Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 206 206-News from the Obscured Celestial Realm

Chapter 206 206-News from the Obscured Celestial Realm

Chapter 206 Chapter206-News from the Obscured Celestial Realm

Pretending to be unconscious, Howard quietly extended his soul, hoping to glean some information from the conversations of the soldiers.

Unfortunately, they were hurriedly making their way, and even during their brief rests, there was little talk, leaving Howard unable to gather any useful information.

It was only when they encountered a group of mounted travelers that the soldiers stepped forward, declared their identities, and requisitioned the horses and carriages.

This interaction revealed to Howard the identity of the young girl he had saved.

She was the sole daughter of the Lord of Stormwind City!

Beyond this, Howard learned nothing more.

He couldn't keep pretending to be unconscious, especially not when arriving at Stormwind City Lord's Manor.

Facing the city lord directly while feigning unconsciousness would risk exposing his true identity.

Anyone capable of being a city lord, no matter the planet or realm, was not to be underestimated.

Thus, Howard waited until the young girl was weary and nearly asleep before he stirred his fingers and let out a groan.

When someone is on the verge of sleep, their guard is at its lowest, making it the perfect moment for Howard to show signs of awakening without arousing suspicion.

Sure enough, upon hearing Howard's groan, the girl woke up with a start and looked at him with surprise and joy. "You're awake?"

"Where... where is this?" Howard asked in a feigned weak voice.

"This is Storm Hills. I really can't thank you enough for before. Saving my life is a debt I can never repay. I am willing to offer myself in gratitude," the girl said, her cheeks flushing, yet her words were firm and resolute.

The Obscured Celestial Realm, being a rather traditional society, coupled with the debt of saving a life, made it unsurprising that the young girl, captivated by Howard's handsome appearance, would fall for him.

Internally scoffing, Howard nevertheless tapped his head, feigning surprise.

"Saved you? I... I don't remember doing that."

"Where exactly is this? Ah... my head hurts so much!"

"Why... why are there so many scars on my body?"

Hearing Howard's words, the girl immediately became anxious.

Seeing him holding his head in pain, she exclaimed in shock, "Oh no, you haven't lost your memory, have you? Do you remember your name?"

"My name... Ah! My head hurts so much!"

Howard's body trembled and convulsed.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in her heart.

After all, in her eyes, Howard had sustained such severe injuries solely in the act of saving her.

Watching Howard in such agony, the girl impulsively embraced him, holding him close.

She silently resolved to do whatever it took to help him recover, regardless of the cost.

Howard's acting skills were remarkable. Held in the girl's embrace, he gradually calmed his shaking body.

After a while, the girl pursed her lips and softly said, "If you can't remember, don't force yourself. Just focus on healing. I'll help you recover your memory! If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me."

"Thank you," Howard responded gratefully, nodding his head.

The girl shook her head and replied, "You saved my life; I should be thanking you. This is the least I can do!"

Expressing gratitude was indeed Howard's genuine feeling.

Many people aren't as kind-hearted as the young girl.

Seeing someone with amnesia, they might deem them worthless and simply abandon them.

As for the debt of saving a life?

If one were in a normal state, others might acknowledge it.

But with lost memories, why should they?

Discarding someone in that state could even be seen as a mercy.

Otherwise, they might deceive the amnesiac with falsehoods, claiming they were a guard or servant of their family.

What could the amnesiac do then?

Thus, Howard felt truly grateful.

The girl's simplicity allowed his plan to proceed smoothly.

Unfortunately for Howard, even without activating Draconic State, his physique was stronger than that of an ordinary person.

His superficial wounds healed quickly, making it difficult to feign weakness.

The girl had witnessed his head injury, or she might have doubted the possibility of his amnesia.

Once his body recovered, Howard no longer stayed in the carriage.

He began to ride alongside the girl, speeding through the hills and forests.

Whenever they encountered any special monsters or maps along the way, Howard would ask questions and receive answers.

By the time Howard and the girl arrived at a massive city, his understanding of this world had significantly improved.

