Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 495

Chapter 495

495 Strange New Feelings

“You can’t catch me!” chorused the triplets as they darted out of Winter’s reach each time she came close to catching any of them.

By the stars! Winters groaned with annoyance. They have been playing blind man’s buff for over an hour. That was not all, ever since she failed Elsa’s test, the twins have subjected her to one game or the other and she was fucking tired.

First, Elsa had dragged her to their room and there, she became their test subject as they applied makeup on her face and laughed each time they made a horrible mistake. By the time they were done, Winters looked like a mime and the triplets spent a good time laughing over her before taking funny pictures of her and with them together. josei

To be honest, even the phones the kids used were more expensive than hers, Reina and Niklaus sure cherished their kids and for that alone, they got her respect. Reina hit her as a good person because If she could treasure her kids this well, there was no doubt Chloe would be treated well too. They just had to find her and they would think about the rest later.

Thanks to the kid’s selfish games, Winters came to discover that Ella has dreams of being a fashion designer when she grows up, and guess who ended up being her mannequin for today? It was her! Winters couldn’t even begin to count the numerous times the pin dug into her body and drew blood. But nobody noticed because the fabric was red and the color of her blood merged with it.

As an amateur “fashion designer”, Ella stabbed and probed Winters till she was sure that she would faint from blood loss. The worst part? She couldn’t even tell if the kid did that on purpose or not because Ella looked so passionate wrapping the fabric around her and holding them with the pins as depicted on her designs hanging on the wall. In one word, the kids were problematic and it was no wonder nobody in the city wanted to nanny them.

Now, she was on their large lawn, playing blindfolded with them, and was as tired as hell. Had Winters known, she would have insisted on finding Chloe while Mimi dealt with these devils. She was tired; her feet hurt and she was tasty; she needed water. But this was a mission, she can’t mess it up for Mimi and had to endure until she was done.

“Watch out!”

Winters didn’t even have the time to comprehend that warning because her world swirled and before she knew it, she was falling after bumping into something, or someone judging from the strong arm that quickly wrapped around her waist, steadying her.


“Whoah,” A deep baritone chuckled, catching her.

Brows slowly furrowed, Winters was curious as to who was holding her because that was clearly a male. Hence, she tugged off her blindfold only to stop breathing.

It was indeed a “whoa” because she was staring at the most handsome man she had ever laid her eyes on and Winters forgot how to breathe. Since that incident in her past that traumatized her, men had never appealed to her and at a point, she was beginning to think that she was lesbian until now.

He had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen, it was captivating and serene and she wanted to stare at them all day. His blonde hair that touched down his nape looked even silkier than hers and she was tempted to run her hands through it and test out the smooth and pleasant sensation.

His eyebrows were thick with long lashes that made her jealous and then his lips.... his lips... it was too kissable and Winters had to establish a great deal of self-control so as not to lunge at him and kiss the hell out of him and label herself the title of pervert.

His arms around her waist were strong and steady. Winters actually shivered as his hand traveled down her spine before he pulled away, and she moaned at the loss of contact. She wanted him to hold her forever. Heck! Where was that silly thought coming from?

“Sorry,” The handsome man jerked away from her as if he was electrocuted. Winters didn’t have the time to think about that reaction because they heard a scream from behind them.

“Akim!” Diego was the first one to scream and jump at him and Akim caught him nor did Winters miss the action. She watched immensely as his muscles rippled with strength as he caught the big boy. He must work out a lot because Diego might be fourteen but he was taller than children around his age. And heavier, probably.

But Akim carried him as if he was worth nothing and Winters was jealous, she wished to be the one in his arms. God, where was this thought coming from? She was never the type to pin after a man no matter how handsome he was or the fact her lady libido chose now to be active. Fuck it all.

Akim spent almost five minutes uniting with the kids and by the time he was done, Diego was down on the ground while Akim carried both girls on either side. Winters frowned, she wanted the girls of his body. He didn’t belong to them. God, no! Fine, she officially gives up.

“You didn’t tell us you were coming, Akim,” Elsa said, playing with his perfect hair and Winters actually glared at the little girl, not that she knew that she was even glaring.

“It was meant to be a surprise, and it worked,” Akim said, putting the girls down.

Winters was relieved by that gesture because she swore to God that she was tempted to do something about it and that confused the most. She never thought of herself as a jealous lover, well, it wasn’t like the twins had done anything to make her love them. But the point is, she doesn’t even know the guy, they weren’t even dating and she was acting all possessive already.

Thank the lord she was quitting today and she wouldn’t have to see him later anyway. Yeah, she was safe – safe from these strange new feelings.

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