Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 – Chapter 70: This Woman Is Really Shameless

Jiang Xu was born.

It was a significant blow to Fu Yanjie’s young mind.

He was completely devastated.

Jiang Xu spread his hands innocently, saying: “I told you not to listen, but you wouldn’t listen, can you blame me?”

Fu Yanjie was furious: “From now on, our father-son relationship is severed, for ten minutes.”

Jiang Xu: “Fine, I’ll pretend I don’t have a son like you.”

In the end, it was Fu Yanjie who resigned defeat and dejectedly went to work.

Today, a helper came to lend An Nuonuo a hand.

She was also a girl from his class, her family was in poor condition, and she was somewhat shy.

Her name was Zhang Yuanyuan.

She was given five yuan more per day than what Zhang Zhiqiang received last time.

After the lunch was cooked, Jiang Xu saw Fu Yanjie also took the grill away.

“Why are you taking this too?”

“I don’t need it anymore.” Fu Yanjie scratched his head: “I noticed that the business of selling barbecue is doing well these days.

So I discussed with my dad and opened a barbecue shop in between several Internet cafes.

From now on, I can just get it from that shop; I don’t need to work so hard.”

Jiang Xu: “9.”

Rich people do know how to have fun.

Jiang Xu returned to his bedroom to continue writing his domineering CEO story.

Not long after he started writing, the phone rang.

It was a strange number.

After some thought, Jiang Xu decided to answer.

Immediately, Zhou Qingyue’s voice came through on the other end: “How have you been lately?”

The next second, a beep sound followed.

Jiang Xu cursed the lunatic in his heart, hung up the phone on the spot, and then blocked the number.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyue was on set.

After just a few days of intensive training, she was about to start shooting “Those Miserable Years of Youth.”

The first scene today was about reminiscing about school days many years later.

The director wanted Zhou Qingyue to perform sadness mixed with a hint of reminiscence.

She was always not very good at expressing sadness.

So, she called Jiang Xu.

As expected, he didn’t say a word to her and just hung up the phone.

Isn’t this the sadness that came?

Zhou Qingyue quickly got into character.

If Jiang Xu knew the purpose of this woman’s call, he would probably be even more annoyed.

“Good, very good, too perfect!”

The first scene was crucial.

The director was originally prepared to waste a few days’ time.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qingyue passed on her second try.

Liu Yue, standing by, had a wide grin on her face.

The surprises that Zhou Qingyue gave her kept increasing.

She couldn’t wait for this film to be released as soon as possible.

Zhou Qingyue let out a sigh of relief, and then thanked Jiang Xu in her heart.

You truly are my lucky star.

The shooting time for a day was originally eight hours.

But Zhou Qingyue wanted to finish the film sooner, so she volunteered for overtime.

The male actors were smiling on the outside, but they despised her inwardly.

After her part was done, she didn’t leave immediately.josei

Instead, she stayed on the set to observe how others performed and took notes.

She did not focus much on studying, but when it came to performing, she was extremely dedicated and serious.

Everyone in the film crew complimented Zhou Qingyue for being obedient and sensible.

But they didn’t know that she once hurt a young man to the core.

Around six in the afternoon, Fu Yanjie returned.

He had obviously become more tanned these past few days, but it made him look healthier.

Well, besides praising his health, there was nothing else worthy of praise.

After he divided today’s income, Fu Yanjie had a swig of soda.

Then he said, “Do you guys know, Li Honghong left the group.

Also, according to a neighbor who is close to her, her whole family has moved out.”

That was normal.

After all, that woman was always overly concerned about her image, she was very vain.

After things went down the way they did, it was only natural she couldn’t bear to stay any longer.

A thought crossed Jiang Xu’s mind: “What happened to her house?”

If it was up for sale and the price was right, he could buy it and take over that woman’s luck.

“I don’t know.” Fu Yanjie shook his head, “Are you interested?”

Jiang Xu nodded, “You have more connections, help me inquire about it.”

Fu Yanjie: “Okay, wait for my news.”

Fu Yanjie left.

An Nuonuo’s and Zhang Yuanyuan’s homes were on the way, so the two girls went home together.

On the way, Zhang Yuanyuan curiously asked, “Nuonuo, are you really related to Jiang Xu?”

“Yes… Yeah, what’s up?”

“Nothing.” Zhang Yuanyuan shook her head.

She had felt there was something odd about the dynamics between Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo all day.

They didn’t seem like family, rather…

It seemed like they were more than friends, but less than lovers.


Jiang Xu waited until everyone left, then ran to the washroom and closed the door.

He put on the sweater and pants.

He stood in front of the mirror, admiring himself from different angles.

“Wow, I look handsome, the clothes are beautiful, no wonder they were made by my future daughter-in-law. They look great and are very warm.”

Well, it was the height of summer, so it would be strange if wearing those didn’t make him warm.

He prided himself for a while before taking off the clothes.

They were drenched in sweat.

Oh well, he might as well wash them.

After washing them, he hung them up to dry and took a photo.

He posted it in his QQ space.

With the caption: Under the dwindling rays of twilight, suffused with a faint gold, drowned my youth.

It was nauseating, but Jiang Xu chose to post it anyway.

Soon, Fu Yanjie was the first to comment.

Three words: Gross!

Then An Nuonuo also commented, it was a smiling emoticon.

These days, a smiley face was not offensive.

At around eight in the evening, Jiang Xu arrived at his new house.

Renovations had started in the afternoon.

Because he wanted it to be completed as soon as possible, he had paid an extra two thousand yuan, asking the workers to work overtime.

He bought some drinks for the renovators on his way over.

Jiang Xu brought some clothes, daily goods, and books, and stored them in the bedroom on the second floor.

There was already a bookshelf in the room, which saved him from buying one separately.

By the time he finished, the decorators were off work.

The yard wasn’t large, judging by the current progress of construction, it would be completed in another two or three days.

It was quite late, so Jiang Xu decided to spend the night there.

After all, enough time had passed since the renovation, there wouldn’t be formaldehyde or anything like that.

Fu Yanjie sent him a message.

He had found out about Li Honghong’s house.

She was indeed planning to sell.

The house was ninety square meters.

It was already more than thirty years old, and the location was relatively remote.

So, she didn’t dare to ask for a high price, the total was 234,000 yuan.

That’s 2,600 yuan per square meter.

Jiang Xu reckoned he could still haggle the price down a bit.

However, he didn’t have much money left now.

He was left with 70,000 yuan after buying the house, and after purchasing the motorcycle and renovating the backyard, he spent nearly 20,000 yuan.

Now it all depended on how well his third novel sold.

If it performed well, perhaps by the time he completed the fourth novel, he would have enough to buy Li Honghong’s house.

The next day at noon.

Jiang Xu got a call from Lin Nan.

She sounded exceptionally excited, “Do you know how many copies of “Pure Lover” were sold?”

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