The name of this world was peculiar, with at least twenty characters and divided into several parts.

Fortunately, Howard had chosen the amnesia tactic. josei

Otherwise, no matter how well he imitated the people of this world, a single question about his name would have immediately given him away.

The young girl held a notable status, with a full name comprising an impressive thirty-five characters.

It was formed, as Howard learned, by combining parental surnames with titles of nobility.

Due to this custom, people in this world took pride in the length of their names.

However, for daily convenience, they used shorter, simplified names.

The girl's simplified name was Aurelia.

Similar to the names within the Azure Sphere Alliance, Howard continued his charade by adopting 'Howard' as his name again.

As for a full name, lacking knowledge of specific titles and ranks, he couldn't fabricate one.

Fortunately, Aurelia's trust in Howard prevented her from becoming suspicious.

It was undeniable that in any world, identity and status always mattered.

With Aurelia's status, Howard faced no scrutiny and they entered Stormwind City directly.

Once inside Stormwind City, Howard continually observed everything, including its defensive measures.

The armor worn by the soldiers guarding the city was not particularly heavy, but the material was quite unique.

It seemed to be made of jade, appearing crystalline and translucent.

Howard could sense an astonishing power emanating from within the jade.

Even their weapons were crafted from jade.

The higher one's status, the more luminous and crystalline the jade appeared.

Besides the weapons and equipment, even the defensive measures within the city walls were quite unique.

Howard noticed the absence of any arrow towers or similar structures.

Even upon entering the city and looking back at the walls, he couldn't see any ballistae, catapults, or oil carts typically used in sieges.

Instead, there were several rounded objects, looking like crystals, affixed to the top of the city walls.

Although Howard had never seen such things before, the moment his gaze swept over them, his heart rate accelerated, and he felt a sense of lethal danger.

This made him immediately realize that those crystal-like objects were likely the defensive measures of this world.

Feeling a deadly threat to his current strength level, Howard speculated that these defenses could probably kill a typical awakened of around level 80.

This understanding made it clear to Howard that this world was not as simple as he had initially perceived.

The group that had been sent over must belong to an assassin-like profession, which would explain their combat style of first approaching invisibly before engaging in battle.

As for the others, they were likely similar to the awakened of the Azure Sphere, choosing their combat style based on their class and skills.

The classes might not differ significantly, but what truly astonished Howard was the different development paths.

The fact that the Obscured Celestial Realm had survived in the perilous cosmos for so long indicated that the overall strength of their plane was no less than that of the Azure Sphere.

Otherwise, they would have perished under the onslaught of demons or other planar attacks.

On this point alone, Howard would not underestimate their jade-made equipment or weapons.

However, Howard couldn't understand how such fragile material as jade could be effectively utilized for equipment.

During the previous battle, he had been wholly engaged in combat with the Winged Tiger King and hadn't paid much attention to the soldiers' fight against the tiger pack.

But this kind of question, even with his feigned amnesia, wasn't something Howard could easily ask. After all, it pertained to military matters.

Even if Aurelia was naive and trusting, her status as the city lord's daughter would surely raise suspicions.

Why would an ordinary person be interested in such details?

Moreover, for the people of the Obscured Celestial Realm, using jade as weapons and equipment, even in daily life, was ingrained in their very genes.

This wasn't something that would be questioned, not even by a newborn, let alone someone with amnesia.

It was akin to how Howard, from a young age, never questioned why iron could be forged into equipment or why people could awaken talents.

Speaking of talents, Howard also learned that the people of the Obscured Celestial Realm did not awaken talents as such.

Instead, they practiced a special cultivation method from a young age.

Based on what they cultivated, they determined their profession.

For instance, those who cultivated magical powers learned magic, while those who cultivated malevolent energy joined the army or became private troops for various powers.

Those with strong physiques learned various combat skills, becoming warriors or samurai.

Fortunately, though the cultivation methods differed, their origins were the same.

Howard possessed both magical power and a formidable physique, which would make him a prodigy even in this world.

This realization gave Howard confidence in his ability to survive in the Obscured Celestial Realm.

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