Take My Breath Away

Chapter 987 Being Faithful Is For Chumps

Chapter 987 Being Faithful Is For Chumps

"And? Is a woman more important than the Theo Group?" Peterson asked in reply. This was not what he wanted to hear.

Sheffield shifted his eyes from the glass in his hand to Peterson. "Then why should I come back?" He spoke in a cold tone, as if he were not talking to his biological father.

Actually, Peterson had tried to get Sheffield to take over the company a few years back, but Sheffield rebuffed him each time.

After Sheffield made inroads in drug research and development, Peterson had given up on that idea. Now that he had something he was interested in, why should he leave that behind?

But Sheffield had given all of that up. He had gone to the countryside to offer some much-needed medical support. That was when Peterson started to think that maybe he could lure the young man back to the company.

Peterson was expecting an uphill battle. After all, he had been turned down by Sheffield several times. But the young doctor contacted him first. He agreed to come back and take over the company. Peterson was so excited that he and his assistant even went to the D City to pick Sheffield up.

Not giving anyone a chance to raise objections, he let Sheffield move into the position immediately.

Peterson had also racked his brains to figure out what could have made Sheffield change his mind, and when he realized what it might be, his eyes widened in shock.

'So he came back because of her? Is she really that attractive to Sheffield?' he thought to himself in disbelief.

Knowing that he had figured it out, Sheffield turned around and left.

Joshua ran after Sheffield. When they were out of earshot, Joshua said angrily, "What did you think you were doing, anyway?"

"What? I don't understand." Sheffield didn't like parties much. When Evelyn left, he got bored and frustrated. So he decided to leave. Was Joshua talking about that?

"Why did you pour red wine on Evelyn? And you even blamed it on me. Some friend you are!"

"Her back was bare. People were starting to stare." The way those men looked at her made him very uncomfortable.

When he ruined her evening dress last time, he warned her not to wear such a revealing dress again. Apparently, she hadn't learned her lesson. Well, he was going to teach her.

Joshua looked at the calm man in astonishment and asked, "What? You caused a scene over that?"

"Yeah! So?" Sheffield was getting bored with the conversation.

Joshua rolled his eyes at

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

problem with him, I can't do anything about it. I'll just live the rest of my life taking care of Gwyn. But if you keep out of this and trust me for once, I'll..." 'I'll do my best to get Sheffield back, ' she thought.

Carlos felt a little embarrassed. To cover up his embarrassment, he let out a cold hum and said, "That's all you can do. Are you going to give up if I stop you? Do you really love him?"

Evelyn sighed and held his arm. "Dad, please stay out of this. I can do this myself, okay?"

"Okay, but don't tell him about Gwyn first. Let him feel the way I did."

Evelyn was flabbergasted. "Dad! You wanna let Mom know about this?"

"About what?" Debbie had just washed Gwyn's clothes and was about to check on the baby. When she opened the door, she heard father and daughter talking.

Carlos winked at his daughter and said, "Nothing, honey."

Carlos' reaction amused Evelyn. Regardless of his petty action, she said to Debbie, "Dad didn't want me to tell Sheffield about Gwyn. He wanted him to feel the way he did." josei

Carlos' face soured at Evelyn's words. "Evelyn Huo, you little traitor," he reprimanded. 'Gwyn is the only one who listens to me, ' he thought bitterly.

Debbie came over to Carlos and punched his shoulder as hard as she could. "Look, you got what you wanted. Everything is fine now. Evelyn and Calvert got engaged, and we've got the money. If you butt into their lives again, I'll... I'll run off and leave you!"

What wasn't fine initially was Evelyn's ectopic pregnancy, and the money Debbie was referring to was the profit from Sheffield's research into different drug therapies.

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