Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

117 Cassie Had Other Plans -The guilt on Kenith’s face was all the evidence Cassie needed to confirm if he had committed the crime or not. It was like in the movies when slow-motion is activated, although it had been for a fleeting moment, the way their gaze connected and the deep remorse on his face, her heart constricted.

It was as if a knife went through her heart and she was unable to breathe as she confirmed the truth. He betrayed her! He told her nothing was going on between Arianna and him and yet this appears? Kenith fooled her completely.

No, she needed to speak with him. Cassie wanted him to look her deep in the eyes and confess his sins, however, that was impossible right now. With what happened, security was tight and Big Joe would find it suspicious if he found reports that she visited him. So if she was going to see Kenith tonight, it had to be done secretly – and with help.

Cassie branched into another corner of the hallway and although it looked like she wanted to pick up the plates that the male assholes had dropped around carelessly, she was searching for something, or maybe, somebody.

She was well aware of the cameras and made sure to do nothing to elicit suspicion, especially now pressure was high in the gang.

So when she entered a certain room, she quickly wrote down a note and paste it on a hidden corner of the room where she was sure he would get the message and others wouldn’t be able to see it and left immediately.

Satisfied with her effort, Cassie went back to her duty post. It was a good thing that most people didn’t know she was in a relationship with Kenith because all her colleagues could discuss throughout the day was the incident.

As women were big gossips, every one of them was quick to add their own version of what happened. They tried to drag her into the conversation but Cassie tactically extracted and pretended to be a listener instead with a smile that didn’t touch her eyes. She was always a quiet person so the gossip didn’t give much thought to her silence even though she was seething inside.

Trust women and their ability to exaggerate everything, her colleagues became an investigative panel that try to sort out who was at fault in the incident. As expected, most of the blames landed on her boyfriend Kenith who they claimed couldn’t control his urges that he almost jumped his boss’ wife.


“It’s nobody’s fault that Big Joe’s wife is pretty!” They laughed it off exuberantly, turning the whole thing into a caricature.

Cassie knew how much control she had to summon to keep herself from grabbing the nearest knife from the rack and slit their throats open. She would stab them over and over till their voices were silenced forever and their laughter became a pained scream.

No, Cassie had to rouse herself from the gory thought in her head and excused herself from duty with the claim that she was not feeling well. As soon as Cassie entered her small living quarter, she threw herself down on the bed and cried hard.

However, the cold chill in her eyes afterward was disturbing. All of this was Arianna’s fault, she tightened her hands into a fist. Everything was going well until she appeared. How she wished she could disappear.

Although she was tired, Cassie did not catch a wink as she waited patiently for a response to her message, and not long at midnight, the answer came with a knock on her door.

“We should go now,” The man said to her and Cassie wasted no effort, she followed him immediately.

This man was no other than one of Kenith’s own people so she had no problem trusting him. Even on their way, there were people on patrol duty while the rest of them were asleep, they didn’t give much thought to them.

Cassie stared at the cameras ahead with worry but since the man walked with confidence, she guessed there was nothing to worry about. They must have done something to it.

Not long after, they found themselves in the lower part of the house and the man directed her to a certain cell with instructions, “I was able to buy off just five minutes, so whatever you plan on doing, just know that your time is limited,”

“Thank you,” Cassie was grateful for the opportunity and left quickly knowing that her time was running out.

It was night already and because this was a detached section of the building, there was limited visibility yet Cassie was able to identify Kenith on the floor at just a glance.

He must have sensed her presence as well because he jerked up to his feet with a look of disbelief.

“Cassie!” He rushed to the gate and through the bars reached for her with longing.

Although Cassie let him touch her face, there was still resentment in her heart as she spoke through gritted teeth, “How could you?” her eyes teared up.

Kenith swallowed, guilt stabbing him in the chest as he apologized, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to,”

But those words only made her angry, “You promised me! You told me nothing was going on even when I sensed it!” She was a woman with instincts and knew when her man’s attention shifted.

“And nothing was wrong, Arianna was the one who seduced me,” He shifted the blame to her immediately.

“What?!” Cassie was stunned, it seemed like someone just sent a shocking revelation to her.

“You should know by now I would never betray you,” He used her feelings for him to get away from the blame.

“And this is why there’s now a shift in the plan,” He gave her a little information, tactically changing the conversation.

“What do you mean by that?” Cassie was astounded at the news yet elated at the same time. Kenith was finally letting her in on the plans. josei

Kenith said, “We can’t let Big Joe and Arianna get married,”

Cassie was stunned by the news neither did the both of them notice the pair of eyes watching them from the shadows.

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