Take My Breath Away

Chapter 445

Chapter 445: Marry Me


Too drunk to make up a story, she hemmed and hawed, but a fit of dizziness came over her.     

Upon seeing her reaction, Carlos chuckled and said, "Let me tell you why, Evelyn's mom."     

"Er... Okay."     

"It's because Evelyn is not Hayden's daughter. Her toes, teeth and ears look exactly like mine when I was little. So again, who's the father?" Evelyn looked a lot like her mom. She could be Debbie's "Mini-Me."     

But if you looked closer, you'd see Evelyn's toes looked identical to Carlos' toes when he was younger.     

Carlos hadn't noticed this before. When he saw the DNA test report and knew she was his daughter, he felt cheated. She didn't look like him at all. He even studied each part of Evelyn carefully, and compared her and himself through a mirror.     

Not only so, but he also sent photos to Miranda and asked her whether they looked like each other.     

After receiving the text, Miranda picked up the phone and called him back immediately.     

Before he could say anything, Miranda told him, "Evelyn's definitely your daughter. Superficially, she looks like Debbie. But just look at the toes, the teeth, even the ears. Thanks to James, you haven't been able to see your daughter for two years. That has to hurt."     

'It does. Debbie must have suffered a lot.     

But at least she's raising her right, ' Carlos thought, feeling both frustrated and pitiful.     

Upon hearing Carlos' words, Debbie tried to deny it. "Yeah, right."     

Carlos sneered, "Why are you still being so stubborn? What are you afraid of? Think I'll take Evelyn away?"     

He was right. That was the money shot. She was afraid that he would take her daughter away from her and that she would never see her again.     

Decker sprung up, landing on the hood of Carlos' car with his rear end. He settled himself, lit a cigarette, and watched as they got into it.     

Carlos let Debbie go, opened the car door, took out a file and passed it to her. "Facts speak louder than words," he said calmly.     

'DNA test report? Jerk! When did he do this?'     

Debbie thought to herself, grinding her teeth.     

She pouted her lips and asked, "So what tipped you off?"     

Actually Carlos had begun to figure it out a long time ago. But back then, he trusted James a lot. He even believed Hayden when the man claimed Piggy as his own. Why would he have any reason to believe otherwise? Until that night... "Do you remember the night we spent on that island?"     

She had told him that Evelyn's father was neither Hayden nor Ivan.     

He trusted her, so the only explanation was both Hayden and James had lied.     

"Now that you know, what's next?" Debbie asked, waiting for his answer.     

Without hesitation, Carlos answered, "You divorce Ivan and marry me. I don't want Evelyn calling anyone else 'Daddy.'"     

"And if I don't?"         


"Then I take her away. She'll be Evelyn Huo, and live in my manor. Up to you," he said meaningfully.     

'Evelyn Huo. It has a ring to it!' he thought.     

'What should I do? Seems like I don't have a choice, ' Debbie thought.     

Of course she wanted to give Evelyn a wholesome family. Everything she had been doing all this time was to do just that. She nudged Carlos and said, "Go home, Mr. Handsome."     

Her mind was in a haze, and she didn't think it was wise for her to negotiate right now.     

Carlos cast a casual glance at Decker, who was sitting on the hood smoking, and asked, "You still here?"     

Decker took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled the smoke before answering indifferently, "Yeah. I need my beauty rest."     

Carlos was not happy about his attitude, so he decided to expose him. He turned to look at Debbie and said, "Your brother isn't who you think he is—"     

"Carlos Huo!" Decker interrupted him. He jumped off the hood and stood beside the couple.     

Carlos looked him in the eye, saying nothing.     

Decker wanted nothing more than to punch that cold face. "Stay out of my business!" he warned.     

"Sounds like he touched a nerve," Debbie said. "So who are you? And what is he talking about?" Debbie asked with concern.     

Carlos smiled slyly and said, "I can have my men look into it."     

Decker pulled Debbie behind him, and looked at Carlos defiantly. "Carlos Huo, do you want to marry her or not?"     

"What do you mean?" Carlos asked.     

Thinking of Carlos as his brother-in-law, Decker chuckled and said, "Stay out of it, or I won't let you marry her."     

'I knew it!' Carlos thought.     

'Curtis and Colleen want me to call them "Uncle" and "Aunt." And now Decker threatens me.     

He's got another thing coming.' Carlos flashed a smile and said, "Yates is looking for you. He said he'd like to cut you to bits. Should I let him know where you are?"     

Decker's face changed dramatically as he cursed, "Asshole!"     

Carlos' eyes darkened. "My baby's mom can call me what she wants. You, on the other hand..." Carlos took two steps closer to Decker.     josei

Debbie's heart skipped a beat as she immediately grabbed hold of Carlos and coaxed him, "Carlos, just go home. Evelyn is still waiting for you. What if she misses you and starts crying?"     

Carlos cast a warning glance at Decker before straightening his suit. He told Decker coldly, "I can do good things for you. I can calm Yates down and you two can be partners in crime, so to speak. He has operations in more than one country. I can also be a powerful enemy. Think about it. All you have to do is talk Debbie into marrying me. It's the only way she'll be happy. I can make you happy too, if you do as I ask."     

Debbie's words froze in her throat. 'Seriously? He's trying to buy my brother off!' she thought.     

'Is it a bribe or a threat?' Decker wondered.         


Of course he knew how powerful Carlos was. Yates seldom did anyone a favor, yet he was good friends with Carlos. And a mob boss was the same. When Carlos said he could give him foreign influence, Decker knew he meant it.     

Carlos placed his left palm gently at the back of Debbie's neck and forced her to look at him. Despite Decker standing right there, he kissed her on the lips and said, "Watch your brother, but not too closely. He's not a good guy. You don't want to be a part of what he's into."     

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