Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

472 I Like Your Brand Of Crazy

Clara was seething with hatred as she stared at Marcel dancing with that woman. Whether the redhead or not, she hated any woman close to Marcel. She was the one supposed to be dancing happily with Marcel, not that bitch. He was her fiancé, they should all back off.

So she looked for an opening to strike and when Marcel lowered her, Clara notified her friend with a nod and she twirled her at that moment, her bum intentionally hitting Marcel’s date in the face. The bitch should have fallen to the ground with the amount of momentum she knocked her with, but she only stumbled and Marcel managed to pull her back up.

Their gaze met and Clara was shocked to discover that the bitch was the same person as that redhead – she must have dyed her hair. How dare she! Marcel was no longer dating her in the secret, he was taking her out in public now. Didn’t Marcel say that she was only an important guest? How dare he deceive her. Clara knew that if she wasn’t careful, that woman would take her place and she would not let that happen.

Their gaze met and Clara smirked evilly. She would destroy her tonight.

“How are you?” Marcel asked in concern while Arianna rubbed her throbbing temple. She glared at Clara who smirked victoriously for securing that strike.

“We should leave,” Marcel would not let her get injured because of his damn pride knowing that Clara did that on purpose. He had been carried away that he didn’t see her coming and it was his fault.

“No,” Arianna refused to his surprise when she had been the one suggesting that moments ago.

“She’s seen us already. Since she wants to play, I’m game.” Arianna said with determination, fire burning in the depths of her eyes. She couldn’t leave here a loser, Clara would pay for that move.

“What do you suggest then?” Marcel liked the flames in her eyes knowing that she was up to no good. It was in situations like this that he liked her temper – not when she was using it against him


“Carnage,” Arianna said with a devilish glint in her eyes, moving in tune to the music instantly. Thanks to that incident, she and Marcel had fallen out of rhythm, but not anymore.

Clara and her evil minion were just two partners away from their position and when they moved in their direction, Arianna and Marcel did too and it was an instant clash. Clara reached out and yanked on her hair but Arianna elbowed her in the guts hard, knocking the breath out of her lungs while Marcel tripped her partner, and they both fell, bringing another couple down with them. An instant hush fell over the hall as even the orchestra stopped playing in the chaos.

Clara didn’t move, she was dumbfounded as if she couldn’t believe that she just lost. The couples they knocked down, pushed away from them with irritation, a firm look on their face demanding an explanation. However, Clara screeched like a banshee instead, pointing at them accusingly and Arianna turned to Marcel, saying just one word,


Without a second thought, Marcel grabbed her hand and pulled her along as they both broke into a sprint as if their lives were on the line. However, Clara would not let them go easily and chased after them like a mad woman. Seeing the situation, Arianna slowed down and pulled off her heel – she couldn’t run fast with it anyway- tossing it at Clara as it hit her straight in the stomach and she bent over in pain.

Arianna grabbed the second heel and hurled it at the minion and it was a clean shot because it landed right on her head and she fell back down, drawing a chuckle from Marcel’s lips.

Together they ran out of the hall with Clara falling behind them. Marcel wanted to head to the entrance but that was the first place Clara would come running and she wasn’t sure Luca was in sight – they should have noticed him they were on their way out so he could get the car ready.

“Come on, there should be a worker’s exit!” Arianna said from experience of working as a barista. They ran along the passageway until they spotted a staff entering a door and they followed after him into the kitchen creating a slight commotion. Luckily, they located the exit they had been searching for and rushed out, the fresh breeze greeting them upon arrival.

They shut the door behind them and waited, Arianna, leaning against the wall as she tried to catch her breath. They waited and when nobody came out after a while, the both of them burst into laughter.

“That was oddly fun!” Arianna breathed, her head still reeling from the rush earlier with her body thrumming with excitement. She defeated that bitch and it was satisfying. josei

“Yeah,” Marcel came to stand in front of her, boxing her into the wall as he said, “I like your brand of crazy,” their breath mingled together and she felt aroused by their proximity. They had exited into the restaurant’s backyard and it was a small garden, nor was there anybody in sight aside from the lamp post barely illuminating their presence.

Marcel ran his hand through his hair, and she was unable to look away, staring at his chiseled face before her gaze flickered down to his lips and then back to his heated gaze, the hardness in his eyes telling her that she was not the only one affected with desire.

Their lips met hungrily, a moan leaving her mouth at the intensity of the kiss. Marcel pressed her back, grinding his evident arousal against her which made Arianna gasp and made way for his tongue to slide in and stroke across hers.

Arianna fisted her hand in his golden curls, ruffling his hair styled into perfection for the date while his hands slipped beneath her gown and trailed up her thighs until it rested on her bum, and to his shock, she was wearing nothing beneath.

Marcel parted from her, shocked.

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