Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 562

Chapter 562

562 [Bonus chapter]Finding Happiness

For strange reasons, Daniel Luciano felt lonely lately. After his son successfully banned him from interfering with his love life, he found out he had no social life and was bored out of his mind.

So he switched to drinking and having fun with his sugar babies to keep him occupied. But deep down, Daniel was restless for reasons he couldn’t tell. But one thing was for sure, he had to do something for himself, for his son, and the progress of the entire Luciano Clan.

It was already embarrassing that he lost his life mission. He failed to put his future generation in the royalty line. His stupid son Marcel jeopardized everything he had worked for and it was no wonder he was depressed. He chose to share the same bed with that Valeria scum!

“Valeria! Valeria Valeria!” Daniel tossed the glass he had in his hand hard against the wall and it shattered upon impact.

His chest was heaving hard and his eyes were wild and bloodshot. This was a result of Daniel getting insufficient sleep over the past few days. He could swear that Natalie was tormenting him in his sleep, because recently, all he could dream about was that night – the night where she shot herself and fell into that water, never to be seen again.

Perhaps the ghost of Natalie was around him and was purposely taunting him for failing to get Marcel married to Clara. Yes, that is it. She was mocking him! After all, he had sworn to piss on her grave once the kids were together. This was her vengeance.

But this was not the end. No, it can never be. Whoever laughs first laughs last. He still had her daughter and she would pay for the sins of her mother. He had to give it up for Natalie though, to be able to hide her daughter for so many years, it took skills. Natalie was, as expected, smart. That was what he loved about her, her quick wits and ferociousness.

Daniel was still lost in his thoughts when his second in command walked in hesitantly seeing the damage on the floor. He knew the man’s temper and it was best to avoid him while in a foul mood.

However, Daniel detested weakness as well and he would likely get punished if he sensed fear from him. Hence, even if he was about to be used as a sacrifice, the man put on a brave front and approached him,


“You called,”

Daniel rubbed his lower lips with his fingers, lost in his thoughts and it took about a minute before it answered, josei

“I need more information on the girl’s background. Where she lived before all of this mess, her relatives, whether dead or alive, her friends, everyone she had ever associated with....” He lifted his gaze, meeting the man dead in the eyes, “I want to know anyone close to her.”

“Of course, boss, ” The man nodded, swallowing a lump down his throat without showing it.

This was going to be hard, how was he going to investigate everyone the girl associated with? If it were other people, he would have thought they were exaggerating, but Daniel? No, he never jokes. If he wanted things done thoroughly. He would get it that way.

“You have just two days to get me what I want, so I suggest you get your ass moving,” Daniel ordered him coldly and he bowed low and took his leave.

Once the assistant left, Daniel relaxed back against the seat, feeling a lot better. He liked having a purpose, a plan, it made the future much clearer. It gave him motivation.

Marcel was a child who was still learning the ways of the world but he has walked this earth before him. Daniel believed he had more experience than his son and should be able to figure out a way out of this mess his stupid son has created for himself in the name of love. What the elders see while sitting, the young ones cannot see standing up.

Fine, if Marcel wanted that petty emotion called love, he’d let him have it. But not with a descendant of the Valeria family. Marcel would only be with that girl over his dead body.


“I heard you are sick,” Natalie felt a dip in her bed as Eric came to sit on the side.

Thank God she had stopped crying else Natalie wondered how she would explain her swollen eyes to him. But then, she honestly felt sick and it was all because of the shocking revelation she stumbled upon – and Eric didn’t need to know about it.

“Yes,” She croaked, “I think I caught a cold or something. But you don’t have to worry, I’ve taken my medicines and I’d better in the morning time. ” Natalie said.

Eric placed the back of his hand on her forehead to check her temperature and thankfully, she wasn’t running a high fever.

“It’s getting cold lately, you should limit your time in the open. I wouldn’t want anything happening to you.” He told her, leaning over to drop a gentle peck on the top of her head.

“Sure.” Natalie sighed in both bliss and wariness, shutting her eyes close. She was tired, mentally.

“I could spend the night with you if you want me to. I’ll keep you warm at night?” Eric teased her, his lips brushing dangerously close to her lips.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t want you catching a cold because of me,” Natalie claimed. The truth was that she wanted to be alone tonight. She wanted the guilt to gnaw continuously at her conscience – she wanted to punish herself. But with Eric by her side, it was difficult to do so.

It was obvious that Eric was hesitant about leaving her side. But he had no choice but to respect her decision and left her alone.

And as soon as the door closed, Natalie began to torment herself.

She blamed herself for everything that has happened so far. She failed Edward. She failed her daughter! She deserved whatever punishment came her way.

She didn’t deserve to fund happiness.

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