Take My Breath Away

Chapter 632 Im A Man

Chapter 632 Im A Man

Blair was already through at least five glasses of red wine. She didn't want more, neither could she take any more, so she covered the glass with her hand to stop Orion from topping it off.

There was another thing that concerned her. "You drunk quite a bit too. How are you going to drive me home now? Don't bother. I'll just get a cab." She didn't like bothering people. Or, a more apt sentence would be that it was troublesome when she had to return the favors.

"Nah, it's no big deal. I have my driver. He'll drive us home." Orion insisted on helping her. Actually, he didn't want her to leave so soon.

Blair continued to try and take her leave. "No, no. I have to get back home before midnight. You have work to do tomorrow and besides, we'll be colleagues from the day after that. There'll be plenty of chances for us to talk, right?"

Orion sighed and finally gave in, putting down the bottle of red wine. "Fine. But I'll come with you. My driver and I will take you home first."

Blair took her leave from the other guys and left with Orion. She wasn't that drunk and didn't want him to drive her but he couldn't be persuaded otherwise. The trouble was, as soon as she walked out of the pub, a sudden gust of cold wind made her shiver and suddenly, she began to feel a little dizzy.

The red wine's effects seemed to have been delayed on her. Back inside, she wasn't feeling drunk at all and easily gulped down a few more glasses. But now, the alcohol was beginning to take over her. Her legs began to stumble.

Seeing her red face, Orion wrapped his arms around her to support her and asked in a concerned tone, "Are you okay, Blair?"

She waved her hand at him airily. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. But looks like I really do need to go home now."

Orion then called his driver to bring the car around while they waited in front of the pub. Before the driver could even get to the parking lot, a tall person got out of a car nearby and strode towards them. Before they knew, his big hand was gripping Blair's wrist. "I'm taking you home," he told Blair.

Looking at the tall and strong man in front of them, Orion asked with a puzzled look on his face, "And who are you? How do you know her?"

Blair raised her eyes and squinted. Her vision was becoming a little blurry. "Wesley? You came?" As she said that in a pleasantly surprised tone, her body leaned itself towards the man, landing full support on him.

A strong whiff of red wine filled his nose and his face darkened up. Without hesitation, he scooped the woman up in his arms. She was in no state to walk!

Orion hastily stopped him from leaving. "Hey, hey, hey. Hang on! Put her down! Who are you? Why are you taking Blair away? How do you even know her?"

Wesley cast a cold glance at the blonde foreigner standing in front of him and told him in flawless English, "I know her. That's enough! What's the problem?"

Blair shook her head to sober up a little. It was getting harder for her to speak. "Orion, he's my friend. Don't worry. I'll go with him. You go bac

really hard to deal with when she was drunk. He pulled out his phone, thinking that he would call Hartwell and ask Joslyn to come over.

Blair shot to her feet like lightning, ran to him faster than he had ever seen her move, and snatched his phone away. "Are you going to call Megan?" She confronted him as if a wife had found out about her husband's affair. "Do you want to ask her to keep you company tonight? Wesley, I know you don't like me. But you shouldn't hurt me like this."

"Me, hurt you?" Wesley sighed heavily.

"You were going to call Megan, ask her to come over, and make me the third wheel. How is that not hurting me? If you dare do that tonight... I...I'll jump out of here." Blair pointed towards the window. She was blatantly threatening him, even though the window had bars. Anyway, she allowed herself to be unreasonable under such circumstances. josei

Wesley felt a little remorseful now. Why had he asked his men to track her GPS earlier? Things would have been so much easier if he hadn't. But there was no use crying over spilt milk. Still, why did he go to pick her up from the pub?

If he hadn't gone there, the foreigner might have been the one being tortured by the drunk Blair now.

She would have been hugging that foreigner and sharing a bed with him... But wait, he didn't like it when he pictured the scene in his mind. Damn, what did he want?

In the end, he silently walked towards the bathroom to wash his face. It seemed like the easiest path.

Taking advantage of this chance, Blair lay down on the bed with his phone in her hands. She wanted to check on him. His phone had been unlocked. She slid her fingers on the screen and tapped on his WeChat.

However, the topmost chat head caught her attention. The last person he had texted was Megan.

Now she was drunk... but just a little bit. She just felt a little dizzy and in any case, she was the boss tonight. So ignoring all kinds of manners and politeness, she tapped on the name she hated and scrolled through the chat logs.

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