation like ZL Group was in chaos. Carlos was never more impressed than now.     

Stephanie watched him answer one phone call after another. Even his forehead was frowning. "How did things get this bad?" she asked.     

Carlos looked at her silently.     

Actually, he knew.     

She knew as well, and wasn't shy about pointing it out. "You should have gotten rid of that bitch when you had the chance. Debbie Nian is a troublemaker, and you let her get away with it.     

At first it was just a personal feud between her and your father. Now even the company is affected. ZL Group is now in trouble, and if you remove her, the problem goes away."     

"Listen to you! ZL Group's troubles are because of James, no one else," Carlos retorted.         


Debbie was only a woman. If Carlos wanted to stop her, she would be stopped.     josei

Stephanie knew what he was thinking. "True, but it's not like you'll do anything, anyway."     

Again, she had hit the nail on the head.     

He stayed there for no more than three days. After that, Carlos headed to the headquarters in his home city. He had to take care of this scandal once and for all.     

Reporters had gathered at the entrance of ZL Group's offices, waiting for an opportunity to interview James. This was seriously juicy gossip, and even sound bites would mean more clicks online.     

Some employees were milling about in the crowd. They were holding white banners decrying James Huo, calling him "scumbag" and "liar." Their chanting was lost in the din, until you got close to them. Then it was clear—they didn't want James as their CEO. "James Huo doesn't deserve to be the CEO. Dismiss him!"     

When Carlos' car came into view, the crowd swarmed around the Emperor. It would be hard to press forward without running anyone over. Luckily, Frankie had called in more security guards beforehand to make sure everyone was safe.     

"Mr. Huo, please ask James Huo to quit. Can you take over?"     

"Our company's stocks are plummeting. Get him out, Mr. Huo."     

"Yes, Mr. Huo, we are looking forward to your leadership." Despite his sternness, Carlos was righteous, just, and extremely competent. The employees knew this, and looked up to him. ZL Group was a thriving corporation with him at the helm.     

On the contrary, James wasn't as capable as Carlos. He played favorites, and put yes-men in positions of power. And he lived a rotten life, dragging the company's reputation down with him.     

Carlos looked at the employees, stone-faced. All of them fell silent under his gaze.     

"The board is investigating the matter. When they figure it out, they'll let you know. Go back to work. Anyone out here protesting when they're supposed to be working will be fired. ZL Group doesn't need employees who turn on each other in a crisis." Carlos stood amongst the crowd. He didn't have to get mad or yell to make people listen to him. His awe-inspiring presence did all the work.     

After that, he turned around and strode into the building, followed by his assistants and bodyguards. They looked like a royal procession, and few would soon forget what they witnessed.     

Under pressure from the Internet and the other employees, James resigned. The board voted, and it was unanimous—Carlos was back in the saddle again as the new CEO. He was also made CEO of the New York branch.     

All the accusations that Debbie had made were bulletproof. James had no way to fight against them.     

He was so pissed that he passed out and was moved into the ICU.     

As soon as he came around, Carlos handed him divorce papers and asked him to sign his name. James turned to the last page and saw that Tabitha had already signed hers.     

He was mad, but mostly calm, til he came to the clause that said he wouldn't see a penny out of the divorce.     

'Won't get a penny?' When he read this, James tore the papers into shreds, tossing them into the air. As they rained down around them, he shouted, "I won't get a divorce. I won't sign my name! I raised you like a son, and you do this! Everyone has turned against me, but you're my kid. I promise I'll be good to your mom. I'll fly back to New York as soon as I get well."     

Carlos shifted his sharp gaze from the pieces on the floor to him. "I need to know what you did to Debbie three years ago. What makes her hate you so much?" he asked coldly.     

James was stunned when Debbie's name was mentioned. "Didn't I already tell you everything?" he said.     

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